Corpse Whisperer/C11 The Sign of Death
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Corpse Whisperer/C11 The Sign of Death
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C11 The Sign of Death

Old Master Jiaang had encountered two extraordinary events in his lifetime. The first occurred when he was young and attempted to hold a corpse for ransom. The bereaved could not afford the exorbitant fee, and in a fit of despair, leapt into the river to end their life.

Since that incident, whether Old Master Jiaang had a change of heart or feared supernatural retribution, he ceased overcharging. At times, he would even retrieve bodies without accepting payment.

The second event was even more peculiar and unfathomable. Twenty-three years ago, driven by a desire to provide a better life for his family, Old Master Jiaang succumbed to greed and attempted to recover a female corpse that was best left undisturbed.

That corpse belonged to Mrs. Jin's daughter, and it was located in a notoriously eerie stretch of water.

Had it not been for his adoptive father in West River Village, who advised Old Master Jiaang on the precise timing for the retrieval and provided him with a protective jade amulet, the outcome could have been dire.

"Thank goodness that female corpse was never brought ashore; otherwise, it wouldn't have just been my family at risk—the whole village might have suffered," Old Master Jiaang recounted, puffing on his dry pipe with a shudder.

"Grandpa Jiaang, what exactly happened when you were retrieving the corpse from the river?" I inquired.

The mere mention of the incident caused Old Master Jiaang to shiver, his hand instinctively caressing his amputated arm and face, yet he remained silent.

Seeing his evident terror, I refrained from pressing further. However, he continued on his own accord, "Old Lady Jin is quite determined. She comes to me every Ghost Month to request the retrieval."

"Why during the Ghost Month?" I asked, intrigued.

"It's only during the Ghost Month that the female corpse can be retrieved. It's not possible in other months. Don't ask me why—I don't know either. These were the instructions given by Half Immortal Zhao," Old Master Jiaang explained.

I speculated to myself that this might be related to the mythical Ghost Month, when it is said that the spirit world opens, allowing the realms of Yin and Yang to converge.

"Old Lady Jin's compensation increases year after year, but this life-threatening and burdensome task is one that no one dares to accept," Old Master Jiaang remarked. Upon hearing this, I felt a surge of curiosity and quickly asked, "Grandpa Jiaang, how much did Mrs. Jin agree to pay you?"

"Three hundred thousand? Changsheng, why do you ask?"

"It's nothing. Oh, right, the boat's rope seems loose. I'll go check on it by the shore." With that, I hurried out of the yard and sprinted toward the entrance of West River Village.

To myself, I thought that with three hundred thousand, I could buy enough tonics to prolong my foster father's life.

I raced to catch up with Mrs. Jin, panting heavily as I blurted out, "I... I want to help you retrieve your daughter's body."

Mrs. Jin looked at me with a mix of surprise and concern. "Young man, I'm trying to recover a body that's been underwater for twenty-three years. I believe only Old Master Jiang, the lifelong Corpse Dragging Man, could possibly bring it back. You're young and inexperienced; don't risk your life in vain."

I was well aware of the risks, but the thought of saving my foster father made me willing to risk everything. So, I pleaded with her earnestly.

Intrigued by my determination, Mrs. Jin asked me why I was so intent on retrieving the body. I told her the honest truth.

"You... You're the adopted son of Half Immortal Zhao?" Mrs. Jin was visibly taken aback, her expression turning complex.

I nodded, and she sighed softly before saying, "You're a good, dutiful boy. Tell you what, if you really can bring my daughter back, I'll give you four hundred thousand."

"Really? Thank you!" I bowed, overcome with gratitude, and escorted Mrs. Jin to the village entrance. Yet, on my way back, my heart was pounding with trepidation.

In the heat of the moment, I had agreed to the deal, but now, reflecting calmly, I remembered how even Old Master Jiang had nearly lost his life without success. Could I, a novice, succeed where he had not?

Upon my return, Grandpa Jiang, sitting in the courtyard smoking his pipe, noticed my distracted demeanor and asked indifferently, "Changsheng, have you been to see Old Lady Jin?"

Realizing my earlier actions had given me away, I nodded, expecting him to dissuade me. To my surprise, he simply said, "I know you're doing this to save Half Immortal Zhao. I'll go with you."

"Grandpa Jiaang, thank you..." I bowed deeply, expressing my gratitude. But as I lifted my head, I was startled by a chilling sight. Looming behind Old Master Jiaang, an eerie figure had materialized out of nowhere.

Libre Baskerville
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