College Bad Boys/C6 Shattered hearts
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College Bad Boys/C6 Shattered hearts
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C6 Shattered hearts

They headed to the class and all eyes fell on them.

It's not the first though, but it feels different.

*Anyways, that's their problem. They should get it fixed as Jewel told me.* Blake said in his head.

They got to the class and met the literature teacher, Mr Damian there. He's already started the lecture.

"Well done Sir." Bluey said and he looked up.

"Can we come in Sir??" Archie asked.

"Sure, come in." Mr Damian said.

"Thank you sir." They chorused.

"I'm just letting this slide since you've never done this before, it mustn't happen again, understood??" Mr Damian asked and they all nodded.

"We're sorry sir, it won't happen again sir." Tamara said.

"Alright, you can go to your seats and settle down for the lecture. We started not long ago." Mr Damian said.

"Thank you sir." They chorused and headed to their various seats.

The moment they entered, all eyes were fixated on them.

Seems they were surprised that they're coming in together.

They should be surprise.

Because THE ROYALS never get along with any of those girls until now that everything has changed.

They’re now friends.

The lecture lasted for 30 minutes before the signal came on and Mr Damian left the class.

Ms. Mary came in shortly after Mr Damian left.

She started teaching; they all love Ms Mary because her class is always interesting and interactive.

She's also beautiful, friendly and nice.

She told them they’re done for the week's topic and decided to tell them a story; a love story precisely.

She also recited some love poems that made them all blush.

Lovers couldn't stop staring at each other; while those that are crushing on some people are also staring at their crush.

The class became rowdy as they all started shouting to Ms Mary to continue with her love talks.

Blake turned and saw Jewel laughing heartily with her friends and he couldn't stop admiring her beauty.

He couldn't stop himself from staring at her.

She's so beautiful and cool.

Why is he just noticing??

"Mr Blake, please can you tell us why you keep staring at Medley's friend like that??" Ms Mary said and the whole students burst into laughter.

He quickly averted his eyes and faced down.

"Come on Mr, answer my question. Tell us why you were staring at Jewel like that." Ms Mary said and he looked down shyly.

"What?! Me??… Blake is it true you were staring at me??" Jewel asked and he shook his head sharply.

"N--no, why-- why would I be-- staring at you??" He stuttered.

He doesn't even know why he's short of words.

"Well it's okay, it's fine by me." Jewel said and he looked up almost immediately.

"Woah! See our Jewel crushing on her Mr Right." One of Geoffrey's triplets shouted and they all laughed.

"Tamara! Don't let me catch you!" Jewel shouted and they laughed again.


They were at the cafeteria when Jewel and her friends entered.

Blake followed them with his eyes; though his gaze was fixed only on Jewel.

"Dämn! Could you guys believe that ever since Jewel said Blake is her new weakness, Blake has been staring at her." Wisdom said and he quickly turned back to face them.

"But it's not like she's the only one I've been staring at." He said defensively.

"Come on dude… alright, let's say you weren't staring at her. There's this thing that has been bothering me since then… how do we believe she's actually telling the truth??" Chris asked and they looked at him in puzzled look.

"What are you talking about??" Nathaniel asked.

"I mean… how do we know if Blake is truly her weakness now??" Chris asked and they kept quiet; thinking about what he said.

"You have a point though… well I have a plan." Archie said and they faced him.

"Really?? What's that?? Come on tell us." Blake said and Archie nodded.

"Come closer. I don't want anybody to hear of this apart from you guys." Archie said and whispered some thing into their ears.

"Wow! That's so cool dude!" They shouted; making the students present to shift their gaze on them.

"Okay, we should carry out the plan today." Nathaniel said and Archie nodded.

"Sure." Archie said and Blake smiled.

He doesn’t even know why he seem so happy about the whole plan.


He can't wait.

Nothing special happened throughout the day and they all headed back to their various dormitories.


Blake was taking a look at the pictures on his phone when he saw Jewel's picture.

‘How did her picture got on my phone??’ he wondered.

"Dude! What's that look on your face??" Wisdom asked as he jumped on the sofa and sat beside him.

"I'm just wondering how her picture got into my phone." Blake replied; still trying to recollect how it got there.

"Who??" Archie asked; descending the stairs as his footwear continue disturbing the peace of the house.

"Jewel." Blake replied and showed them the picture.

She seems angry in the picture but still; she looks cute.

"Oh! That. It was Nathaniel that used your phone to take the picture. It was unaware." Archie replied as he sat down and turned on the TV.

"Really?? When did that happened??" Blake asked.

"Don't you remember??… She was arguing with me, then Nat. entered and took your phone without your knowledge, and snapped her." Chris said as he kept his face glued to his phone without looking at any of them when he talked.

"Oh okay, I remember… but why would he take her picture??" Blake asked; still confused.

"Maybe you should ask him." Wisdom said; pointing at Nathaniel who's just coming in.

"Ask me what?? What's going on??" Nathaniel asked as he stood by the entrance.

"Why did you take Jewel's picture without her consent and also with my phone instead of yours??" Blake asked and he looked at him in confusion.

"Which picture?? Me??" Nathaniel asked and Blake showed him the picture.

He came closer to have a clear view and sighed.

"It's true I took the picture without her consent but I had it in mind to send it to my phone and delete it from your phone, but I forgot. Pass me the phone, let me send it and delete it from your phone." Nathaniel said; stretching out his hand to collect the phone.

"Nope, you don't need to delete it, just send it to your phone and leave it there." Blake said and they all diverted their attentions to him.

"Why?? It's not like you're the one that snapped the picture, so you don't need it. And remember, you always pick a fight with her." Nathaniel said and Blake shrugged.

"But now, we've sorted our differences, so why can't I have my friend's picture??" Blake said and Chris cleared his throat.

"Do you have any feelings for that girl??" Chris asked and his eyes widened.

"What?! What sort of question is that?? We're just friends." Blake said; almost screaming.

"But you're always staring at her with smile on your face. Are you sure there's nothing attached??" Chris asked and he shook his head immediately.

"What are you saying?? We're just beginning to be friends. Nothing more, no strings attached." Blake said and Nathaniel nodded his head.

"It's good there's nothing attached. Now give me the phone." Nathaniel said.

"What if there's anything attached?? What if I have feelings for her?? What if I say I love her??" Blake said and they all moved away from him.

"Don't tell me you have feelings for that girl??" Wisdom asked.

"Well I have no problem with that, since they're all just assumptions. Pass the phone and let's forget about this matter." Nathaniel said and Blake eventually handed the phone to him.


The first lecture for the day has started and THE ROYALS are yet to arrive.

What's wrong??

Is everything okay??

"Have you seen any of THE ROYALS today??" Jewel asked Baby who shook her head.

"Why are you asking after them??" Bluey asked and she shrugged.

"I'm just concerned. It's so unusual of them to skip classes. And besides, since we're now friends, it's normal to feel concern for them." Jewel said and they all nodded.

"I'm sure they must have their reasons for skipping the lecture, and it might be that they don't like this subject." Tamara said and Jewel shook my head.

"No, it's their best subject. Remember they're always the first to arrive at school when it comes this subject." Jewel said and they nodded.


They were heading to the cafeteria when they bumped into Archie; he seems to be rushing to somewhere.

"Hey Archie, why are you guys not in class today?? We've had three subjects and none of you attended any." Jewel said.

"We can't be in the school right now." Archie said.

"Why?? What's wrong?? Is everything okay??" Eva asked.

"No, nothing is alright at all. Blake is in the hospital." Archie said and Jewel gasped.

"What?! Blake??" She shouted as she grabbed Archie's hand.

"Yes. He was involved in an accident." Archie said and her shoulders dropped.

"What?! How--how come?? Where was he going?? Why would you guys allow him to drive??!" She shouted in tears.

"He was going to visit his parents because he got a call from his sister that his mother is sick. So he had to go but got involved in an accident." Archie said and she cried the more.

"Babe it's okay, he'll be fine." Love said.

"No it's not okay… you know what, I should go and see him now. Archie which hospital is he admitted into??" Jewel asked.

"Let's go together. I came to pick his phone in case he get a call." Archie said and Jewel wanted to follow him when Mitchell dragged her back.

"What's wrong with you babe?? Why are you reacting this way?? He'll be fine just with his friends by his side. Why are you acting like he's more than a friend to you??" Mitchell said and Jewel wiped her tears.

"Yes, you're right. There's more to it. He's more than a friend to me, but you can't understand. He needs me now, please let me go." She said and forced her hand out of her grip.

"Jewel are you okay?? What are you saying?? He's just a friend so why are you reacting this way??" Bluey asked and Jewel stopped.

"I know what I'm saying, he's not just a friend; he's my guardian angel! Don't you get it?!" Jewel shouted and with that, she rushed into the car with Archie then they drove out of the school premises.


The drive to the hospital was a long and quiet one as none of them speak to each other.

Jewel looked out through the window and fell in deep thought.

She doesn't even know how she's feeling now.

When Archie dropped the news of Blake's accident, her heart sank and she felt shattered.

She couldn't even feel herself anymore.

She placed her chin on her left hand and placed the right hand on the car window to support the left hand; as she continued staring at nothing in particular.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and tilted her head to see Archie looking at her.

"It's okay. He'll be fine." he said and she nodded her head as a tear dropped from her eye.

She turned her face back to the busy road as she sob silently.

Soon, the driver made a U-turn and the car came to a halt.

"We're here." Archie said and they both alighted from the car.

She raised her head up to read the name of the hospital; THE ROYALS HOSPITAL.


THE ROYALS also have a hospital of their own.


Anyways, that's not what she's here for.

"Hey Jewel, what are you staring at?? Hurry up." Archie said and she nodded her head before running towards him; then together they entered the hospital.

A doctor came out of the A/E ward 1 and Archie leaned closer to him.

"That's the doctor that attended to him." Archie said; almost in a whisper and she rushed to catch up with the doctor.

"Doctor please how is he??" She asked in curiosity.

The doctor looked at her as if he doesn't know who she's talking about.

Archie came closer and as soon as the doctor saw him, the look on his face changed to a calm one.

"Oh! You mean THE ROYALS code number 04??" The doctor asked and she became totally lost and confused.

She looked at Archie and he nodded his head in affirmation.

"Y-yes doctor." She stuttered; still confused about the way the doctor addressed Blake and Archie confirmed it.

THE ROYALS code number 04??

What does that mean??

"He's fine now. His condition is stable for now. There's a problem." The doctor said and her anxiety got aroused.

"W-what's that sir??" She asked.

"Hope it's not something serious??" Archie also asked.

"It's really a serious problem." The doctor said.

"What's it??… Just tell us already." She said, almost shouting as her anxiety is turning to impatience.

"Well, the thing is----"

"Hey Jewel, you're here. Blake wants to see you." Wisdom said as he came out of the ward; interrupting the doctor.

"Really??" She asked; totally ignoring the doctor.

"Yeah." Wisdom said and she rushed into the ward.

Chris and Nathaniel were both standing by Blake's bedside.

Wisdom, Archie and the doctor also came in shortly after she entered.

She looked at Nathaniel who looked down immediately; same also happened when she looked at Chris.

She turned back to look at Wisdom but he also looked away.

What's the matter??

Why are they all looking sad??

She looked at Archie but he shrugged and the look on his face explains he also doesn't know what the matter is.

Anyways, that's not why she's here.

She shifted her gaze back to Blake who was lying on the bed.

He smiled at her and she returned the smile, then he signaled to her to move closer and she did.

He tapped the bed continuously; probably telling her to sit with him on the bed; which she did without hesitation.

"How are you feeling now??" She asked and he nodded as he closed his eyes and opened them back.

"Wisdom told me you wanted to see me." She said and he smiled; but the smile didn't last long as his face turned pale.

He tried explaining something to her by demonstrating with his hands but she didn't even get a hint of what he's trying to say.

But hold on…

Why is he demonstrating??

He isn't putting on an act right??

"Blake, open your mouth and talk to me. Why are you demonstrating?? Just stop this and tell me what happened." She said and he shook his head sadly with his eyes closed tightly as tears flowed freely from them.

What's wrong??

"Can anyone please explain to me what's happening here??" She asked; facing others.

They're all looking sad, even the doctor; except Archie.

They both seemed lost and confused.

"What the heck is happening here??! I'm so damn confused right now! Why on Earth won't he speak up??" She shouted; but none of them replied her.

She turned back to face Blake who has now opened his eyes.

He shook his head again and she hits her hand on her forehead in frustration.

‘This is driving me crazy.’ she said in her head.

"Hold on guys, don't tell me it's what I'm thinking." She finally said.

"It is." The doctor said.


"He can't talk." The doctor said again and her jaw dropped.

"What?! Why??!" She found herself asking.

"Because he's suffering from vocal cord paralysis." the doctor replied and a tear escaped her eye as she opened her mouth agape.

"But there's still a chance for him to talk again, right??" Chris asked and the doctor shrugged.

"Yeah. But it depends on the cause of the injury and since it's an accident, I think he injured his neck which resulted to the damage of both his laryngeal nerves." The doctor said and she gasped.

"What?! Both nerves??!" They all shouted and the doctor nodded.

"Then how are we gonna save him now?? Because if it's really true that his two laryngeal nerves are damaged then he'll have a difficulty in breathing." Nathaniel said and the doctor smiled.

"Don't worry, we'll carry out the tracheotomy operation on him and he'll fine… so do you guys agree to it??" The doctor asked and there was total silence as they’re not sure he’ll survive it.

"Yes we all agree." A familiar feminine voice said and they all turned to the exit door.

Bluey was at the entrance of the ward with the other six girls.

"You should perform the surgery immediately because he won't be able to breath sooner, just go and start the operation quickly sir." Bluey said again as she entered the ward fully with others.

"Jewel darling, don't tell me you've been crying since??" Tamara said as she rushed towards Jewel and they hugged tightly.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine once the operation is successful." Love said and Jewel nodded; still hugging Tamara in tears.

"Babe, it's okay, he's gon---" Baby was interrupted by Blake's loud gasp.

He was gasping for air and they all rushed to him.

"Clear the way!" A nurse shouted as they pushed in a stretcher.

They placed him on the stretcher and they all rushed out after them.

Jewel was running side by side with the stretcher when she saw Blake's hand falling off the stretcher.

He was no more gasping as his body stayed still.

What was that??

She stopped walking as she watched the nurses take him to the theatre room.

No no…

It can't be.

How could he…???

"No, Blake you can't--- Blake--- Blake--" she said continuously as her vision became blurry, then she slumped on the floor.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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