Citywide Manhunt/C82 Together
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Citywide Manhunt/C82 Together
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C82 Together

"What are you doing? Let go of me," Qiao Lin struggled, "Others want to play with you, why are you pulling me? Aren't you delaying things?"

"What are you delaying? I've already made it very clear that it's her own business if she can't film well. Acting with her is just a waste of time. Didn't you want to answer me just now? No matter what the result is, you can tell me now. " Qin Lang did not care how Qiao Lin struggled as he continued to drag him forward.

"What I was going to say was, I haven't really thought it through yet, I don't have anything to say, you go back to filming, the director only gave you a few minutes to rest, what are you doing holding me like this?"

Qin Lang, who was walking in front, was suddenly stunned and let go of his hand. "If you think it's too much and don't want to waste any more time, then come with me. Of course, I'm not forcing you. If you don't want to come with me, you can go back to the hotel. I understand what you mean."

Qin Lang continued to walk forward, but Qiao Lin stood where he was and watched him walk through the rest area and enter the lounge. He left the door ajar and waited for him to pass.

Qiao Lin was slightly annoyed as he said that he would not force him. This was obviously forcing him to make a decision as soon as possible.

After hesitating for a moment, he walked towards the lounge.

When he entered the lounge, Qin Lang was already sitting on a chair and drinking water. There was a bottle of mineral water on a small round table beside him that was prepared for Qiao Lin.

He knew that Qiao Lin would definitely come in.

He also knew that Qiao Lin was interested in him. He knew what Qiao Lin had been through and why he was hesitating, but he had to face this matter eventually. If he did not give Qiao Lin any pressure, he would pretend that nothing had happened to him.

He knew that he should not have forced Qiao Lin, but he was not satisfied with the way they were getting along.

Although they were under the same roof, at times, it made him feel distant and uneasy.

After entering the lounge, Qiao Lin closed the door behind him.

Standing up, Qin Lang took the water from the table and handed it over to Qiao Lin.

Qiao Lin took the water but did not open it. Instead, he held it tightly in his hand, looking very nervous, "Qin Lang, in fact, I wanted to tell you a few days ago. I feel that it's still as good as before. Let's be friends."

It was not that Qiao Lin did not feel anything for Qin Lang. He also knew that he also liked this person. However, to make him accept this feeling made him lose his courage, and he did not know how to deal with it.

Qiao Lin had never heard of homosexuality before, but he knew that it was not accepted by the world. What did Qin Lang do? He was a popular artist and had won several Best Actor Grand Prixes. All of these were not easy to come by.

If others found out about his sexual orientation, he would be doomed forever.

"Is this the answer you gave me?" After knowing the result, Qin Lang's tone was very calm, not as excited as Qiao Lin expected. Instead, he revealed a smile, "After thinking about it for a few days, I think you must have given the best answer in your heart. Therefore, I respect you, but there is no need for us to be friends."

Qin Lang felt that he might have guessed wrong. Qiao Lin actually did not like him. The hesitation these days might have been because he could not bear to reject someone who had helped him recently.

Qiao Lin looked at him in surprise, unable to say a word for a long time.

"You don't know how much I like you. You're the only person I've had in my heart for five years, and every time I think of the days I spent with you, every night before I left, the way you held me and kissed me, I can't accept it." The smile on Qin Lang's face became bitter. "Continue to be friends? I see you every day, I chase after you on the set, the person I like is right in front of me, and I know I like him, but we can only be friends. Qiao Lin, don't you think your decision is too cruel and unfair to me? Everyone in this world knows the difference between being a lover and a friend, right? I don't want to just watch you. "

Qin Lang suddenly hugged Qiao Lin and said, "I wish I could hug and kiss you like this every day, just like the most ordinary couple. Every day, I would spend my days with you, go out on romantic dates, and argue with you when I'm angry. In fact, I would be satisfied that way."

After saying that, Qin Lang was about to lower his head and kiss Qiao Lin, but Qiao Lin avoided his kiss. Qin Lang did not force him and let him go. " So if you can't accept it, we'll disappear from each other's lives as we did five years ago, so that you won't have to worry about me any more, and I can try to let it go, and when I do, maybe I'll fall in love with someone else, and I won't have to suffer any more."

"Alright," Qiao Lin could feel his voice trembling the moment he opened his mouth, "Let's do as you say. We can't even be friends."

Qiao Lin turned around. Qin Lang's decision was actually not a bad one. He could not accept Qin Lang's feelings and insisted on being friends with him. However, his suggestion was far too cruel and unfair to Qin Lang.

In fact, as long as he gave up, Qin Lang would be able to forget about him. Whether it was a man or a woman, it was better than liking him.

However, when he thought about never seeing this person again, Qin Lang would hug him every night and sleep with the others in his arms, just like how he used to gently kiss others when he kissed him. His hand, which was holding the doorknob, would not turn no matter how hard he tried.

"You...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Seeing that Qiao Lin was about to leave and would cut off all contact with him like five years ago, Qin Lang made his last struggle, "Have you really never liked me?"

Suddenly, with a "bang," the mineral water in Qiao Lin's other hand fell to the ground and rolled to Qin Lang's feet.

Qin Lang lowered his head and looked at the water that he had just given Qiao Lin. In that instant, Qiao Lin had already returned to his side.

Before Qin Lang could react, he was hugged by someone. " I'm sorry I didn't take your feelings into account. I thought I could be like I was five years ago, and it wouldn't matter if we didn't see each other, but not now, and I can't accept the thought that if you're not around, maybe I won't be around in the future. I'm used to being called a bastard, the son of a mistress, and I don't mind liking men, as long as you don't mind, don't mind if I drag you down, don't mind if people find out about it and ruin your reputation. I'm with you. "

When Qiao Lin was young, he thought that he was living a happy life, that his parents loved him dearly and doted on him even more. However, the moment the truth was revealed, everything changed. His father rarely appeared in that house again, and his mother began to feel that she should not have given birth to him in the first place. The child that she used to love had become a burden to her. After that, there were constantly people who came to their house to quarrel and insult them. Initially, his mother could have taken him away and let him go, but for revenge and benefits, she endured for two years. In the end, she left him to his father. At that time, he was only ten years old, and in that big family, Qiao Lin had to face ridicule and ridicule every day. Even his father began to talk to him coldly, but even so, those people did not allow him to leave. Only when he turned eighteen and became an adult did he regain his freedom.

His past experiences had nothing to do with Qin Lang. He should not have rejected Qin Lang because of what happened in the past. Furthermore, he liked the person who had waited for him for five years.

Since his past happiness was gone, why should he stop himself from regaining it?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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