Dark Agency/C2 Chapter two: Reporting back to HQ
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Dark Agency/C2 Chapter two: Reporting back to HQ
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C2 Chapter two: Reporting back to HQ

One by one, agents dropped dead with holes in their heads, or got pulled screaming into the smokescreen of death, they shot aimlessly out of desperation hoping to hit their target as their comrades were being picked off one by one, but it was all to no avail. Finally, Mr. Smith was the only person left standing frozen in the center of the smokescreen, his body shook with fright and his face looked liked he'd just seen the horrors. His instincts screamed at him to run, but his body was paralyzed with fright and his subconscious mind knew he won't survive even if he did.

Suddenly he felt sharp pains in his arms and thighs, his body felt heavy to carry his weight so that he dropped to his knees, he looked down to realize blood gushing out the bullet holes Rogue had just put in his arms and thighs, it had already started to make a mirroring pool of blood underneath him, he could see the tears upwell and drop from his eyes as he broke into a quiet sob.

"Guess we're down to the last boss huh", Rogue utters as his shadowy figure emerges from the smokescreen into the sight of his prey...

"You security agents really are a pain, you know that?, You always try to start a fight you can't finish and end up making me overwork, I'd better get more points out of this, anyway it doesn't matter the real issue is you tried to make a fool out of the Dark Agency with this spam deal and you went ahead to try and capture an agent, this definitely calls for punishment and of course to send a signal to your dum superiors, but I wonder what the best punishment for you is hmmmm...ah, ooh I know, how about I kill you slowly and painfully and when I'm done I'll kill your family too to send a message, If I'm not mistaken you've got a son and a daughter, what were their names again Kenzie and..."

"No!, Not my family you stay away from them you monster, if you so much as lay a hand on them I'll fucking kill you"

"Really and how exactly do you plan on going about it when I'm about to kill you myself, kuhahaha"

"You think I can't see that you psycho, but I'm begging you, I'll do anything, I'll even get you the info you wanted, just leave my family out of this"

"Nope, letting you go will be a problem for me you see, besides I was gonna kill you from day one since I knew you were going to trick me, but I never thought you'd go as far as to capture, well I still made preparations for it all so it's all good. If you really cared about your family you would have thought twice before you messed with me, you lost because of your lack of preparation, mainly because you had little info about me but even if you did have all the info, it'll take you some time to prepare for a fight against me, after all you'll need a minimum of the best twenty expert level agents all armed with the CIA's best weapons, and still that'll be the barest minimum requirement. Oh well, then I guess it's time you started dying knowing your folly"

Rogue shoots about ten more bullets into Mr. Smith, missing his vital nerves and organs on purpose so that he dies painfully and slowly, then once again he disappeared into the smokescreen although it had already started to dissipate. Dying slowly and painfully on the ground Mr. Smith looks around the café that had been decorated red with the blood and dead bodies of his subordinates, he could not believe that a team of intermediate agents had just been wiped out by a single person and he, a veteran agent, just a rank below an expert was utterly powerless before one man, thinking of his family, his heart began to fill with regrets and he apologized to them till he took his last painful breath.

Rogue on the other hand was well on his way back to the Agency, he had no intention of killing off Mr. Smith's family since it was all a lie to make his death process more gruesome, but if the Agency did order him to do it he won't batt an eye. Arriving at the secret headquarters of the Dark Agency located somewhere in Vermont, Rogue was looking to make a report, it's a bit of a stress to him but what could he do about it when upper rank agents had to report directly to the board instead of the regulators. But it's not like meeting the board is an easy task, you had to go through the regulators first. He made his way to the exclusive regulator pod for upper rank agents in order to attain the meeting permit.

"Excuse me,can I get a meeting permit vergo, it's urgent"

The regulator who was busy on the computer rose her head to meet Rogue's gaze, she had been in full concentration on whatever she was doing that she hadn't even heard what Rogue said

"I'm sorry sir but this pod is exclusively for upper rank agents"

"I know that, isn't it why I'm here, come to think of it why are you here?,isn't vergo supposed to be the regulator in this pod"

"Vergo?, oh you mean the regulator who was here before me?, I heard he was promoted so I'm filling his post"

"Really, that sucks, but I'm happy for him, anyway grant me a meeting permit to see the board"

"I already told you that this pod is for upper rank agents only"

"And I already told you that's why I'm here because I'm an upper rank agent"

"Then how's it that I don't know your details, besides you look too young to be one, unless...wait wait wait don't tell me you're rank one; 'Rogue the salvation'"

"That's right here's my agent ID you can scan it"

"No wonder, I've memorised the info of all the ranked agents but the only agent that the system doesn't give info on is you"

" Yh, yh, now grant me the permit, I need to make an urgent report!"

"Oh I'm sorry, but you can go, they've already been waiting for you all day"

"Those sly geezers have?, I thought I'd have to wait till tomorrow to see them"

He made his way to the board room having to go through so many security systems, hundred and twenty eight of them to be specific, the board were always anonymous and also very careful, they never let anything get past them, but finally he arrived at the board room where the panel of the nine boards sat but behind a thick glass that was very much explosives and bullet proof. I mean what'd you expect?

"We've been waiting for you, agent Rogue?"

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