Criminal Investigation Unit Nine/C8 Reconstruction Unit 9
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Criminal Investigation Unit Nine/C8 Reconstruction Unit 9
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C8 Reconstruction Unit 9

Xiao Chennai carefully lowered himself to the ground, finding three corpses laid out in a vertical line.

Their blood had long since dried, which explained the absence of any fresh scent of blood when he entered, only the overpowering stench of decay.

The heads of the corpses were submerged in congealed blood, their hair and scalps gruesomely torn from their skulls. Shining his flashlight on them, he could see maggots writhing disgustingly on their scalps.

"I can't handle this anymore!"

Hua Ning, witnessing Xiao Chennai probing the decayed tops of the corpses' heads with tweezers, was so horrified that she had to flee the scene.

Just then, Cheng Sheng entered and spoke icily, "Chen, the old woman has spilled everything. Let's head back and file the report."

Cheng Sheng was three years Xiao Chennai's senior. Even though Xiao Chennai was the Leader of Unit 9, Cheng Sheng was the most senior and experienced member in terms of hierarchy.

"Okay, Cheng Sheng, let's head back."

At that moment, a team of forensic experts and officers from the Identification Department arrived, setting up lights and transferring the bodies onto stretchers.


The interrogation room light flicked on, revealing Jiaang Mei sitting on a chair not far from Xiao Chennai, her head bowed in silence.

"Jiaang Mei, do you contest the murders of Bobo, Peachy, and Sweetie?"

Xiao Chennai angled the desk lamp toward Jiaang Mei.

A harsh beam of light hit her, causing her to squint, her wrinkled hands shielding her eyes from the glare.

With a weary voice, she responded, "Yes!"


"They all deserved to die; I've done nothing wrong!" Jiaang Mei insisted on her innocence, her dark eyes hollow with a deep-seated grudge that seemed to consume the elderly woman before him.

Jiaang Mei confessed to the killings but denied any wrongdoing? This was a first for Xiao Chennai.

He glanced back at Hua Ning, who stood nearby, and scoffed, "Do you really think a single statement from you can erase the lives you've taken?"

Xiao Chennai had no respect for those who were arrogant and full of themselves.

Despite being an elderly woman, her ruthlessness was such that even the devil would show her deference.

Jiaang Mei slightly lifted her brow, the three wrinkles on her forehead squeezing together as her gaze scattered, looking utterly soulless.

With a sinister smile, she said to Xiao Chennai, "They killed my son first. If we're talking about who started this, shouldn't their bodies be hung and whipped posthumously? Hahaha~"

Jiaang Mei's laughter grew increasingly wild and arrogant, showing no signs of regret.

In his office, Sunn Limin was drafting the final report for the van murder case. Even though Jiaang Mei hadn't confessed to her crimes, she had taken a life and must face the consequences.

Her sentencing couldn't be based solely on her own testimony.

Ring, ring, ring!

Sunn Limin answered the phone with a relaxed tone, "Hello? Captain Wang, what's up? Is there a drink in it for me?"

Sunn Limin smiled broadly.

"All you think about is drinking. Haven't you heard that Unit 9 is being disbanded? The directive has come down from the province!"

Wang Shengdong said irritably. His call was a heads-up for Sunn Limin to wrap up Unit 9's affairs quickly.

Although Wang Shengdong was not in favor of Sunn Limin's efforts to reinstate Unit 9, it was still a matter close to his heart.

"What? What are you saying? Disbanded? But we were promised a few more months!"

Sunn Limin banged the desk in fury, standing up with his body shaking.

He had reported the situation to his superiors and had received their approval, only for them to renege unexpectedly.

Wang Shengdong spoke with impatience, "There's nothing we can do about the decisions from above. Make it quick; I've bought you two more days."

*Beep! Beep! Beep!*

With that, Wang Shengdong ended the call.

Sunn Limin remained frozen in the moment. Was Unit 9 truly going to be dissolved?

What had become of the three individuals from back then? Was fate really not going to give him a chance? Just then, as he set down the phone, he knocked over a file.

A photograph fell out. Wasn't that... Ding Yu?

He was considered an oddity at the police station, labeled as such because he was squeamish about blood. His assignment as a detective at the police academy was nothing short of serendipitous.

Due to his limitation, he was relegated to sorting files in the archives, with little hope for advancement.

"This is fate! Fate intends to rebuild my Unit 9!" Sunn Limin exclaimed, taking a deep breath.

He rang the archives, "Ms. Chen! Could you send Ding Yu over from your department for me to borrow?"

Sunn Limin's tone was beseeching, a trait typical of his personality. Despite being somewhat irritating, he was well-liked.

Chen Jiali, a woman in her fifties and the head of the archives, had a strong rapport with Sunn Limin, which emboldened him to make the request.

"Old Sun, I thought it was someone else! Ding Yu? What do you need him for?" Chen Jiali recognized Sunn Limin's voice instantly and after a brief pause, she inquired, "I've heard about the reconstruction of Unit 9. You're not thinking of..."

Sunn Limin was at a loss for words, but Chen Jiali's question provided him with the perfect opening, which he eagerly took.

"Unit 9 has always been a thorn in my side, as you well know. We're short one person, and wouldn't it be better to have someone from the archives who's already familiar with the team?"

On the phone, Chen Jiali expressed her skepticism, "Ding Yu is hemophobic. The whole station mocks him for it. What do you need him for? Should I transfer someone else instead?"

She pondered the implications of staffing decisions, especially for the prestigious Unit 9. It wouldn't reflect well on her to assign someone ineffective to the team.

"No, he's the one I want. Trust me!" Sunn Limin was adamant, refusing any other candidates from the archives.

Left with no alternative, Chen Jiali acquiesced, "Fine, I have other matters to attend to. I'll send him over later to draft the transfer letter."

With the conversation over, Sunn Limin felt a weight lift from his shoulders.

Thud, thud, thud!

Half an hour later, there was a knock on Sunn Limin's office door. He called out in a relaxed tone, "Come in!"

Hua Ning entered, clutching a stack of photos, with a man trailing behind her.

The man, clutching a transfer letter, glanced around apprehensively.

"Director Sunn, I forgot to file these crime scene photos, so I've brought them to you," she said.

Hua Ning, with a few photos in hand, sashayed toward Sunn Limin's desk, her graceful figure swaying with each step.

Sunn Limin accepted the photos and only then noticed the man behind him, who was staring at Hua Ning's lower body, completely mesmerized.

"What are you staring at, Ding Yu?"

Sunn Limin tossed a photo at the dazed Ding Yu, who jumped and caught it, stammering, "Nothing, nothing. I'm just here to report in!"

He glanced down at the photo he had caught and saw it was of a naked female corpse, her body gruesomely disfigured – a truly horrific sight.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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