Dark and Dangerous Desires/C6 Chapter 6: Longing Hearts
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Dark and Dangerous Desires/C6 Chapter 6: Longing Hearts
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C6 Chapter 6: Longing Hearts

"We've been here a week. Where the hell is she?" Killian yelled to Donnie.

"Boss, we checked the addresses the school had on file. It's vacant. We checked with the neighbors, the house has been empty, since her parents passed." Donnie said with annoyance.

"She has to be here! We seen her car come into town. Every way out of town has CCTV video recording, her car hasn't left this town." Killian said in defeat.

"We'll find her, boss." Justin said reassuringly.

"But how long will it take? Every minute we don't know where she is somebody could find out about the baby." Killian said and concern.

"Boss, we will find her soon. Michael informed me that people are starting to get suspicious about our leaving." Justin said seriously.

"What do you suppose we do? I can't leave the mother of my child unprotected." Killian said with annoyance.

"Surely, since she knows about the baby. She's seeking medical care for her pregnancy. Maybe we should try getting information from the hospital." Donnie said and suggestion.

"That's not a bad idea, Donnie." Killian said sincerely.

"If we don't have anything updated in a week, I think it's wise that you go back home. Donny and I will stay here and continue the search." Justin said seriously.

"Yeah, I think you're right. Let's go by the hospital and see if they have anything." Killian said in a domineering tone.

Killian's POV.

I'm losing my mind not knowing where she is. I can't protect her. I can only protect her and the baby once we get married and she's part of the family. I'm so mad at myself for being so foolish. It won't take long for people to know that something is up. I was fucking stupid bringing that bitch home. I don't care if Abby hates me forever, but I need to get her back to take care of her and the baby. She doesn't know anything of my life, so she has no clue that she will be in danger without me. I can't stand the idea of her or our growing baby being hurt because of my mistakes. I need to find her and fix things.

"Boss, we found a number when we hacked the hospitals system." Donnie said in a hopeful tone.

"Give it." Killian said as he snatched the number written down and entered it into his phone and hit dial.

"Hello?" a mans voice said on the other line.

"I'm calling for Abby Michaels." Killian said lowly.

"Abby." The man called out.

"Yes?" she said calmly.

"There's someone on the phone for you." the man said.

"Hello?" Abby's sweet voice rang on the other side.

"Abby?" Killian asked in disbelief.

"Why are you calling?" she snorted out.

"Please, you need to listen to me." Killian said quickly in fear she'd hang up.

"You have one minute." she said coldly.

"Abby, you and the baby are in danger. I need you to come back to New York with me." Killian said desperately.

"What do you mean?" Abby said quietly.

"Meet me and I will tell you everything, but you and the baby are not safe here." he replied lightly.

"Where?" Abby said curiously.

"I'm staying at the motel on third and fifth. Are you familiar?" he asked softly.

"Yeah, give me thirty minutes." she said coldly and hung up.

"Who was that on the phone?" Tony asked curiously as he walked into the room. Abby made sure to speak softly to not be heard on the phone.

"It's the doctor's office. Asked me to come in to fill out some forms." she said kindly.

"I'll drive you." Tony said sweetly.

"Thanks, but I'd like to go alone." she said softly.

"Whatever you want." Tony said sweetly.

Abby grabbed her purse and left to meet Killian. She called the number back. He answered after the first ring.

"What room?" she said coldly.

"Are you here?" Killian asked eagerly.

"Almost." she retorted.

"Room two eleven." he said and she hung up.

Within five minutes there was a knock on the room door. He quickly got up and opened it. He immediately embraced her in a hug.

"Killian, get off me." she said rudely as she struggled to get out of his grasp.

He let go of her and they walked into the room.

"I'm so glad you're alright." Killian said gratefully.

"How am I in danger?" she said coldly.

"I was going to tell you about my life if you decided to stay." he said lowly.

"I am the Don of the largest mafia in the states and the UK." he said nervously.

"You're in danger of rival mafia's and gangs. You are carrying the Haswell heir. I can only protect you and our baby if you come home with me." he said sternly.

"Killian, you sound ridiculous." she laughed out.

"Abby, this isn't a fucking joke." Killian retorted angrily.

"Guys, can you leave us for a minute?" Killian asked Justin and Donnie. The two nodded to him and left the room.

"Prove to me, that the baby and I are in danger, and I'll go with you" she said seriously.

"Abby, the proof you're asking to see will paint me as a monster to you." he said lowly.

"Show me something and I'll go with." she said again in a serious tone.

Killian pulled out a computer and opened into security footage, on the screen she saw her ex-boyfriend Landon bloody and tied to a chair.

"What are you doing to him?" she croaked out.

"Torture, for hurting you." he replied coldly.

"One call and I'll end his suffering." he said seriously.

"You will go to jail, you can't take people and hurt them, who's to stop him from pressing charges. Killian, you are crazy." she said in shock.

"He won't have the chance to take anything to the cops. Even if he did, they're on my payroll." Killian said seriously.

"Killian, stop this." Abby said nervously.

"One call and I'll end his pain. Say the words." he said lowly.

"Okay, end it." she said sternly.

Killian made a call and just said "Do it." and hung up and on the screen two men walk into the room, the one draws a gun and shoots a bloody Landon between the eyes.

"Oh my god!" Abby shrieked out tears immediately flooding her eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you, you monster!" she cried out.

"You wanted proof. The world is ugly, and I am a part of it's ugliness." Killian said coldly.

"You had him killed. For what?" she cried out again.

"For hurting you." he said seriously.

"You hurt me, so do you deserve the same fate?" she sobbed.

"Abby, I hurt you but you hurt me first. You packed up and left, if it weren't for the baby in your womb would you have come back?" he said seriously.

"No." she cried softly.

"Abby, if I knew you came back I would have never brought that slut home. I need you to trust me now though that you and the baby are not safe. You need to come home with me. There's a million people who will be out to get you and the baby, once word of the Haswell heir is out." he said honestly.

"I don't know." she cried.

"Baby, I am so sorry. I tried finding you the second you left, let's go home." he said softly as her wrapped her in his arms.

"I'm sorry too." she cried softly.

"I blamed it all on you when I left." she muttered in tears.

"It's okay, we can go home and start over." he said softly as he wiped her tears away.

"Okay." she said softly as she wrapped her arms around him.

"I missed you." she whispered in embarrassment.

"Oh, yeah? What'd you miss?" he said seductively.

"I missed just being near you and how I felt." she said softly.

"I missed you too. I missed going to bed next to you and all the dirty things we did to each other in bed." he said seductively.

"I missed that too." she said lightly as she let out a small laugh.

"We haven't missed much time, why don't we make up for it anyways?" he said lowly in her ear as he looped his fingers under her chin to raise her head. She let out a small nod and moved in to kiss him.

Abby's POV

I just seen he had my ex killed but right now I'm not scared of him and against all my better judgement I want him so bad. No, I need him so badly. I haven't been away from him long, but it feels like forever since I felt him against my body. Something about him makes me forget my pain, while there is time's he's rude and controlling, the times he isn't is enough for him to be able to consume my whole being. He melts the aches of loss away. He excites me in ways no other man has ever been able to. He makes a fire burn inside of me, a fire of passion, lust, anger, happiness, he gives me a fire of feelings. For so long all I was able to feel was numbness and sadness. Even being around people who love me right now, I was feeling sad and numb. I feel conflicted on how to tell Stacy and David that I'll be going back to New York to be with Killian after all the help they've given. Our baby is my first concern right now. Seeing that Killian is genuinely concerned showed he's serious. He doesn't show any emotion outside of calm and anger, seeing the worry in his eyes was enough to convince me. For this moment all I care about is being in his arms and having our bodies wrapped together.

"I need you." Abby whispered in his ear.

"Tell me how you want me." he said seductively.

"I want your body against me and you filling me up." she breathed out eagerly.

"Tell me in more detail." he said teasingly.

"I want you to fuck me, I want you hot seed spilling inside of me at our climax. I want all of you." she said flirtatiously.

"You'll have all of me, for always babe." he said cockily.

He started slipping off her close kissing every inch of her body as he undresses.

"It's so hot that you're carrying my baby." he breathed against her skin.

"Less talking." she panted.

"Yes, boss." he chuckled out as he continued leaving kisses against her body.

"Killian, fuck me please." she begged.

"Can't wait for me to take my time worshipping my woman?" he teased.

"No, I just need you so badly right now." she whined.

Killian quickly ripped his clothes off and the second he was undressed he parted her legs, she was already soaking wet. He groaned in approval feeling her soaking for him.

He positioned himself and thrusted his length into her eager pussy. She moaned out loudly in pleasure as he took deep fast strokes. She took her nails scratching hard against his back as he ravished her tight hole with his throbbing manhood. Her back arching with every shot of pleasure.

"Yes, Killian!" she cried out in pleasure.

He pulled out and quickly flipped her onto her stomach so he could fuck her from behind, he entered fast and reached around drawing fast circles around her clit with his fingers.

"God, yes, yes, Killian!" she moaned. Feeling she was right on the edge of an intense climax he picked up his pace in his thrusts and clit play.

"I'm going to cum!" she cried out in pleasure. Her pussy began pulsating around his manhood milking him into climax, his hot seed spilling heavily inside of her.

"You're amazing." she panted out.

"I'm happy your satisfied." he said cockily.

"Seeing as I'm the only man who will ever be able to have you." he said seductively.

He pulled out and laid beside her.

"I've been staying with my parents old best friend's, I need to tell them I'm heading back to New York." she said softly.

"I will accompany you." he said caringly as he placed a trail of kisses up her neck and onto her jaw.

"Okay, they might not like you." she said in embarrassment.

"Yeah?" he asked curiously.

"I kind of mentioned you kissing another woman." she said in a guilty tone.

"Did you just say that part or the full story?" he asked curiously.

"Just that part." she muttered.

"Well, we can set it straight so they will be comfortable." he said sternly.

Killian laid there staring at her perfect features. Admiring every part of her, he grazed his hand over her nonexistent baby bump in awe.

"I will protect you with my life." he whispered.

"I already decided on names." she said softly.

"What are they?" he asked full of curiosity.

"Killian James for a boy and Isobella Katherine for a girl." she said lightly.

"We'll call the baby KJ for short if it's a boy." she said happily.

"I like them." he said softly.

"Have you had your first appointment?" he asked curiously.

"No, I've just scheduled it." she replied lightly.

"I'm glad we'll see the baby together at the same time." he said sweetly.

"I like this nice side of you. If you keep it up, I might fall in love." she teased.

"I'd fall in love soon, if I were you." he said seriously.

"Why?" she giggled.

"Because we have to marry when we get back to New York." he said seriously,

"What?" she asked in shock,

"Abby, you need to be my wife for the mafia to protect you and the baby needs to be a legitimate heir." he said seriously.

"If there was another way for us to take our time I'd allow it, but it needs to be this way so I can protect you both." he said sternly.

"But it's just really sudden. What if we're not meant to be together? What if one of us falls in love with someone else?" she asked in shock.

"Is there another man you love?" he asked coldly.

"No, but I'm saying what if?" she said softly.

"What if we end up hating each other?" she asked seriously.

"Well, we're stuck for the next eight-teen years regardless. If we can't learn to love each other by then I don't think we'll be able to love anyone." he said honestly.

"I don't think we will struggle finding love together, though. There's something about you that has me hooked." he said seductively as he kissed along her ear.

"You're ready for one woman forever?" she asked seriously.

"I heard from Daniel that guys like you guys are only interested in bringing home new women every night and never seeing them again." she said nervously.

"As long as my only woman is you, I'll be content." he said seriously as he kissed her jaw.

"I need to go talk to my parents' friends that I'll be going back." she said softly.

"A few more minutes and we'll go." he said lightly.

They were on their way to David and Stacy's to let them know about Abby going back to New York. They rode in silence, Abby reached out to hold his hand.

"I'm nervous." she whispered.

"For what?" he asked curiously.

"Are we even capable of being parents?" she asked sadly.

"I don't know anything about kids." she said lightly.

"It'll be okay, my mom will be there to help. My sister is good with kids too." he said lightly.

"We'll make it work, baby." he said reassuringly.

"Okay." she said quietly.

They made it to the house and got off the car together, and walked up to the house.

"Auntie." Abby called out as she opened the door.

"Hey, honey." Stacy said sweetly as she walked around the corner and paused as she saw Killian.

"Who's this?" she asked kindly.

"This is Killian, the baby's father." Abby said lightly and just then David and Tony rounded the corner.

"Howdy, who's this?" David said in a friendly tone.

"He's the baby's father, we're going to go back to New York to try and make things work." Abby said lightly.

"But he's a cheater." Tony sneered.

"That was a misunderstanding. I packed and left without word. And came back when I learned I was pregnant and we weren't in a relationship anyways to begin with." Abby said softly.

"Who the fuck is he?" Tony retorted.

"Tony!" David scolded.

"Killian Haswell." Killian said low and domineering.

"What?" Tony muttered seemingly knowing who exactly Killian is. Stacy, David, and Tony stood silently gathering the information of Abby leaving.

"I appreciate the help you've given me but we owe it to our baby to have two parents." Abby said with gratitude.

"We understand, dear. We had a similar thing when Stacy got pregnant with Tony." David said kindly.

"I'm leaving, enjoy being a stupid bitch, Abby." Tony sneered. Killian blocked his path.

"Don't talk to her like that." Killian growled.

"Apologize." Killian said coldly as he shot daggers at Tony with his eyes.

"Sorry." he sneered and turned around towards the kitchen.

"We should get going." Killian said lightly to Abby.

"Promise you won't be a stranger." Stacy said sadly.

"I promise." Abby said softly as she hugged her.

Abby's POV

I went upstairs and packed my bags. I feel sad leaving. I know it's the right thing. Our baby needs both of us and seeing the dangerous lifestyle of Killian I know our best chance is with him and his protection. I feel at times I shouldn't trust him but at this point I think my only hope of raising my baby happily is along-side him. I think he cares in his own way. I do see myself being able to love him. The mere thought of him fuels me with every emotion good and bad. Love is hard and trying, so maybe feeling this way isn't a horrible thing. I feel amazing next to him. Every bad feeling melts away. He makes me forget just how cruel life can be. Shocking, because he's a mafia boss. I'm not too sure I fully understand that yet and what that means for the baby and I, but I'm certain he'll take care of us.

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