Citywide Manhunt/C147 Backtracking
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Citywide Manhunt/C147 Backtracking
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C147 Backtracking

When Qin Shu received Faang Su's text message, he had just returned to his dorm and was about to call his brother to tell him that he had failed.

He did not expect Faang Su to bring him good news before he could even make the call.

In fact, he did not have much confidence in teaming up with Faang Su, not because of Faang Su, but because of himself. After spending a month together, Qin Shu realized that Faang Su was not only good at singing, but also good at playing musical instruments. Faang Su knew more than just the guitar that accompanied him previously. Such a talent, in fact, it was better for the company to let Faang Su develop on his own than to bring along a weak "burden."

But even less did he expect that he would end up in third place, the only one to get a full vote on the panel of judges.

In other words, Yee Fann also voted for him?

With this person's attitude towards him, shouldn't he draw a cross behind his name, lower his score, and let him be eliminated before leaving?

What this man did was truly incomprehensible.

After that, Faang Su sent him a text message asking him to go to Director Ann's office.

After washing his face in the bathroom, he received another text message from Faang Su.

Faang Su: "Director Ann said that in order to celebrate, he will treat us to dinner tonight. You can't refuse him anymore. The last time he invited you outside the company was a private matter, so you can choose not to go. But this time, he also invited the male actors from our company - Yee Fann, who was our judge, and his manager, Liang Xiao. In the future, our manager will probably be Liang Xiao, so this meal will pave the way for us and build a good relationship with our manager."

Seeing the two words Yee Fann in the text message, Qin Shu felt a headache coming on. What combination, what plan S? Would it be too late for him to refuse now?

In fact, Qin Shu, who had not officially entered the entertainment industry, had already heard of Liang Xiao's name. He had a good reputation in the managerial industry and all the artists he had led were famous. It seemed that the company had really put in a lot of effort to create this combination of him and Faang Su.

Although this man was a witness to his one-night stand with Yee Fann, he probably didn't have much of an impact on him.

It had to be said that this was a good opportunity to become famous. It would be a pity to give it up.

Wasn't it just Yee Fann? It was just a meal, so he pretended not to see it.

"Alright, I'll be right there. It's just that I don't know where Director Ann's office is. Can you give me the address?" Qin Shu asked Faang Su about the location of Ann Yan's office. It had been two months since he came to Anton, and other than the last time he met Ann Yan outside the company, he had yet to come into contact with the higher ups of the company. Anton's office building was several buildings from the main building to the annexe. If he didn't ask around, he would probably take more than half a day to find the place.

When Qin Shu arrived at Ann Yan's office, Yee Fann had already finished his coffee and left. Faang Su was drinking the milk that he had thrown to the side because Ann Yan didn't want him to waste it.

Ann Yan was packing up the plan and the student's test results.

"Director Ann." After being led into the office by his secretary, Qin Shu greeted Ann Yan politely.

"You're just in time. Let's go to the conference room downstairs." Ann Yan stuffed the documents that were supposed to be handed to the secretary directly into Qin Shu's hands, "As for Project S, Little Shu only told you in a text message. While you're downstairs, take a look. After all, the company's planner's understanding of you all came from your usual performance. In fact, he doesn't know much about you either. You can also mention the shortcomings."

"Yes, Director Ann." Qin Shu and Faang Su followed Ann Yan out of the office. Before entering the conference room, they briefly read the plan.

The company was going to put them on a talent show, and it didn't matter if they won the prize or not, or even if they dropped out. The point was to show the audience what they were good at in the most direct way possible.

The combination's name was tentatively set as "S" for the two of them, which was also the origin of the title of the plan. In the combination, Faang Su was the main instrument and could also compose his own song. Qin Shu was the lead singer because of his voice.

In fact, the contents of the plan were very detailed, and the person who wrote the plan knew the advantages and disadvantages of the two of them very well, so in Qin Shu's eyes, there was nothing lacking in the plan.

It was just that Qin Shu felt insecure about making a name for himself by doing talent shows. In the past few years of talent shows, even the top three most popular contestants were fleeting. It would be very difficult for them to become famous in the future, not to mention that the company did not intend to let them get a good ranking.

But the S plan only described the early stages of the combination, and the later stages depended on their own abilities.

When the three of them arrived at the conference room downstairs, they found that it was already filled with people. There were only a few familiar faces in the room, including Yee Fann and Liang Xiao.

Yee Fann already knew that Liang Xiao was having a hard time relaxing at this time. He didn't expect the company to suddenly hold an emergency meeting. He only got the S Plan after entering the conference room. Only then did he know that Ann Yan was going to let him be the agent for the company's new combination.

He had served as a judge before and knew that the two of them had some ability. As long as they were well packaged and advertised, becoming famous wouldn't be a problem. It was just a matter of the relationship between Yee Fann and Qin Shu. From now on, both of them would be artists under him. He didn't know what kind of trouble they would cause.

It wasn't just the company's arrangement. He'd just joined the company, and he was in charge of two artists at once, an actor and a singer, who was also a newcomer who'd only been in the industry for a few months, and he didn't get much of a commission, so it wasn't a bad thing for him to take on more artists, and he had no reason to object to being the agent of the new combination.

After Ann Yan brought Qin Shu and Faang Su to their seats, the meeting began. Everyone began to discuss Plan S. Although Qin Shu and Faang Su were the main characters, because they were new, they did not understand a lot of things. They could not find any flaws in Plan S, so it was very difficult for them to interject. All they could do was listen to them and share their opinions. Then, they would add in new plans and complete the plan.

The two of them sat in a daze, occasionally discussing among themselves, asking each other what they were talking about.

"Don't you two have any objections?" When the meeting was about to end, Ann Yan threw the topic to the two of them.

"I..." Ann Yan asked so suddenly that Qin Shu didn't know what to say for a moment. After thinking for a while, he said, "Can you change the name of the group? The name is the first impression the audience has of us. Isn't it too simple to just name it S?"

"The name is only temporary. Of course, you can change it. You can think of it yourself. Just tell Liang Xiao when you've made up your mind." Ann Yan turned his gaze to Liang Xiao, who was drinking water.

Liang Xiao almost choked on his words. He thought Ann Yan would officially announce that he was going to be the agent of this new group, but he didn't expect to be ignored so easily.

"Director Ann, I've already thought of a name." Faang Su, who was sitting beside Qin Shu, suddenly said, "What do you guys think about calling it LP? The word 'emotion' and Qin Shu's surname can be considered to be the same. As for my name, both of us are included in it. The word 'emotion' can mean many things. Family, love, friendship, and so on. The word 'emotion' can be used as the root cause of pursuit. It also means to recall, and the meaning of the name is also there."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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