
Shannon woke up yawning loudly, squeezing her eyes gently with her palm.

She stood up from the queen sized bed and walked into the bathroom.

She splashed water on her face and brush her teeth before taking her bath.

She walked out of the bathroom with towel wrapped around her waist and in less than twenty minutes she was done dressing.

She took her phone from the bed and tucked it into her pocket before proceeding out of the room. She descended the stairs and met her mom busy applying make-up on her face.

"Good morning Mom"she greeted.

"Morning"her mom said shortly after applying pink lip stick on her lip.

"Mum am sorry"she apologized.

"Sorry for what"she chuckled knowing her mom is angry.

"Sorry for what I did for you please forgive me"Shannon said and was about walking out of the room but halt when her mom called her.

"You've been forgiven but I want to ask you a question"

Shannon scoffed knowing her mom will still ask question pertaining what happened yesterday.

"Shanny dear what happened to your eyes yesterday because I can't fathom how your eyes suddenly changed to blue"she asked.

"Oh that ....it was just a upgraded eye len I used , my eyes will change to blue if I blink my eyes too much while using the len"Shannon said amidst laughter.

"Oh okay but the colour of your "her mom was interrupted by the ringing tone of Shannon phone.

"Mum am off to school"she said running out of the house. She intentionally set an alarm on her phone making it looking like her phone was ringing, knowing her mom won't back out.

"Such a weirdo"her mom said after Shannon rushed out.

Shannon advanced out of the house and proceeded into the garage. She went into a pink Lamborghini car and drove out of the mansion speedily but carefully.

Golden high school

Students flock around the school premises, cars parked around..... Hundreds of student moving, mafia, lovers and many more, all in the there different groups while some are still lonely and single... No lover, just singular to the world.

A red Mercedes Benz latest car drove into the school compound and skillfully parked at the parking lot. Frank and Joel walked out of the car with smile beaming on their faces, Frank being a very handsome guy drift the female students attention to him which enraged the boys in the vincity.

"Who is that dumb ass fucking guy"Max the mafia lord of the school asked from his gang as they stared daggers at the moving Frank and Joel who entered the building with smile.

"They are the sons of the Mildred the richest trillionaire in the world"one of his gangster said.

"That doesn't concerns me in as much he does not drift the female attention to himself or else he gonna feel my wrath"Max said and walked off.



Frank opened his locker taking his books into his bag, everyone stopped staring at him as they were now focusing their gaze outside through the windows which make him chuckled.

His friend (Martin)also in his previous school. Martin grabbed his hand and they both went to one of the window to see what they are looking at.

Lo and behold a beautiful girl emerged out from the pink Lamborghini car after parking at the parking lot, the girl could be recognized as Shannon.... Everyone marvel at her beauty sight including Frank and Martin who were whispering between their self.

"I think I like that girl"Martin said and Frank scoffed.

"Love at first sight"Frank hissed softly and sat on his seat while Martin sat down beside him.

Shannon walked into the class and martins smiled inwardly.

"Wow she is in our class"Martin whispered to Frank who scoffed.

Shannon chuckled she heard what Martin was whispering to Frank. Shannon took a seat behind Frank and sit down.

"Is this not the guy with golden hair have always dreamt off"Shannon thoughts and she gasped out softly after recalling Frank to be the one.

"Why do I feel connected to that girl"Frank thought but shrugged it off as the teacher walked in and the lecture started.

The electric bell rang for lunch time and students tropped out of their various classes.

Frank and Martin work out of their class and advanced toward the school cafeteria.

Frank and Martin entered the cafeteria drifting the female attention which enraged the boys especially Max who angrily charged at him and launched a heavy punch at Frank.

Frank crashed hard on an empty table which cause blood dripping out of his lip. Max grabbed Frank by his collar and rain punches at him while blood covered his face staining his cloth.

Nobody tried intervening because they know Max is capable of doing,even Martin who tried intervening was beaten by Max gang.

Shannon could be seen sitted far away gritting her teeth as she watched the scene. She couldn't take it any longer as Max beat the hell out of Frank (her mate). She discovered Frank to be her mate as she also felt the bond even without marking him.

"I can't take it any longer"she cursed beneath her voice.

"What will I do"she thought and an idea popped into her head.

She took a pen from her pocket and threw it at Max with an extra-ordinary Force, like bullet the pen hit him very hard on his back of the head which caused an uproar of laughter but it didn't last long as Max turned back.

Max turned around searching for the person who threw the pen at him. He rubbed his head softly as his head ached badly.

Shannon stood up from the seat and approached Max with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Hey look here dummy, looking for the one who hitted your dumb head with the pen,well i am the one"she said without fear which make Max angry and dashed at her with a punch which she dodged and quickly gave him an uppercut jab. He crashed hard on the floor which caused him to winced out in pain.

He did a Chinese get up and dashed at her and punched her really hard on the face. She crashed hard on the chair breaking it into pieces due to her extra-ordinary strength.

She bounced up angrily and Max launched a punch at her but she caught his hand mid way and twisted his hand dislocating the bone.

She gave him a powerful punch which sent him sent him crashing out of the cafeteria. Max gang scampered off knowing they are no match for her.

Shannon approached Frank who is unconscious with his cloth drenched with blood and carried him in a bridal style to the school clinic.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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