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Werewolves are always excited when they hear of mates, their fated ones. And if by age eighteen their fated ones have not been found, they are thrown into anxiety and sometimes leading to incurable depression.

I had never for once taken mates seriously. I called it one of the age long nuisance of werewolves. It has been a tradition followed by all the werewolf race, but I single handedly chose and resolved not to follow that traditional path.

It has not been up to twenty four hours since I was conferred the alpha title and the council of elders are all fervently encouraging me to commence the journey of parenthood and bear children who will continue the legacy.

Today is my mate choosing ceremony and selected girls were ready for me to choose from. It was not my kind of thing but I just had to be present. This was the first ceremony organized for me since I became the alpha.

Everyone was gathered in the great hall when I arrived and my selection ceremony began in full sweep. The selected girls came in and showcased their charm and skills. All arrayed in vibrant attire, they paraded gracefully each exhibiting unique qualities.

The WOWS resonating from the people present in the great hall all came from satisfaction and approval. The were all beautiful, no doubt but none was up to my standard.

Even if I was going to choose a mate, I wanted to choose a mate that wasn't only for decoration. I wanted a mate who could fight alongside me, face adversaries without flinching and make or take important decisions in my absence. Moreover, I wanted a mate I could easily control.

All the girls selected today were daughters of influential elders in the pack and I wouldn't want my rules and decisions to be based on family ties. After the parade was over, it was time for me to choose my mate.

Everyone watched and waited in anticipation of whom I was going to choose.

"I reject every girl brought forward before me to choose as my mate", I pronounced. There was an unusual silence. I knew I had just given everyone present a jaw dropping shock.

I left the great hall and Dan my beta followed closely behind me.



For weeks, the talk about how alpha Konan rejected all the selected girls who were powerful daughters of influential elders in the pack was the bone of contention.

The fathers of the selected girls even threatened to revolt against Alpha Konan. Alpha konan had been extremely quiet. And his quietness looked like the calm before the storm.

Everyone knew Alpha Konan's behavior and temperament. He should have by now punished the elders and their family who threatened to revolt against him.

Ever since that night, I was still in awe as to how I ended up in Alpha Konan's room and even ended up having sex with him. The last alcohol which I took was no ordinary one. I was either drugged or bewitched with something I could not fathom.

I lost my dignity under the influence, and that was the most craziest thing I had done in my twenty two years.

These days i have been feeling nauseous and emotional discomfort, my breast tender and a weird appetite. My period was already two weeks late and I sincerely prayed to the moon goddess that it shouldn't be what I was thinking it was.

I felt dizzy and almost lost consciousness one of the times, then I decided to go to the pack hospital where I was confirmed pregnant.

"Congratulations Madeline," I am so happy for you. Drey will be so happy to hear this. I am truly elated for you both. I wasn't even listening to what Petra was saying. The world was spinning round in front of me. Aborting the child wasn't an option I could opt for, I was at a loss for what to do.

"Madeline," Petra called. You don't seem happy about this. Don't you love Drey anymore? Is this a mistake?"

"Drey isn't the father of the baby in my womb Petra", I blurted out.

Petra found the news unbelievable. "What do you mean," she asked scrunching her face.

"It is exactly what you heard, I replied. Drey isn't the father".

"Ugh______," she exclaimed garnering attention from people passing by. Her expression shifted from surprise to a mixture of shock and confusion.

"Shhhhh," I hushed her. How did Alpha Konan become the father, she whispered to me.

"Petra it was a mistake. It happened on the night of his installation ceremony. I can't even dictate to you how it unfolded. I woke up and found myself in Alpha Konan's room, naked."

"Is Drey aware of it", Petra asked.

"No he isn't", I replied her.

"Madeline has anyone told you that you are a crazy ass bitch? You kept this kind of information from Drey till it advanced to this," she gestured pointing to my still flat stomach.

"How do you want to go about it? You know Alpha Konan is cruel and ruthless. Do you think he is going to believe a mere servant girl like you? He would definitely think that you want to impose a baby that is not his. It was just a one night stand Madeline and you don't stand a chance."

"Petra calm down, there's evidence. He took my dignity that same night".

"Madeline, re__ally."

"You think the ever formidable Alpha Konan is this gullible, tying him down with the excuse that he took your dignity?"

"This is sooo complicated Madeline. Drey has been so good to you. This pregnancy is going to change the relationship you both had. Drey's reaction to this is going to be...... I don't even want to think about it."

"How do you intend to break the news to Alpha Konan?"

"No idea", I replied her.

She shook her head in disbelief and started down the tracks that led to the servant quarters.

My emotions fluctuated between my fear for Alpha Konan, guilt towards Drey and the impending challenges of motherhood merged with the fear that I may be an outcast among the female servants and members of the pack when it comes out in the open.

I was going to let Alpha Konan know of the child in my womb. It was either he accepted it or rejected it and I was prepared more for the rejection.

I started down the road that led to Alpha Konan's quarters. I found myself standing nervously outside the door of his study, unwilling to knock at the huge wooden doors. My heart was pounding with trepidation.

As a servant I grappled with how to break the news to him. The door opened suddenly in front of me and Dan his beta came out of his office. He looked at me, thoroughly assessing me.

"Who are you and what are you doing here? What business do you have with the Alpha?"

He bombarded me with questions and I wasn't in anyway going to break the news to him first.

"I don't have a prior arrangement with him. Just let him know Madeline is here to see him", I replied in the most polite way, my heart still pounding within my chest. He went in and announced my presence and after a short while, I was ushered in to the study.

"Why do you want to see me," Alpha Konan's voice echoed within the confines of the room. I was met with the intense gaze of Alpha Konan seated behind his grand desk.

"Alpha Konan, there is something I want to share with you," my voice showing obvious vulnerability that it took a lot for me not to make mockery of myself. Alpha Konan crossed his palms under his jaw, curiosity flickering in his eyes.

"I am listening Madeline." His voice sounded cold and demeaning that I was forced to blurt out the information without thinking.

"I am pregnant with your child. I am___ pregnant with your child," I repeated again and I dared not look at his face.

My composure faltered in every way and I hoped the ground would open up and swallow me. Alpha Konan left his huge mahogany desk and walked up to me. He lifted my jaw to make me look at him. His face was expressionless and I could also tell he was contemplating what next to do.

"You say you are pregnant with my child Madeline".

"Ye....s Alpha Konan".

I presented to him the test results from the pack hospital. He collected the piece of paper from my hands and read through the words written on it, I still not dared to look at his face. He called Dan in and Alpha Konan whispered something into his ear and he nodded in approval. Dan left and there was a momentary silence between us. It was a silence which could be compared to a double edged sword.

In a short while, Dan appeared with a woman who seemed to be in her fifties and left. She also like me was unable to look at Alpha Konan.

"Strip Madeline," Alpha Konan commanded.

Alpha Konan unexpected demand hung in the air, my eyes widening in surprise and a subtle gasp escaping my lips. My posture faltered deeply once more and there was a mixture of fear and disbelief on my face.

"You mean I should completely go naked in front of everyone here", I softly challenged. He raised his eyebrows in annoyance.

"The everyone here are just me, you and nurse Maude. You claim to carry my baby, so strip, let her do a thorough check on you. Or you don't want to? Do you need my help? Which is it Madeline," his voice rising.

"I command you to strip!!!"

Nurse Maude looked at me, her eyes telling me to obey him without riling him up further. I stripped myself of everything I wore till I was bare in front of him and nurse Maude. Nurse Maude gave me a pregnancy check up the crude way.

"Alpha Konan, she is indeed pregnant." "Congratulations Alpha Konan."

"How many weeks gone", he asked.

Four weeks gone Alpha. I swear I could see his tense face released.

"You can leave," he told nurse Maude. I was still unclad and his icy stare caressed my body.

"Dress up and leave. I will call for you when I need you. For now, keep your mouth shut about this".

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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