College Bad Boys/C4 Anonymous guy
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College Bad Boys/C4 Anonymous guy
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C4 Anonymous guy

Baby and Mitchell got to the cafeteria and they ordered for food.

They were about to sit down when a girl called Shirley came with her squad and they quickly sat on the chairs.

Baby sighed and pleaded with the girls to let them find somewhere else to sit.

They went to another set of chairs but same thing happened and Bluey never waited for anything before punching Shirley.

Jewel joined and they both beat the girls to pulp.

"What do you think?? Do you need more?? Try and sit on where we're gonna sit now and just say your last prayers. Fools." Bluey said and pushed a chair angrily which fell on Shirley immediately and they headed to another set of chairs.

Baby didn't know Shirley has gotten behind her until she heard a male's voice.

"Don't you dare!" he shouted and Baby turned, only to see Archie coming into the cafeteria with the other members of THE ROYALS.

He walks so cool and perfect with his hands in his pockets.

Part of what made her fall for him in the first place.

👥 Wow! THE ROYALS are here.

👥 I just wish I can have one of them.

👥 I want Archie, he's cute.

👥 Nathaniel's cuteness and black curly hair got me off balance.

And many more…

"Don't you dare try that." Archie said again, finally reaching where the girls are.

"My lo--"

"Don't you dare try to complete it if you don't want to die." Chris said and they all laughed.

"With the beatings you got, you're still planning something evil?? Do you even have conscience?? Are you human at all?? Because you don't act like one. Always creating violence everywhere you go." Archie said and Baby smiled.

"Alex!" Shirley shouted.

"Who's Alex?" Archie asked and they all looked around to see who will step forward that he's Alex.

"How many times have I told you not to call me Alex?? Who the hell told you I'm Alex??! I'm Archie! Simple!" Archie shouted and Shirley bit her lower lip.

"Are you okay??" Archie asked; facing Baby and she nodded.

"Come on dude, let's go." Wisdom said; dragging Archie and they left to order their food, then they left the cafeteria immediately.

"Foolish you. You said he's your prince charming yet you don't know his correct name. Alex!" Bluey mimicked Shirley and they all laughed; including the students present.

"I'll so deal with you. Girls let's go." Shirley said and they started leaving the cafeteria; dusting their dirty dress.

"Yes yes, go with your dogs." Jewel said and they laughed the more.

"Gosh! You girls won't kill me. You beat them like they would die and now you're abusing them. You're too much… Anyways, I'm Tamara, and those are my sisters, Love and Eva." A girl said and pointed at two girls eating.

They look so much identical.

"Sorry if I may ask, are you… triplets??" Mabel asked and Tamara nodded.

"You noticed their resemblance too??" Baby said and Mabel nodded.

"The resemblance is too much." Jewel said as she rushed to Love and Eva.

They laughed at the way Jewel did.

"Are you sure you're not using charm to grid yourself into three??" Baby asked and Tamara smiled.

"Why did you say that??" Tamara asked.

"Because the resemblance is just too much." Baby said; prolonging the word 'too' and Tamara chuckled.

"Well that's Geoffrey's triplets for you." Tamara said.

"Oh! You're Mr Geoffrey's triplets??" Mabel asked and Tamara nodded.

"Okay, let's go and meet them." Baby said, pointing to Love, Eva and Jewel.

"Alright, let's go." Tamara and Mitchell said and they headed to where the three girls sat.

They got to where Love and Eva sat with Jewel cracking jokes and making the poor girls hold their stomach while laughing so hard.

"Jewel, that's okay, don't kill my sisters for me. I can't feel them anymore." Tamara shouted and they all laughed.

"Guys!! I must say, this girl is really something else." Love said; laughing so hard.

"Yeah, she should rather just go for comedy." Eva added and they laughed.

"You guys look so cute. I love you." Jewel said.

"Are you just noticing that?? Well, we love you too." Baby said and Bluey smiled.

"She wasn't talking about us fool, she's talking about the triplets." Bluey said, hitting Baby's shoulder lightly.

"Exactly!… You're ugly Baby." Jewel said and Mabel chuckled.

"What?! No way. I'm the prettiest here remember??" Baby said.

"Yes darling, she must be drunk." Mitchell said.

"No, that was then. You're no more the prettiest here. Love is the prettiest, not you. Sorry Baby." Jewel said.

"Well, that sounds romantic." Baby said and she smirked.

"What did you just do??" Baby asked.

"Nothing cutie." Jewel said and they laughed.

"Now you're admitting that I'm cute. Good of you My Jewel." Baby said; patting her back.

"Yes Baby." she said again and they laughed.

"Gosh! Can't believe you girls are lesbians." They heard a voice and they turned only to see Shirley and her dogs again.

"Yes, wanna s*ck my br***ts??" Jewel asked and they all laughed.

All the guys present almost spit out the food in their mouth with their eyes widened.

"Are you all deaf when she said we're lesbians?? So definitely, she must have been one of my customers, right dear stupid customer??" Jewel said and they laughed again.

"Seems you've recovered from the previous trashing. I guess we should start all over again. Or what do you think??" Bluey grinned as she rubbed her hands together before folding them into a fist.

"Well we're fully prepared this time around. You can't beat me and just go scot-free; I'm Shirley remember??" Shirley said and Jewel scoffed before they (Jewel and Bluey) both advanced towards Shirley at the cafeteria exit.

Just then THE ROYALS entered the cafeteria and ordered their bodyguards to throw Shirley and her friends out immediately.

"Goodness! You should have allowed me to beat the crap outta them." Bluey said, ruffling her hair.

"Well they haven't escaped yet, you can still go after them." Wisdom said and Bluey exchanged glances with her friends.

"Did you just talk to us??" Bluey asked and the girls nodded.

"I'm not numb, I can talk remember?? So definitely, I can talk to anyone I want." Wisdom said and placed his headphone on his ears.

"Exactly why I'm asking if he just talked to us. This is what he does best and most." Bluey said and they laughed.

"Come on, forget about him. He has always being like this, don't be angry with him." Nathaniel said.

"Please don't kill the vibes, my urge to beat those b*tches is dying down slowly. Jewel what do you think??" Bluey asked; looking at Jewel, who was grinning.

"What do I think?? Let's go and bash them babe." Jewel said and Bluey squealed happily.

They both headed towards the cafeteria exit but Nathaniel and Chris quickly carry them and they all laughed as they headed out of the cafeteria.

👥 Damn!

👥 Did you see that??

👥 I wish I'm Jewel or Bluey

👥 I just wish Nathaniel could carry me like that

And so on like that…

Baby scoffed as she watch the girls in disdain.

"Drop me now or do you have a death wish??!" Jewel shouted as she struggled to come down from Nathaniel.

The other girls kept laughing.

"They look cute together, don't you think??" Eva asked Tamara and Love.

"You're absolutely right. Bluey to Chris, Jewel to Nat. So perfect." Love squealed as she clapped her hands happily.

"Let me down or I bite you. You're so dead once I come down. I'll crush your balls." Bluey shouted as she started punching Chris.

Jewel also did the same to Nathaniel but the guys didn't even bulge.

They got to an empty class beside the music room and the guys dropped them.

On getting down, Mitchell and Tamara grabbed Bluey, while Eva and Mabel grabbed Jewel.

"Leave me! Why are you holding me down?? I need to beat the stupidity out of him!" Bluey shouted; struggling to free herself from Mitchell and Tamara's grip.

"You're no different from kidnappers you d*ckhead. Just pray these two doesn't free me, else expect your prick to be gone. I'll cut it and feed it to the dogs." Jewel said and they all laughed, including Wisdom.

"You're really a psychopath." Blake said.

"Your problem." Jewel said and smirked.

"Why are you like this??" Blake asked again and Jewel sticks out her tongue.

"My problem. Try fixing yours and don't meddle in my business." Jewel said and they laughed.

"As you wish." Blake finally said.

"Leave me Mabel. I'll surely destroy your br***ts if you don't let me go now Eva!" Jewel shouted and Eva grabbed her b**bs.

"No, someone else should hold her please. I don't want anything to happen to my cute round b**bs." Eva said and they laughed the more.

Baby got hold of Jewel and THE ROYALS left.

Nathaniel couldn't stop smiling. They don't even know if Blake was also smiling ‘cause he has a smiley face so it's hard to figure out his mood.

Even Wisdom wasn't left out, guess he couldn't control his laughter so he also laughed; seeing Jewel like that.

They left the girls when they're sure that THE ROYALS are out of sight.

Now they must find a way to save themselves ‘cause Bluey and Jewel won't spare any of them.

"You guys enjoyed watching what happened right??" Bluey asked; obviously angry.

"It's not our fault Bluey. You should thank THE ROYALS for taking you away from the cafeteria, else you both would have been expelled for attempted murder and it seems that's what those foolish girls want." Baby said.

"Oh please, save the lectures Baby. I wouldn't mind if I get expelled as long as I made her (Shirley) a patient in THE ROYALS HOSPITAL." Jewel said and Baby sighed.

"Alright, we're sorry. We just don't want you to get into trouble. Trust me, it's for your own good." Tamara said and Bluey shot her a deadly glare.

"I could remember clearly that I said I wouldn't mind getting expelled, that's also trouble right?? So what's your concern??" Jewel said and left angrily.

"You might have saved those b*tches today, but remember there's always a next time." Bluey said and also left.

Mitchell sighed heavily.

"What do we do now??" Mabel asked.

"Nothing, we just have to let them be until their anger subsides, then we'd be good as friends back again." Mitchell said and they all nodded.



"Those girls are really funny; I must say." Archie said as he chuckled.

‘Let me down or I bite you, you're so dead once I come down. I'll crush your balls!’ Bluey's words kept repeating in his head and he couldn't help it but to laugh.

"Dude are you okay?" Chris asked and he nodded.

"I'm okay, just remembering those girls words. Imagine Bluey said she'll crush your balls, so funny." He said and Chris smiled.

"I wasn't bothered at all. I actually enjoyed carrying her despite all the kicking and punching." Chris said and Archie smiled.

"The new girls even said you guys look cute together." Archie said.

"You mean Geoffrey's triplets??" Chris asked and Archie nodded.

"Well I have nothing to do with her. I just want to get into her pants. That's all." Chris said and Archie smiled.

"I'm far better than you dude." He said and Chris arched a brow.

"What do you mean?? You're even the worst here, remember??"

"Nevermind. You don't get what I'm talking about." Archie said and looked at the eight girls, just coming in.

Bluey and Jewel came in first, then the others came in after.

"They're just coming in." Archie said.

"They must have had a fight." Chris said; noticing their mood and Archie nodded.

"Where's Nathaniel??" Archie asked Wisdom, who faced Blake almost immediately.

"Where's your look alike?? Sorry, I mean your twin brother??" Wisdom asked and they all laughed.

"Who??" Blake asked.

"Come on dude, don't tell me you don't know who I'm talking about. I said your twin brother, Nathaniel!" Wisdom said again and they laughed the more; gaining the students' attention.

Blake tilted his head and saw Nathaniel.

"There he is." Blake pointed to Nathaniel, who was talking with Bluey and her friends.

"Good you found your twin brother real quick." Wisdom said and they continued laughing.

Truth being told, Nathaniel and Blake really look so much alike, so everyone call them twin brothers though their behavior differs.

Nathaniel is friendly while Blake is the total opposite side, so quiet and cold-hearted.

"By the way Archie, why were you asking about him??" Wisdom asked.

"Just wanna tell him to go and talk to the girls, else there'll be trouble for him and Chris. You know he's the only one who can talk to them since we don't make friends with them." Archie said and Chris smiled.

"What trouble?? They can't do anything to us, do you hear??" Chris said.

"We can't do anything to you right?? Well I'll tell we'll do more than one thing, more than what you deserve." They heard a voice behind them and turned, only to see the two girls, Bluey and Jewel standing together behind them.

"Do you know I can strangle you right here and now??" Bluey said to Chris who held his neck immediately and they laughed.

"What's funny guys?? She said she can strangle me yet you aren't doing anything, you're all wicked." Chris said.

"Why did you carry me away from the cafeteria?? Who gave you the right to touch me?? Do you know the news is now on the school blog?? And guess what the caption is??… Jewel, tell him." Bluey said with a dreadful look.

"Well the caption is ‘Best couples of the year in ROYALS HIGH’. And if you think I'm lying, then go to the school blog." Jewel said and Nathaniel joined them.

Archie brought out his phone and quickly went to the school blog.

There, he saw the pictures truly and the captions were true.

"Do you know what will make us forgive you and let go of the plans we have to teach you a lesson??… Well then, Bluey tell them." Jewel said and Bluey folded her arms under her br**sts.

"Delete--the--post." Bluey said one after the other; as if spelling it out for them.

"How can we do that?? We're not the ones that posted it; so how do you expect us to delete it?? It's even anonymous, so we don't know who posted it." Wisdom said and Bluey shot him a deadly glare.

"You're THE ROYALS right?? So do as I say, you can get it deleted just at the snap of your fingers. We'll wait for two hours, if you didn't get it deleted, then we'll carry out our plans without hesitation. Let's go babe." Bluey said and Jewel rolled her eyes before leaving for their seats.

"What are you gonna do now?? They can't even appreciate that we helped them so they won't get expelled from the school. How rude!" Blake said and both Jewel and Bluey turned back immediately and headed back to them.

"You want to know why we didn't show appreciation right?? Jewel let them know." Bluey said.

"Because we don't need your help. Your sympathy for us isn't welcomed. And besides, we don't care if we get expelled as long as we succeeded in putting those stupid b*tches in the place they belong to. And that place is…" Jewel stopped and looked at Bluey as if searching for an answer.

"THE ROYALS HOSPITAL." Bluey completed and The Royals all opened their mouths agape.

These girls are really psycho!

"Now just get the pictures deleted within two hours, else---"

"Two hours is even too much Bluey, 30 minutes is okay. After all the person that uploaded didn't use even 2 minutes to post it, so why the 2 hours??" Jewel said and Bluey nodded.

"Jewel is right. Get it done within 30 minutes if you don't want to see our wrath. I'm sure you don't wanna experience what a girl's anger could do. Let's go Jewel." Bluey said and they finally left for their seats.

"This matter is more complicated than I thought." Wisdom said and Archie nodded in agreement.

"What do we do now?? I don't want their trouble, you know how they could be sometimes." Nathaniel said and Blake sighed.

"I guess we should drop a message on the school blog, to warn whoever posted the picture to delete it if he/she doesn't want to get expelled." Blake said and Nathaniel snapped his fingers.

"Exactly! I guess that will help." Nathaniel said; looking at Chris, who shrugged.

"Yep, we should do that." Chris said and Blake nodded while Wisdom only continued listening to his music.

Archie quickly brought out his phone and wrote the message with an hashtag ‘STRICT WARNING FROM THE ROYALS’.

He released it into the blog and immediately got five likes and two comments.

"What does that comments says??" Chris asked; peeping into Archie's phone.

"Cindy said she doesn't know anything about it and there's this anonymous guy that said he's the one that posted it. He said he'll delete it now." Archie said and Nathaniel's face lightened up.

"Wow! He should do that real quick. Thirty minutes is about five minutes now." Nathaniel said.

"But who's this anonymous guy??" Chris asked.

"Are you asking any of us here??" Blake asked and Chris shrugged.

"It's not like I was talking to you, mind your business as your wife said." Chris said and they laughed except Blake and Chris.

"Which wife??" Blake asked and Chris smirked.

"Dude I'm talking about her." Chris replied, pointing at Jewel.

"You must be out of your mind. Why do you think she's my girlfriend?? She's definitely not my type." Blake said.

"Yes yes, I can't be your type since I don't date short boys; and besides, I don't do child abuse. People might think I kidnapped you for child abuse. I don't want that??" Jewel said, coming towards them and they laughed, including Wisdom.

"What the f*ck?!" Blake shouted, making them laugh the more.

"Good boys, you actually did more than what's expected of you. Keep it up and make sure you don't mess with us again." Bluey said and they both smirked before heading back to their seats.

"These girls are really mean." Wisdom said.

"They're not mean. They're only being stubborn and wicked. Those she-devils." Blake said and they laughed.

"Come on dude, stop saying that, they're actually very accommodating and funny if you get closer to them. They're not what you think they are." Nathaniel said.

"I know you'll support them as usual. What do we expect??" Blake said and Nathaniel raised a brow.

"You shouldn't say ‘dude’ next time Nathaniel, rather say ‘twinnie’ or ‘bruv’ understand??" Wisdom said and they burst into serious laughter; including Nathaniel.

"I thought you've changed for the better but I guess it turned out for the worse." Nathaniel said and they laughed again.


Minutes later, Blake went to the school blog to see what's happening, then he saw the same post again with same hashtag ‘Best couples of the year in ROYALS HIGH’ from same anonymous guy.

"Guys could you believe that this guy actually deleted the post and reposted it again??!" Blake said; almost shouting.

"What?! You don't mean it." Chris and Nathaniel said at the same time and they all rushed to him.

"We're so dead now. The girls will think we know about this." Nathaniel said.

"Who the f*ck is this anonymous guy??!" Chris shouted in frustration.

"I swear, these girls won't spare any of us." Nathaniel said.

"Don't worry guys, we know you have no hand in this, so nevermind, we're not angry with you. We'll find out the anonymous guy ourselves and put an end to it. You don't have to worry yourselves." Bluey said and they looked at Jewel, who nodded in agreement.

"How are you gonna find who the anonymous guy is??" Chris asked.

"Tamara and Baby are computer hackers. They know so many things about all system tactics, so it's easy to fish out who the guy is." Mitchell said and The Royals nodded.

"So let's go to the computer laboratory, we'll use the system there." Mabel said and the girls started heading out of the class, including Geoffrey's triplets.

"Can we come along??" Blake asked and Jewel looked back.

"Yes, but on one condition." Jewel said.

"Really?? What's that??" Wisdom asked.

"The four of you can come except B for Blake. I don't want him in anywhere close to me at all." Jewel said and Blake scoffed.

"Dude, you supposed to be apologizing, not this stubborn attitude." Nathaniel said and Blake rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I promise to be quiet all through, please let me come with you." Blake said and Jewel rolled her eyes.

"Come on Jewel, we have no time, let him come along." One of the Geoffrey's triplets said.

"Alright Love, you can come along. Let's go." Jewel said and they all headed out of the class to the computer laboratory department.

‘I don't want to believe these girls are lesbians. One is bearing the name ‘Baby’ which we all accepted, and now ‘Love’?? Hope it's not that they're giving names to themselves?? This might not be their birth names.’ Archie said in his head.

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