Darkened Queen/C25 Throw out the Bait
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Darkened Queen/C25 Throw out the Bait
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C25 Throw out the Bait

Staring at the disappearing figure, she thought for a moment, then slowly narrowed her eyes.

Why was he hiding in Phoenix Palace tonight and pretending to be a guard?

Was he a chess piece of the person who framed him, or was he doing it on purpose...

She could not figure it out. The strange feeling in her heart grew stronger and stronger.

Her eyes suddenly opened wide and shot out a sharp light.

That King Rui, Jun Wuyao, was the Ninth Prince of the Red North.

He was definitely not an empty bag of trash like the rumors said!

Thinking of how she used to be afraid of ghosts, Yun Zhiyu laughed at herself. In her previous life, Chi Hongze did not like that she knew martial arts. He felt that women fighting and killing did not have the demeanor of an empress.

She no longer raised her sword to practice martial arts. Over time, she slowly tempered her original personality.

She really lived like a jealous woman in the palace.

This time, when she saw the ghost, she subconsciously retreated instead of grabbing the ghost's neck with her palm.

She had almost forgotten about her previous self...

She put on her coat and went to a cabinet that was full of dust. When she opened it, there was a long snow white sword lying inside.

Her eyes turned hot and she picked up the long sword.

The candles in the hall were lit and the curtains were fluttering.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Back kick, side slash, thrust...

He seemed as though he didn't know fatigue and fatigue, and he continued to dance until dawn!

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Yun Zhiyu personally went to see the empress dowager every day, bringing along the calming incense that she had personally made. The empress dowager admired her even more.

As the spring cold faded, the palace welcomed a bright and beautiful warmth. The grass was long and the birds were flying, and the hundred flowers in the imperial garden were even more flourishing.

In the pavilion not far away, three graceful figures were sitting inside.

On the stone table in the pavilion, there was a piece of white paper and colorful paint.

One of them was holding a paintbrush and dabbing the paint on the paper.

In just a short while, a butterfly that was lying on a white flower was drawn on the paper and it seemed to be alive.

"Worthy Lady Soong, your drawing is really good. Look at this butterfly, it's about to fly off the paper."

Noble Consort Hui praised and intimately pulled Worthy Lady Soong over, "Hurry up and rest. Your body is weak. If the Emperor sees you sweating like this, his heart will ache again."

"Oh, it's really not bad. In my opinion, it's much better than those painting vendors on the streets."

On the side, Concubine Ren was dressed in a rose-colored palace dress, and her facial features were extremely beautiful. She glanced at him with disdain.

Worthy Lady Soong was originally happy, but her face immediately turned red. She lowered her head and said timidly, "Thank you for your praise, sister."

"Hmph, I am not worthy of being Worthy Lady Soong's sister."

Concubine Ren's eyes were filled with pride. A Worthy Lady Soong, who did not have any family influence, was worthy of being called her sister.

Noble Consort Hui opened her mouth to ease Worthy Lady Soong's embarrassment, "I heard that Concubine Ren's brother has rendered great service in pacifying the rebellion in the southern barbarians. Presumably, when he returns to the palace this time, the Emperor will be promoted again. I really have to congratulate my sister."

When she mentioned her big brother, Concubine Ren's face was filled with pride, as if she did not put anyone in her eyes, "Of course. My Chu Family is a civil and martial family. We are loyal to the Emperor and share his worries. We deserve to be favored by the Emperor."

As she spoke, she passed by the imperial garden dressed in a phoenix robe and accidentally bumped into a few people.

Concubine Ren reluctantly bowed. Seeing that she was going to the Benevolence Palace, she raised her eyebrows and ridiculed, "The Emperor has only not been to the Phoenix Palace for a month, and the Empress can't wait to find the Empress Dowager. I'm afraid she is not going to accompany the Empress Dowager to relieve her boredom, but the Phoenix Palace is cold and cheer herself up."

She covered her mouth with her hand and laughed. "Oh, I was stupid and offended the Empress. Please don't blame me."

Yun Zhiyu glanced at her indifferently and pursed her lips, ignoring her.

She didn't even look at her.

Concubine Ren stood there in shock. In the past, when the Empress heard these words, she would be so angry that she would blush and glare. When the palace maid slapped her twice, she would take the opportunity to cry to the Emperor and punish the Empress.

But now, the Empress was not angry at all. She was strangely quiet and calm.

"Hmph, who are you putting on airs for!"

Noble Consort Hui sipped her tea and pretended to remind her: "Sister, you have to be careful when you speak. In the month that you were grounded, the Empress has been visiting the Empress Dowager in Benevolence Palace every day. The Empress Dowager is also close to the Empress."


Concubine Ren was furious. She slammed her cup on the table, called for someone to come over, and also went to the Benevolence Palace.

Worthy Lady Soong put away the scroll and said softly, "Sister, are you going to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?"

Noble Consort Hui smiled but did not say a word. The brainless Concubine Ren, the last time she injured Worthy Lady Lan who was by the Empress's side, did she really think that the Empress would sit and wait for death?

Concubine Ren went to the Benevolence Palace, and after a few words, her sarcastic tone made the empress dowager annoyed, and she sent her away because she had a headache.

Looking at the angry Concubine Ren leaving, Yun Zhiyu smiled faintly. It seemed that the fish was about to be hooked.

After chatting with the empress dowager for a while, she got up and left.

Wet Nurse Lee came out to see her off. The two of them walked to a remote palace road.

A petite palace maid was waiting at the side with her head lowered. Her wide palace robe covered her face tightly.

"I've sent her, and I hope Wet Nurse Lee will take good care of her in the future."

Yun Zhiyu pulled the palace maid over and placed her hand in Wet Nurse Lee's.

He said softly, "In the future, there will no longer be any Palace Woman Ann in the palace. There will only be an unknown palace maid in the Benevolence Palace."

The palace maid raised her head, revealing a face full of scars. Her original appearance could no longer be seen.

Wet Nurse Lee patted the palace maid's hand in distress and pulled the palace maid to kneel down.

"Thank you, Empress. I only have Palace Woman Ann as my only family. If you save her, you save my life. In the future, I will definitely be loyal to you."

Tears streamed down Wet Nurse Lee's face. Even if the Empress wanted her to die, she would grit her teeth and accept it!

This was because Palace Woman Ann was not her niece, but her biological daughter.

Yun Zhiyu helped them up. "There's no need for that. Wet Nurse Lee is an old woman by the empress dowager's side, and she is about the same age as my father. How can I let Wet Nurse Lee betray the empress dowager and bring about a disaster of life and death? Wet Nurse Lee should stay by the empress dowager's side and spend her remaining years in peace. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Hearing this, Wet Nurse Lee was shocked and touched. She thanked her again and again before leaving.

When Lianye returned, she was a little puzzled, "Your Majesty, you saved Palace Woman Ann, and you did not ask for Wet Nurse Lee's repayment. Why did you let Wet Nurse Lee spread the news that you wanted to invite gods and buddhas to the palace in order to pray for the empress dowager? In this way the consorts would be ahead of the queen in asking for the gods and Buddhas."

Yun Zhiyu smiled and changed the topic," Has there been any movement from Concubine Ren? "

"Yes, she said that Concubine Ren was very angry, and that she was jealous of your relationship with the empress dowager. She asked someone to find a lot of medicinal herbs, and that she was going to visit the empress dowager every day."

"Hehe, what I want is for Concubine Ren to hear this news."

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