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C4 Don't stop

Feeling so used and defiled like she felt six years ago, she got up from the bed and made to escape but Seth caught her again.

"Not so fast, missy" he growled and brought her up to him and closed his arms round her.

‘Put me down,’ Diane mumbled in a different voice entirely.

‘I have this appallingly sexist urge to kiss you,’ he whispered in a thickened tone that sent tiny little shivers running down her spine.

‘F-forget it.’

In blatant disagreement, Seth rearranged her even more intimately against him, settling her arms down on to his shoulders and splaying his hands on the swell of her hips. He let his mouth nuzzle against the taut curve of her delicate jawbone and then probed the mutinously sealed line of her lips. She quivered, fighting what he could make her feel with every fibre of her being, terrified that she would respond.

Disconcertingly, hot, salty tears suddenly lashed her eyes and overflowed down her cheeks. She despised her own weakness, despised herself utterly for even being tempted. Wanting hurt, loving hurt, and she had allowed him to teach her those things.

Abruptly, Seth lowered her back down to the floor. ‘Diane?’ He sounded shaken.

She dashed a furious hand across her wet cheeks and slung him a look of uninhibited loathing. ‘I hate you!’ she gasped in an ironic lie.

"Seth, let go of me!" Diane panted in a fury, shaken to rediscover that she was absolutely powerless against that effortless strength.

‘I want you again.’ He lowered his dark head and let the tip of his tongue pierce erotically between her parted lips.

Her knees wobbled, a glow of instantaneous heat igniting treacherously inside her. Involuntarily she opened her mouth for him but he played with her, an expert erotic gamester, enforcing surrender without giving her a tithe of what she helplessly sought. The breath was trapped in her throat as the remorseless heat spread through her, making her tingle and tense, charging every nerve-ending with drowning weakness. He nibbled teasingly at her lower lip and a stifled sound of frustration escaped low in her throat.

‘I could make you beg…’ Seth whispered thickly. ‘But I don’t think I have that much control.’

She shivered violently as he settled a powerful hand to the soft swell of her hips and crushed her against him. He was hotly aroused. The thin silk was no barrier against the throbbing heat of him. Her lower limbs turned to water. His hands brushed aside the straps on her shoulders, thrusting them down over her arms while she stood there entrapped by her own wanton susceptibility.

His breath fanning her cheek, he licked along the tremulous line of her reddened lower lip and let his fingers rise to the swelling fullness of her breasts, his thumbs glancing across the pouting tautness of her nipples. A hot damp ache stirred unbearably between her thighs and she swayed, weak in the ruthless grip of the sensations he could evoke. Her body wasn’t her own any more. He shifted sinuously against her and then closed his arms round her, lifting her up, and when he kissed her the whole world went into a tailspin and she clutched wildly at his hair, at any part of him she could reach, and kissed him back.

With a guttural groan, he brought her down on the bed, pinioning her beneath him, one hand twisted in her golden hair as he ravished her mouth over and over again until she was dizzy and breathless and utterly bemused by the extent of her own quivering, shameless excitement.

‘This time…you really are mine,’ Seth murmured roughly, framing her hectically flushed face with hard, possessive hands as he looked down at her, eyes of molten gold alight with desire and primitive satisfaction. But those hands weren’t quite steady and that big, powerful body trembled in the circle of her arms. On a very female level, she was fully attuned to that awareness.

‘Absolutely mine,’ he savoured, lowering his dark head to her breasts, circling a taut bud with the tip of his tongue and then hungrily engulfing her achingly tender flesh with the raw heat of his mouth.

Sensation shot lightning bolts of fire through her and she lifted a hand, clenched it fiercely into the smooth skin of his shoulder. He rolled on to his side, taking her with him, and kissed her again, hotly, invasively, triumphantly, making every sense sing wildly. Desperate to touch him, she splayed her fingers against the hard wall of his chest, feeling the pull of his muscles as he tensed, instinctively following the arrowing dark furrow of hair and then hesitating fatally, passion pierced by sudden recall of her own ignorance.

‘Don’t stop now,’ Seth groaned, his teeth nipping at the extended line of her throat, making her jerk and twist and then still in shock as he told her raggedly exactly what he wanted and carried her hand down over the fiercely contacted muscles of his taut stomach to the thrusting power of his arousal.

In the lamplight her eyes flew wide, hectic pink firing her cheeks. ‘I—I——’

Gazing down at her with a look of wonderment, Silas suddenly threw back his dark head and loosed a husky laugh of amused understanding. ‘No, we didn’t do that before.’ He murmured something soft in Italian, raking her with slumbrous eyes as he eased her back to him. ‘So sometimes you do tell the truth, cara…’

Before she could regain the power of speech, he devoured her mouth with compelling urgency, enforcing the response that he had already learned was his to call up at will. He pushed her back against the pillows with unexpected gentleness. Reason drifted away again as though he had slammed a door shut. He ran his tongue in a glancing foray down the valley between her breasts, employing his caressing hands with devastating effect as he slid down her quivering body.

And long before she had even guessed his intention he had engaged her in something so impossibly intimate that she tautened in instinctive rejection, only to gasp and grit her teeth and find control flying out of reach within seconds. The intensity of pleasure overwhelmed her. The tormenting ache inside her expanded, the pressure built and intensified and she sobbed, raking her nails down the sheet beneath her, her hips rising in a feverish supplication as old as time. Wild need screamed through every torturously sensitised inch of her.

‘Seth…’ she gasped helplessly on the peak of a hunger too painful to be borne.

‘Bella mia…’ With a savage groan, he plunged into her, and the wildness of pure sensation took over as he surged inside her in a driving possession, moving harder and faster with a shuddering intensity that utterly controlled. Remorselessly he took her with him to the heights of mind-blowing ecstasy. When release came in a flood of shattering sensation, it felt like flying into the sun and burning up…

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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