Daughter of the premodial alpha werewolf/C2 The dark lord Angus plans
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Daughter of the premodial alpha werewolf/C2 The dark lord Angus plans
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C2 The dark lord Angus plans

Next day

Frank woke up from his bed and went straight to the bathroom. He took his bath after brushing his teeth.

After five minutes he was done dressing. He descended the stairs and met his mother on the couch watching TV.

"Good morning Mom "he greeted and she turned to him.

"Morning son"she replied casually.

"Mom I am sorry for what I did to you yesterday please forgive me"he said and she smiled.

"Apologies accepted"she said smiling broadly.

Frank nodded and was about walking out of the house when his mother called him.

"Well I want to ask what happened to your eyes yesterday "she said and he scoffed. "Oh that, it is a tiny orbit which flew into my eyes but it has been taken care of "he said. "But your eyes "she couldn't complete her statement because Joel greeted her.

"Good morning Mom"Joel said descending the stairs. Frank and Joel both greeted themselves.

"Mum we are off to school"Frank said grabbing Joel hand running out of the house.

He released his grip from Joel hand as they walked toward a red Ferrari car.

"Am still wondering how Golden high school would look like "Joel said and Frank scoffed. They both entered the car.

Joel sat on the passenger seat while Frank sat down on the driver seat. He held the steering wheel and ignited the engine and drove out of the mansion speedily.

🌆Golden high school🌆

A Ferrari car drove speedily into the school compound drifting the students attention. Two figure emerged out of the car and they could be recognized as Frank and Joel.

The student whispered between themselves as they stared at the handsome boys.

"They are the sons of the trillionaire Mildreds .

" Wow they are fucking handsome"

"they looks like Greek God

"one of them have a golden hair "they said referring to Frank. The electric bell rang for lecture and students tropped into their various classes.

👹Syklian Dark Abode👹

Darkness crept into the palace, faint footsteps could be heard as a figure putting on hoodie walked toward the dark throne, a dark being was sitted, the being was covered with darkness, he could be recognized as lord Angus.

"You summoned me my lord"the figure said with his head bowed.

"Have you found the location of the chosen one, a very big threat to the dark kingdoms"lord Angus said.

"You know half of his power will start to manifest any moment he came in contact with the wolf girl his mate"he added.

"My lord after the investigation I discovered that the boy is not in this realm but in the mortal(human"world"lutan the boy in the hood said.

"I have to go to the dark witches to create a portal to the human world" lord Angus said rhetorically.

"But my lord why don't you teleport us out of this realm to cause havoc once again in the human world"lutan said.

"Do you Know why I made you my second in command of the monster?"lord Angus ask.

"No my lord"lutan replied

"That because of your bravery and smartness but you don't expect me to teleport you all out of this realm because it will drain my dark energy"lord Angus said.

"Now I have to go"lord Angus said.

Wings sprouted out of his back flapping glaciously and he flew out of the dark abode.

🌋 Witch Cave🌋

Seven witches with dark glowing eyes surrounded a lady who sat on a dark throne, her face was completely covered with dark veil, the seven witches bowed before her in respect, faint footsteps could be heard as a figure with wings flapping could be seen walking towards the dark throne, the figure could be recognized as Lord Angus.

The seven witches who surrounded the lady on the dark throne bowed in sight of lord Angus.

"What could have brought the great lord Angus to my abode" she ask in a horrifying tone.

"I want you to "lord Angus couldn't complete his statement as she cut him off.

"You want me to open a portal for you to human world and want me to join you in the fight" she said.

"Yes, can you render to help"lord Angus said.

"Okay if I render to help what will I gain in return"she ask.

"What do you need "lord Angus ask but she didn't reply.

"How do you intend in planning on the boy"lord Angus ask

"You don't have to stressed yourself everything is under control "she said rhetorically.

"I will tell you what I need later for I am the game planner"she added with laughter and lord Angus gritted his teeth before teleporting out of sight.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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