Contract Wife For Six Month/C5 Be my contracted wife
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Contract Wife For Six Month/C5 Be my contracted wife
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C5 Be my contracted wife

"Sir, are you okay?" Reece inquired, only to be met with a glare from Henry, causing him to fall silent. Feeling dismissed, Reece left the office, quietly mumbling to himself about Henry's ingratitude.

"Such an ungrateful devil. He can't even appreciate my efforts, not as if he's paying me extra money for my hard work," Reece grumbled, continuing his mutterings until he reached his own office.

The day raced by quickly, and before they knew it, evening had arrived. Henry left the office, heading straight to the bar. Throughout the workday, his mind had been preoccupied with thoughts of the contract marriage, eventually leading him to a decision. He concluded that offering Dera the contract would enable her to save her mother.

As the driver brought the car to a halt in front of the bar, Henry stepped out, looking dashingly composed as always. Making his way directly to the counter, Dera gasped and placed a hand on her chest upon spotting him seated there.

"You scared me to death," she exclaimed, but Henry stared back at her, his expression unreadable.

"What should I offer you, sir?" Dera asked, receiving no reply.

"Sir, what should I offer you?" she repeated, hoping for a response.

"I have a job for you that will provide the money for your mother's surgery," Henry stated in one breath, fixing his gaze upon her, waiting for her reaction.

Dera was utterly shocked, unable to comprehend how he knew about her mother's need for eight million USD for the surgery.

"How... did... you... know?" she stuttered, her words faltering, yet Henry remained silent.

"Be my contracted wife for six months, and I will give you twenty million USD," he said swiftly, pressing a button on his phone.

Dera stood frozen in shock, struggling to process the overwhelming turn of events. She couldn't fathom what was happening before her eyes.

"Your contracted wife for six months?" she repeated, seeking confirmation as he nodded, his eyes still fixed on his phone screen.

"I can't! I can't do it. My dad will disown me when he finds out," she tried to reason, shaking her head in disbelief.

"He won't know until you tell him," Henry uttered, diverting his gaze from the phone to Dera

"Marriage is sacred!" she protested slowly.

"It's just a contract, no strings attached. We'll just go to the court and sign some documents. You will live as my wife in public, but at home, we'll be strangers," he clarified, hoping to assuage her concerns.

Although Henry disliked engaging in such conversations, he recognized the necessity of their discussion for the sake of his mother's well-being.

"Please, I can't do it. Find someone else. I know I desperately need the money for my mom's surgery, but I can't. I'm sorry," Dera insisted, her unease evident as she fidgeted with her dress. Respecting her wishes, Henry let out a sigh.

He stood up, reaching into his wallet to retrieve a card. "If you change your mind, this is my phone number. You can also come to my house since you know where I live," he offered, presenting her with the card.

"And thank you for last night," he added, before walking away from the bar, leaving a perplexed Dera behind.

Dera stared at the card in her hand, her mind buzzing with the weight of Henry's proposal and the decisions she now had to make. Rubbing her temple, she murmured to herself, seeking guidance in such a complex situation.

"God, help me. What do I do now?" she whispered, her thoughts engulfed in uncertainty.


It was a Saturday morning and Dera was on leave. She sat up when her alarm started ringing. She turned it off and rubbed her eyes slowly before going to the bathroom to have a warm bath.

Within thirty minutes she was done bathing and dressing up. She wore a jeans trouser and a black tank top and packed her hair in a bun when her phone began to ring.

She immediately checked the caller's ID and her heart skipped a beat when she saw who it was. It was her dad. She slowly picked up the phone from the bed and picked up the call.

" Hello Dera, your Mom is dying, she just has one more week according to what the doctor said," her dad said in tears, and Dera's heart broke into thousands of pieces.

The fact that she couldn't save her mother broke her heart more. Where on earth was she going to get eight million dollars from?

" Dad" Dera called as she wiped her tears slowly.

" Yes, princess."

" Don't worry I am going to find the money, just tell Mom to hang in there okay? Tell her not to leave us now, I promise to get the money no matter what." With that said, she hung up and inhaled slowly. Right now, she was racking her brain for a way to get such a huge amount of money.

She wiped her tears and took her bag and phone before running downstairs.

" Hey, Dera! Are you going to work today?" Luciana asked

" No I need to get somewhere, see you when I am back," Dera said and wore her white sneakers before running out of the house.

She boarded a taxi that took her to Henry's house, and she alighted from the car immediately she got to the front of his house, paid the driver, and walked to the gate of the mansion.

Dera knocked on the gate and a middle-aged man opened the gate.

" Good morning miss, how may I help you?" He asked.

" I am looking for Mr Henry Royals," Dera said and noticed the surprised look on his face, but he let her in.

" Come on in" he gestured and Dera got into the compound and walked toward the door.

She placed a soft knock on the door and not too long Henry opened the door.

He was wearing a hoodie and pants with his hair damped which made him as hot as ever.

He made way for her to enter and she did, then slowly, she sat on one of the sofas, fidgeting with her nails because of nervousness.

" I am sorry if this is making you uncomfortable, but I agree to be your contracted wife. My mum has just one more week to live" she muttered as tears rolled down her cheeks

" So let's get everything done and I will give you money for your mom's surgery," he said sipping from the glass of wine he was holding.

" We will proceed to the court tomorrow," he said and she nodded.

" Thank you so much, I appreciate" she muttered and he only nodded. He left the sitting room for his room, leaving her alone.

She stood up and walked out of his mansion. She walked to her house, she was so pale as if all the blood in her was drawn out.

Dera was regretting why she accepted the marriage, but that was the only way to save her mom and she was ready to do whatever it took to make her mother healthy again.

She was thinking of what her dad was going to say, then she suddenly remembered what her dad said about marriage and her heart skipped a beat instantly.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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