Citywide Manhunt/C127 Baby Pimples
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Citywide Manhunt/C127 Baby Pimples
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C127 Baby Pimples

"Unable to contact the outside world? Are you locked up? Why?" Previously, Qin Lang had only heard Qiao Lin say that his mother was a third party and that he was an illegitimate child. After his mother left his father, he was brought to a strange family where only his sister, Qiao Yan, cared for him. However, what kind of family would imprison their child for a month?

Qiao Lin smiled, "When you met me in the cinema city that year, I had already been there for a year. When I just turned eighteen years old, I broke off all ties with that family and ran out of there. It was probably because this matter angered my father."

Why did Qiao Lin leave that family? Qin Lang did not need to ask to know that no matter who it was, they would not be able to endure what happened in that family for long.

Qin Lang stepped forward and hugged her gently. He could not participate in Qiao Lin's past, could not change it, and could not do anything about it. He could only hope that in the future, he could always be by Qiao Lin's side to prevent him from getting hurt again.

"So, the coffee on your body..." Qin Lang gritted his teeth. The coffee smell on Qiao Lin's body was not caused by the waiter accidentally spilling the coffee on him. Instead, it was caused by his father.

Qiao Lin shook his head with a bitter smile, "That's not important anymore. Compared to this cup of coffee that was splashed on me, I know something more important. Thank you. I've been ignoring you for the past five years, but you still haven't forgotten about me, so that I won't be alone like I was in the past."

"Then..." Qin Lang suddenly felt a little embarrassed to speak.

"What?" Qiao Lin looked up at him, not knowing what he wanted to say.

"If you hadn't cut off contact with me five years ago and read these texts, would you have accepted me then?" Although this was just Qin Lang's assumption - if Qiao Lin had not cut off contact with him back then, he probably would not have had the courage to confide in Qiao Lin at that time - he still wanted to know Qiao Lin's answer.

"I don't think so." Qiao Lin did not hide anything and answered straightforwardly, "Because at that time, my feelings for you might not have been the same as now, but the closer I got to you, the more I understood you, and the more I changed my opinion and feelings for you."

Qiao Lin's honest answer did not make Qin Lang unhappy. Instead, it made him happy. He hugged the person in his arms even tighter, "So don't say thank you for waiting for five years. You should thank me for waiting for five years. It was time that changed your view of me and made me have you now."

However, Qin Lang was now the one who felt uneasy. "You said your father already knows about us?"

Qiao Lin nodded, "He had already guessed some of it when he saw those texts, and I told him the truth. I don't think there's anything shameful about our relationship. I don't count as going back to that house, so I don't want him to get in my way again, let alone give him a chance to interfere with our matters."

"Qiao Lin, won't you regret making this decision?" Qin Lang stared at the person in his arms.

"I made up my mind to leave that house, and no matter how hard it was, it was better than staying there, so I don't regret it. And as for being with you, when I made that decision, I never thought of turning back."

"No matter who I do wrong to, I won't do anything wrong to you." Qin Lang's answer was very certain. The person he had been waiting for five years finally belonged to him. He loved and doted on her, so how could he bear to hurt her?

"Alright, alright," Qiao Lin quickly pushed her away, knowing that it would not end if she continued to stick to him, "Stop saying such mushy words. I can't take it anymore. I still need to take a bath."

"Alright, go now." Qin Lang pushed her into the bathroom. "Aunt Liu and I went to the supermarket on our way back just now. We bought a lot of groceries. "

"Stop talking, I'm about to drool." Qiao Lin touched his stomach - a bowl of porridge in the morning was not enough to fill his teeth at all. He had been eating his bento box every day during filming. When he came back, he would accompany Qin Lang to eat takeout, and the food that he had cooked was a little hard to swallow. It had been a long time since he had eaten such delicious food that was made at home.

"Then hurry up and take a bath. We'll be able to eat quickly if we work together later." Qin Lang urged Qiao Lin to take a bath as soon as possible.

It was only when they went into the bathroom that he realized that although Qiao Lin had confessed a lot to him today, he still did not know what was going on in Qiao Lin's family, what kind of people his father, mother, and stepmother were.

When he heard the sound of running water in the bathroom, he left the bedroom and took out his phone in the living room to call Xu Zhou.

"Xu, can you help me find someone to check on Qiao Lin's family situation?" In fact, Qin Lang would not force Qiao Lin to say anything that he did not want to say, nor would he do anything that would make him angry. However, this matter concerned him and Qiao Lin, so he had to find out.

"Are you really planning to marry her and become her wife?" Xu Zhou teased on the phone. He did not find it strange that Qin Lang wanted to investigate Qiao Lin. After all, it was only a matter of time. After knowing him for five years, this was the first time that Qin Lang was so concerned about someone. This time, he must be serious.

"What do you mean you're going to marry him? He's already my wife."

"You don't have to check. When you gave me his information and wanted to send him to the company to be an intern, I had already asked someone to check on him. I'm sorry that I didn't ask for your permission." Xu Zhou did not have to worry about the person that Qin Lang sent to the company. However, he was the one who entered the company, so he had to know his background.

"Since you've been investigating for a long time, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Qin Lang was indeed a little unhappy. It was one thing for Xu Zhou's men to not greet him when they investigated him, but it was another thing for Xu Zhou to not tell him about Qiao Lin if he did not ask about him. If he had known earlier, he might have made his move earlier. If he had taken precautions earlier, Qiao Lin might not have been treated like this by his father today. He could imagine how embarrassing it would be for Qiao Lin to be splashed with coffee by his father in public.

"Actually, I got it a couple of days ago. I'll send it to you now, in a few minutes." Xu Zhou noticed the displeasure in Qin Lang's tone. Afraid that he would vent his anger on him, he quickly hung up the phone and sent the information to him.

He really felt that he was a loser as a manager. Every artist was obedient in front of their manager, but he had to listen to Qin Lang at all times. But there was nothing he could do about it. After all, Qin Lang was now famous and had a unique view of his acting career. As a manager, he was really just an assistant. He had to be impressed.

A few minutes later, Xu Zhou sent the information he found to Qin Lang's phone.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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