Citywide Manhunt/C57 Recovering What Had Been Lost
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Citywide Manhunt/C57 Recovering What Had Been Lost
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C57 Recovering What Had Been Lost

There was no need to look at it. Qiao Lin had already stood up and said that he and Han Dong did not have a script.

Before Qiao Lin could get excited or even realize that he had been chosen, he felt a few hostile gazes that seemed to want to swallow him alive.

These people did not have any complaints about the five people who had been chosen previously. After all, Zeng Yiwen had also said that they were just a few small characters. They did not mind losing this opportunity.

However, the roles that the two people who had been chosen were more important. If the people who had been chosen really had the strength, they would be convinced. But why these two people?

Han Dong, he always made mistakes when filming short dramas. With this level of skill, how could he show his face in an official show?

Qiao Lin, who had not even graduated from high school, had not taken any formal acting classes before he joined the company as an intern. He had not improved at all even after running a small role in the cinema city for many years. Although his acting skills had improved after working as an intern for a few days, there were many people present who were much better than him.

So, who would be convinced if these two were chosen?

Soon, someone expressed his dissatisfaction, "Teacher Zeng, why them? Didn't you say that it was based on strength? Even if there was a role restriction, why did they have to make so many choices? Did we do something wrong? "

Zeng Yiwen seemed to have expected this result, and remained calm in the face of suspicion, " When the results came out, my opinion was only a matter of reference. The final choice was made by the company, which has been watching every move you make during rehearsals, and they had their reasons for choosing the two of you. If you're not satisfied, you can go straight to the company and argue with them."

Zeng Yiwen's words were exchanged for silence. No matter how bad these people's tempers were, they only dared to express their doubts in front of Zeng Yiwen, but they did not dare to contradict him, let alone express their dissatisfaction to the company. They were trainees in the Golden Year, and they didn't even have a way out yet, so how could they dare to cause trouble and ruin their own future?

Seeing that no one was dissatisfied, Zeng Yiwen did not waste any more time, "Alright, I've finished teaching this morning's class. You guys continue to train if you need to. Qiao Lin and Han Dong, you don't need to come to the company to train these days. You can go back and prepare now. If there's anything, the company will notify you."

With that, Zeng Yiwen left the rehearsal room, and Qiao Lin also left under the questioning and hostile gazes of the crowd.

Before leaving the company, he had wanted to ask Zeng Yiwen why he was chosen. He had only been in the company for half a month.

But thinking about how Zeng Yiwen had already said that this was the company's arrangement, it would be hypocritical to ask again.

His hard work during this period of time had probably been seen by the company.

In order to rush back early to report the good news to Qin Lang and Qin Xiaoyu, he even spent a little more money to take a taxi.

Because he left in a hurry, he did not hear the discussions of the students in the rehearsal room about him. However, some of the words were already within his expectations.

Practice Student A: "Didn't our company's superstar, Qin Lang, apologize to someone called Qiao Lin on Weibo? It was said that he used to use his Weibo account only for publicity and never for personal matters. This was the first time that someone called Qiao Lin had joined us not long after that incident. Qin Lang must have helped Qiao Lin to come to our company. "

Practice Student 2: "Didn't we already know that when he came? I think that's true. I heard that someone at the company saw Qiao Lin going to Qin Lang's office during his lunch break a few days ago and did not come out until we were about to start class in the afternoon. "

Practice Student C: "Was it the day he was late? At noon, he was almost late too. There was even sh * t in the corner of his eyes. At that time, I was thinking where he slept since he didn't live in the dormitory."

Practice Student: "What's the big deal about that? Just that afternoon, a few of us saw Qin Lang parking his car by the roadside and waiting for him. There was even a child who called him daddy. Could this Qiao Lin have gotten married and had a child? How could he still want to be in the entertainment industry with such a condition? No matter how much he wants to be in the entertainment industry, he won't be able to become famous."

Practice Student B continued, "If Qiao Lin has someone to back him up, then what about Han Dong? Even that rookie was chosen by him. Compared to Qiao Lin, his problem should be bigger."

The few trainees were talking about Qiao Lin and Han Dong, who had been selected by the company to play important roles in the company's new drama. They were trying to find a way to comfort themselves by slandering the two of them.

In fact, Qiao Lin had already expected these discussions when Qin Lang and Yu were waiting for him outside the company. Therefore, not to mention that he did not hear them, even if he did, he would not take it seriously.

Since his mouth was on someone else's, he could not care less about it. Moreover, he did not need to be affected by these discussions.

When Qiao Lin returned home, Qin Lang and Yu were worrying about lunch and eating takeout. However, it was not good for Yu's health to eat unhealthy food all the time, and the food cooked by Qin Lang was not good for his health. In the past, when his mother did not go to America, when Qin Lang was not working, he could still bring Yu along to freeload. However, recently, his mother had gone to America, so this meal was difficult to handle. He was hesitating whether he should call Aunt Liu and ask her to come over and cook.

Just then the door opened.

Looking at Qiao Lin, who had returned home half a day earlier than usual, Qin Lang was a little surprised, "Why are you so early today?"

"Teacher Zeng asked me to come back first," Qiao Lin deliberately kept him in suspense.

By saying this, Qin Lang already knew that it should be Zeng Yiwen who had announced that Qiao Lin was going to join the crew of Young Martial World.

However, he could only pretend to be surprised and ignorant, "What? You only went to the company to work as an intern for half a month before you were fired?"

Qiao Lin gave him a side glance, "Don't jinx me. I've met with a good thing. I've been chosen by the company to act in a movie, and it's a very important role. Teacher Zeng told me to come back and pack up, stand by, receive the notice from the company, and leave at any time."

"Really." Qin Lang was "surprised," "Then I really have to congratulate you. I told you you could do it. It's only been half a month and you've already been chosen by the company. Do a good job and perform well. The company will definitely put you in an important position."

Qiao Lin nodded, "I will definitely work hard."

"In order to celebrate, I'll treat you to a meal." Celebrating was one thing, but Qin Lang did not want to cook. Instead, he wanted to find a proper reason to take Yu out to eat.

"No problem. I'll treat you this time." Qin Lang had already invited him once when he entered the company previously, so he felt embarrassed to ask Qin Lang to invite Qiao Lin again. Furthermore, he had stayed at Qin Lang's house for so long.

"Sure." Qin Lang did not object. As long as they were together, it didn't matter who invited whom.

"Alright, I'll pack up first." With that, Qiao Lin went into the bedroom and took out his suitcase from the corner of the room. He took out all his clothes first and then picked out a few clothes that he could wear now and put them together.

This time, Qiao Lin did not close the door himself. Seeing that he was in a good mood, Qin Lang swaggered in with Yu.

Seeing that Qiao Lin did not have any intention of chasing him out, he stood with Yu and watched from the side. From time to time, they would even help Qiao Lin fold his clothes and put them together.

Just as Qiao Lin was putting the clothes back into the suitcase, Qin Lang's gaze followed his hands and landed on the suitcase.

A corner of a notebook was revealed in the compartment of the suitcase. The cover of the notebook was gray and white, and the corners of the paper were slightly yellow. This notebook looked somewhat familiar.

Taking advantage of the fact that Qiao Lin was not paying attention, Qin Lang bent down and reached out his hand to grab the notebook.

Seeing that the notebook had been taken away, Qiao Lin was shocked. He immediately stood up from the ground and wanted to snatch the notebook back, "Give it back to me."

Qin Lang had already expected him to do this. He dodged and said with a smile, "This thing seems to be mine. Since when did it become yours?"

Qin Lang thought that he had lost the book as it was filled with the notes that Qiao Lin had taught him how to make as an extras.

The person who had kept a distance from him for five years and pretended not to know him had now returned to his side.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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