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C3 Watch you

"I'm sure you've missed the feel of me inside you" Seth murmured thickly, dense black lashes screening his gaze to a sliver of hard gold as he scanned her feverishly flushed face and unwittingly pleading eyes. ‘The one thing you ever gave me that was honest…why? You can’t control it. But I can——’

‘Can you?’ Diane was in another world, one where she felt far more than she thought. Her hand lifted of its own volition, shyly smoothed along his strong, cleanshaven jawline, fingertips softly brushing a high cheekbone. Her nostrils flared on the warm maleness of him. That close, it would have been sensory deprivation not to touch.

He dipped his dark head and trapped her fingers with his mouth before she could reluctantly drop them again. Her eyes squeezed shut on a wave of unbearable excitement as he sucked first one finger and then another and her breath rasped in her dry throat, liquid fire running through her quivering body, melting every bone to boiling honey. She was poised on the edge of an erotic anticipation so intense, it consumed her.

‘Seth…’ She curved into him, aching for closer contact.

He skated a long forefinger very slowly down her slender thigh and looked at her with sizzling challenge. Diane went rigid, every physical sense leaping back on to red alert with a raw immediacy that horrified her. He had stopped smiling, his strong face taut, his eyes flaring. He curved his hand over her knee and reached for her again, without warning bringing his mouth smashing down on hers hard enough to hurt.

Only it didn’t hurt, it thrilled. Electrifying excitement engulfed her in a tidal wave. His tongue drove between her lips, searching her out, tasting her, emulating a far more intimate possession with an explicit sexuality that overwhelmed her. It felt as if the top of her head was flying off. Her fingers dug forcefully into his shoulders, dragging him closer because she wanted more, so much more, and the hunger he had unleashed on her was a wildly potent provocation.

Seth tensed, momentarily holding himself back, and then her tongue flicked against his in an enticement that was entirely instinctive and, with a raw groan of need, he ravaged her reddened mouth with potent hunger. Suddenly she was no longer upright but lying back. His hand slid up one trembling thigh, wrenching the dress out of his path.

She was out of control, her breath sobbing in her throat, her heart racing. She clung to any part of him she could reach, her fingers clutching at his hair, the back of his neck, splaying against the silk-clad heat of his taut abdomen, scratching down his long spine, clothes, always clothes getting in her way, driving her mad with frustration.

He suddenly stilled and dragged his mouth from hers. Then she heard the noise. Someone was banging on the window and shouting. Her heavy eyelids lifted very slowly. A fire-alarm couldn’t have dredged a faster response from her. Her body was on another plane, her mind absent without leave.

He swore in guttural Italian, a dark flush accentuating the fevered glitter of his eyes as he registered their surroundings. ‘Cristo… you make me do crazy things!’ he condemned as he abruptly swung back into his seat.

"Didn’t know what?" Seth whispered unevenly, dropping his hand to the bedspread wrapped beneath her arms as he coiled fluidly up so that their eyes locked. ‘That wanting like that is rare? That most people go all their lives without ever feeling like this? It’s a hunger so strong it has to be satisfied…and it’s bound to rage out of control.’

She recognised an incredibly sensitised awareness of her every sense. A deep languor enclosed her limbs. Silence like a pulsebeat thundered in her eardrums. Without even understanding how it had happened, she was pitched on an electrifying high of anticipation. Reason attempted to stir in the darkness of her mind as she collided dry-mouthed with eyes of molten gold but reason wasn’t powerful enough to still the mad race of her pulses or the accelerated thump of her heart as her breasts swelled and her nipples stiffened into tight little buds.

Lean fingers loosened the silken barrier, tugged it slowly down. Her breath rattled in her throat, stirring her breasts as he bared them. The knowledge that he couldn’t take his eyes off her was terrifyingly exciting. His strong face was dark, intent as he closed his hands round her forearms, pulled her down on top of him and almost simultaneously bent her back, engulfing a pouting pink nipple with the hungry heat of his mouth.

She gasped under the shock wave of sensation that tore through every nerve-ending, her fingers biting into a broad shoulder, then spearing into the dark depths of his hair, and the thought that this was not supposed to be happening came to her again. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut, a sob locking her vocal cords. Never in all her life had she ever wanted anything as badly as she wanted him at that moment. Her body greedily craved the passion but her heart craved the physical closeness, the freedom to touch, to express in silence the need and love she dared not express in words. It was like being torn in two…

One hand anchoring into her tumbling silky hair, he brought her head up. ‘Six years ago I told myself it was only chemistry, only an accidental explosion, but no other woman makes me feel like this,’ he breathed raggedly.

‘But you don’t——’ And all that she could not bring herself to say darkened her anguished eyes. You don’t love me, you don’t like me, you don’t respect me. And the awareness that she would have settled for any one of the three tortured her. ‘There has to be more,’ she muttered shakily. ‘For me, there has to be more…’

His hand moved expertly against her breast, making her tauten and jerk, live-wire sensation turning her very bones to melting honey. ‘You’ll have to do what I do…settle for what you can have; forget about the rest,’ he delivered harshly.

Without warning, he took her mouth in a raw surge of dominating passion and the world blacked out, plunging her into the hot darkness beckoning behind her lowered eyelids.

His tongue plunged between her lips, seeking out the tender interior beyond, and she trembled violently as he forced her closer, deftly parting her thighs so that she knelt astride him. A gasp of shock escaped her at the sudden crashing intimacy of her position and she stiffened but, with an unashamed groan of intense satisfaction, Seth prevented her retreat, powerful hands curving to the swell of her hips as he ravished her mouth with an urgent hunger then ripped away the last lingering remnant of her control.

With one kiss, he made her burn hotter than hellfire. It was like being consumed. Her swollen breasts were crushed against him, the hair roughening his broad chest abrading her sensitive nipples. Every part of her was connected to the hot, hard heat of him, and when he moved, letting her feel the thrusting readiness of his manhood against the very heart of her, she moaned with excitement, so far beyond control that he was the only stable entity she could cling to.

"This is what we have," Seth muttered thickly, holding her steady with long fingers knotted into her hair, tugging her head back so that he could look at her face. ‘Don’t tell me it’s not enough. Dio…six years without touching you! I punish you, I punish myself. Does that please you?’

‘No…’ she mumbled, drowning in his smouldering golden eyes.

He leant over her, nibbled erotically at the reddened fullness of her lower lip, and as she trembled, he uttered a strangled groan and shuddered, every muscle tautening with whipcord tension as he lifted her against him, searching out the moist heat between her thighs. She writhed, cried out, unbearable sensation rising to a sudden shattering peak that was pure torment.

‘I can’t wait.’ He brought her down to him with aching slowness and agonising control, forging his entry little by little, and it was so staggeringly exciting that she somehow wanted to faint with delight and scream with frustration at the same time. She closed her eyes, instinctively attempting to conceal the wildness of her own desperate hunger.

‘Look at me,’ Seth demanded, stilling.

‘Don’t stop!’ she gasped between clenched teeth.

‘Open your eyes,’ he grated. Her lashes flew up, revealing her puzzlement.

‘I want to watch you…I want to be sure you know it’s me inside you,’ he rasped with sizzling bite, his lean features taut with intense sexual arousal and equally intense determination.

She was far beyond reasoning. Quivering with out-of-control response to what he was making her feel, she looked blankly back at him. ‘Seth…?’

‘Seth…Seth…nobody else…ever again,’ he spelt out between gritted teeth, perspiration dampening his golden skin. And with riveting abruptness he withdrew from her and flipped her backwards across the tumbled bedspread, coming down on top of her in one fluid movement, pinning her startled hands to the mattress and thrusting into her yielding flesh with driving force. Later she would remember it as the most intensely erotic shock he had ever given her. She was stunned and then stunned again by a wave of sheer blinding excitement.

He took her by storm and she felt possessed, driven, inflamed by the feeling that he was out of control. All honeyed pliancy and complicity, every fibre of her body pitched to an unbelievable height of anticipation, she let herself go, lost herself entirely in the thunder of her own crazed heartbeat and the fevered tension coiling ever tighter inside her. With every driving thrust he took her higher, and then suddenly the whole world went multi-coloured, her back arching, her teeth clenching as she sobbed, on the peak of a shuddering and ecstatic wave of drowning pleasure.

Clawing back up through the layers of indolent languor which enclosed her.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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