College Bad Boys/C3 I hate you
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College Bad Boys/C3 I hate you
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C3 I hate you

Vince kept staring at Madison and Madison also staring at him back in smile.

Tara was boiling with rage and when she couldn't take it anymore, she tapped Vince by his shoulder.

"Vince, what are you thinking about?" She asked and Vince shook his head.

"Nothing." He replied and stole a quick glance at Madison before facing his laptop.

"Nothing… You're definitely thinking about her." Tara said and Vince looked up.

"You were here when she said she---"

"That's okay." Tara said, cutting him short and her eyes went to Madison whose mind seem to be somewhere else.

Tara banged the table and Madison jerk.

"What was that??" She asked and Tara rolled her eyes.

"Your mind wasn't here. What were you thinking??" She asked and Madison sighed out as she took her seat.

"Nothing… nevermind."

"Stay focused and stop daydreaming." Tara said and rolled her eyes.

*What's wrong with her??* Madison asked herself but she waved it off almost immediately and concentrated on what Vince is typing.

The Royals were sitting on their usual spot as they have their lunch. They were discussing about the assignment.

"Who are you paired with?? And what's your story title??" Nathaniel asked Blake.

"Strangers." Blake replied and the four other guys gaze at him in confusion.

"Strangers??" They asked at a time, except Wisdom who focused on his food.

He's truly a cold-hearted and quiet guy.

He hardly talks.

"Yes… strangers." Blake said again.

"What do you mean by ‘Strangers’??" Archie asked and Blake dropped his cutleries.

"They're strangers because I don't know them." He said and they laughed.

Of course, Wisdom is excluded.

"Come on, they're your group members and also your classmates. How are they strangers then??" Chris asked.

"I don't associate with them so, they're strangers." Blake said and Chris shrugged.

"Anyways, what's your story title??" He asked.

"A NIGHT STAND…" Blake replied and Nathaniel raised a brow.

"Just use Chris as your male lead character. He'll fit the ruthless billionaire. He fück without mercy." Nathaniel said and they all laughed; including Wisdom this time.

"You know I'm just a learner with two seniors ahead. Archie and Wisdom." Chris said and Wisdom looked at him.

"You're okay bro??" Wisdom asked and they laughed.

"Of course I'm okay. Am I lying?? You're the greatest fücker of all time. No argument." Chris said and he smiled.

"And you're the greatest püssy destroyer of all time. Take it or leave it, I'm better than you all." Wisdom said and continued eating.

"You all know I'm better than you all. I'm only a flirt, not sëx gods like the four of you. I'm still a virgin boy remember??" Nathaniel said and Archie rolled his eyes.

"Virgin boy indeed. Did you already forget??" He asked and they looked at him.

"Forget what??" Nathaniel asked and Archie smiled.

"The day you were locked in a room with a girl by Wisdom and Chris." Archie said.


"Don't tell me you didn't do anything." Blake said and Nathaniel shook his head.

"Of course. I threatened to kill her if she comes closer."

Blake burst into laughter and others joined.

"She's a coward. She could have dared you and come closer. Then you wouldn't be bragging about your useless virginity." Archie said and they laughed again.

"Remember that day when Natasha broke my heart?" Nathaniel asked and they nodded.

"I felt so disturbed and I couldn't sleep, so I decided to come and sleep at Blake's room but the fool was busy banging a whore." Nathaniel said and they all laughed.

"I proceeded to Archie's room but same thing happened. And I made my way to Wisdom's room but just then, a bïtch came out of his room." Nathaniel said and they couldn't stop laughing.

"What about me?? You could have come to my room instead." Chris said and Nathaniel scoffed.

"Why would I come to your room?? I'd rather die than sleep over in your room. You're always with a slüt every night, so do you think I woulda’ come to your room?? The probability of me coming to your room to sleep over is zero." Nathaniel said and they laughed again.

"Come on, it should be 0.9 or so." Chris said and Nathaniel raised a brow.

"Why not say 124.7 instead??" He said and they bursted out laughing again.


The library is filled with students of YEAR 12 and everyone seemed to be busy with their phones and laptops.

Chris, Bluey and Dolly were sitting together round a table. Archie, Mitchell and Mabel on another table. Jewel, Baby and Nathaniel on another. Martha, Bella and Wisdom together. And others.

Chris was busy on phone chatting with his online bïtches while Dolly kept flirting with him. He gave her no attention but she didn't relent. Bluey scoffed and started typing some things on her laptop.

Mr Reynolds, the creative writing lecturer came in and everyone pretended to be serious except The Royals, who continued doing what they were doing before the Prof entered.

He began to walk round the library as he inspects their works. He sighted Chris operating his phone and he walked closer to him.

"What do you think you're doing?? Why are you not working together with them??" Mr Reynolds asked.

"They're not my type. You shouldn't have separated The Royals. Look at the four of them also. Only Nathaniel can associate with his group members because they're his friends." Chris replied and Mr Reynolds took a quick glance at Wisdom, Blake and Archie.

"But since I've already paired you with them, you should at least work with them on the project. Then the next time, you guys won't be separated." Mr Reynolds said and Wisdom groaned.

"Is that a promise??" Chris asked and Mr Reynolds smiled with a nod.

"Alright. So guys, let's work." Chris said and they moved closer to their partners.

"Good. I wish you all the best of luck." Mr Reynolds said and walked out of the library.

"So what's the title of the book we're working on??" Chris asked and Bluey scoffed.

"Ask your sl*ts you were chatting with online." She said and Chris simply scoffed.

"I wasn't talking to you b*tch!" He snapped and faced Dolly.

"Hey tell me, what's the title?" He asked and Dolly smiled.

"BETROTHED TO MR ARROGANT." She replied and Chris nodded.

He moved closer to Bluey and peeped at her laptop.

"Why would you name the male lead after me?? Can't you use some other name??" He asked when he saw his name as the male lead.

"I thought of you when I needed a name for the arrogant dude. Don't you think the male lead character suit you?? You're too arrogant dude." Bluey said and continued typing.

"Then what's the name of the female lead??" He asked again and Bluey pointed at Angela, the proudest girl in class.

"What?? Why would you pair me with that peacock??!" Chris shouted and Bluey laughed.

"That's because you both look good together. Arrogant plus proud, don't you think it's great??" Bluey asked and Chris smirked.

"At least she's cute. What if I pair you with Joseph??" He said and Bluey screamed.

"What??! Are you crazy?? Why would you pair me with that stinky boy??!" Bluey shouted and Chris laughed.

"Now you must clear that peacock's name out of the story. I don't even want her as any character in the story, not even a mere maid." Chris said and Bluey sneered.

"So you think I'll clear her name simply because you paired me with Joe?? You must be out of your mind." Bluey said and continued typing.


Bluey was taking a stroll down the dormitories hallway when she suddenly stopped walking.

"I should get my laptop. I think I'm gonna get my inspiration from the quietness of the night." She said and rushed back inside.

"Where are you rushing to?" Jewel asked as Bluey grabbed her back.

"I need to work on the story." She said and before Jewel could say a thing, she already rushed out.

She got to the library and settled down. She started typing as fast as her fingers could type. The story kept flowing into her head like she's read it before. She already changed the characters names to Mike and Nora.

She was still typing when she heard some footsteps behind her.

She turned swiftly and found Chris standing behind her.

"What do you want?? Why are you here this late night??" She asked and Chris dragged the chair beside her to sit.

"Just because." He said and peeped at what she's typing.

"You must be a great writer." He said and Bluey scoffed.

"What do you take me for??" She said and continued writing.

"I have a question for you." Chris said and Bluey nodded her head without looking at him.

"Go ahead." She said as she continued typing.

"Why don't you like me??" He suddenly asked and Bluey smiled.

"I just don't like you." She said and Chris sighed heavily.

"You must have a reason for not liking me." He said and Bluey nodded.

"You're right. I hate you because you're arrogant for my liking. I don't like you one bit." She said.

"But what if I stop being arrogant?? Will you like me??" He asked.

"No." She replied sharply.

"Then what can I do to make you like me?? I really wanna be your friend." Chris said and Bluey stopped typing as she faced him.

"What I need from you is to keep quiet and stay away from me, okay??" She said and Chris shook his head.

"I won't stop talking to you. I'll make you like me, just wait and watch." He said and continued staring at the laptop.

Bluey sighed and continued typing. She was still typing when she felt Chris's head on her shoulder.

"What's wrong with him??" She said and looked down at his face.

"Oh! He's asleep." She muttered and couldn't stop staring at his cute face.

"How could he be so handsome even while sleeping??… I'm sorry but I just have to hide my feelings for you. It's the best I can do to keep you safe." She muttered and without her knowledge, Chris wasn't asleep. He was listening to every single word she says.

"I love you so much Chris. You're my first love and I hope you be the last." She kissed his forehead and resumed typing.

Chris was wondering what she meant by keeping him safe.

What's going on??

Is someone using him to threaten her or what??


Mr Reynolds entered the class with smiles on his face.

"Guys guess which group wins??" He said and the students start murmuring.

"Okay, I'll tell you." He said and brought out his phone.

He sent the particular story on the board and Mitchell shouted.

"Oh my God! Mabel we won! Our story will be acted into a movie!"

Archie kept smiling as he couldn't believe his eyes.

The story he had written alongside two girls, it's now going to be acted as a movie.

"THE GIRL ON HOOD actually blow my mind away. It's such an amazing story. Good job Archie, Mabel and Mitchell." Mr Reynolds said and the trio bowed.

"Sir, can we feature in the movie??" Mabel asked and the class laughed.

"Yeah sure." Mr Reynolds replied and Mabel shouted.

"Yes! I'm going to become famous!"

"Congratulations girls." Baby said and Mabel hugged her.

"Thank you."

"So get ready for the shoot. It's gonna start in three days time. Every arrangements has been made so don't worry, just pick a role for yourself and send it to my email." Mr Reynolds said and they nodded.

"Have a nice day." He said and went out of the class.

"Wow! How did you guys plot your story??" Jewel asked and Mitchell's face turn pink.

"Actually, everything was Archie's hardwork." Mitchell said.

"You mean, Archie is the one that wrote everything??" Baby asked and Mabel nodded.

"Wow! He really is a good writer." Bluey said and the girls nodded.

"Clear the road, THE ROYALS are coming." a girl shouted and Baby rolled her eyes.


Among all the students in the whole school, THE ROYALS are the only one the girls hate.

No matter how friendly they're, they can never get along with them.

"Let's go in girls." Baby said and the other girls turned.

"Look Baby, I know you don't like THE ROYALS at all. But at least allow we that like them see them for a while." Mabel said and Jewel scoffed.

"Not like they're the kings here." Jewel said.

She also isn't a fan of THE ROYALS at all.

She hates them so much as much as Baby does.

"Don't mind them Jewel, let's go." Baby said and she shook her head.

"Nope, let's wait a little bit, I want to teach that one called Blake a big lesson today. He crossed his boundary and he didn't even apologise. So stupid." Jewel said.

Everyone knows Jewel as the craziest being ever.

She also doesn't tolerate nonsense.

She's the second version of Bluey, because Bluey also doesn't take shit.

"I want to watch drama today, come on Jewel, make sure you take him down." Bluey said.

"Why are you encouraging her instead of you to join hands with me and let's drag her into the class??" Baby said and Bluey shrugged.

"You know it's so unlike me to just leave like that. Not like I've done this before." Bluey said and Baby sighed.

THE ROYALS were walking down the hallway that leads to our class.

The girls stood by the door and The Royals walked over to them.

"Will you leave the way?? We need to get into the class." Blake said and Jewel scoffed.

"Add please." Jewel said and Blake smirked.

"You mean I should rather say please let us in??" Blake asked and Jewel shrugged.

"Well what can I do?? You've said it already so we're gonna let you in." Jewel said and the girls laughed.

"Nuisance. Such a psycho." Blake said and they finally entered.

Jewel ran after them and stood in front of Blake.

"If you ever try that shït you did with me in the store room that day, or call me a psycho again, then be sure to dig your own grave, you dïckhead." Jewel said and stuck out her tongue to mock Blake.

The girls started laughing at her crazy, daring and funny attitude.

"She's crazy." Blake said and Jewel rushed back to them.

Nathaniel looked at Baby and signalled to her to come and get Jewel.

Seems he really hates noise.

Baby smiled and he made an apologetic face, then she rushed to Jewel before she even touch Blake's shirt.

"Let it be Jewel, let's go. Lecture will start soon." Baby said, dragging her away.

"Leave me alone! Why not let me show him what a crazy psycho is??!" Jewel shouted and Baby sat her down forcefully.

"Can't you see the teacher is here??" She said and Jewel glanced at the front of the class.

"So??" she said and Baby sighed heavily.

She's truly a psycho.

"Jewel you again?? What's it this time??" Ms Medley asked.

"Nevermind my friend." Jewel said and Ms Medley smiled.

The class laughed at Jewel's attitude.

Actually, Ms Medley always say she likes Jewel because of her funny attitude so Jewel addresses her as her friend.

"Alright, so bring out your books, let the lecture start." Ms Medley said and they brought out their books.

After lecture, Ms Medley left the class and Mr Jones came in.

Throughout the lecture, Baby noticed that Archie was staring at her and jotting down something.

Though it seems like he's drawing something.

Initially, Baby thought he was drawing the window beside her but she was wrong.

She caught him staring at her again but he didn't look away.

He stared at her keenly and faced the book in front of him.

He looked at her again and faced down again.

*Don't tell me he's drawing me??* Baby said in mind.

She so much like art work, but she doesn't want it from a play boy.

Yes, Archie is a play boy.

He might want something back in return if she ask for the picture.

She faced the board and took a deep breath.

She saw him staring at her again and felt uncomfortable.

She glanced at her wristwatch and saw that they have less than ten minutes left.


*I'll just go to the cafeteria as soon as Mr Jones leaves the class.* She said in mind.

The bulb above the whiteboard blinked, signalling for recess time.

It has been timed there so it blinked on it's own when the alarm rings.

She was about rushing out when she heard Chris shouting.

"What are you drawing?? Let me see." Chris said to Archie but Archie quickly hid it.

"You don't need to know." Archie said and Wisdom smiled.

Like, did he just smile??

He's always quiet and never talk with anyone.

Now he's smiling??

This is the first time she's seeing him smile.

"I know what he's drawing." Wisdom said and Chris faced him.

"Really?? Tell me, what's he drawing this time?" Chris asked.

"Someone. A girl to be precise." Chris said and she knew it's her.

"Wow! Who's it??" Chris asked again and Wisdom looked at her.

Chris turned to see who he's looking at but she quickly ran out of the class.

"Dolly??" Chris asked but Wisdom laughed.

"She ran out already." Wisdom said and Baby smiled.

"Where have you been since?? I've been looking for you since Mr Jones left the class. We all thought you're at the cafeteria already." Mitchell said and dragged her along.

"I heard Archie is drawing a girl. I wish it's me." Mitchell said and she smiled.

Mitchell has a crush on Archie ever since she joined the school.

Though Baby had the same feeling but she discarded it when she discovered that he's a flirt and a playboy.

She doesn't play when it comes to her heart. It's delicate so she must take care of it.

"Don't you understand Mitch?? He's a play boy." She said and Mitchell rolled her eyes.

"Don't call him that. Have you ever seen him with any girl before??" Mitchell asked and Baby shook my head.

"Good. That makes him innocent. The rumour is false." Mitchell said and she only nodded as they headed to the cafeteria.

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Gentium Book Basic
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