
Every year, the birthday celebration is managed by the Ministry of Rites, with the help of the Ministry of Revenue. But this year, on the birthday celebration, somehow, the Emperor insisted that Night Lianhe personally take care of such a small matter. Some of the old officials with keen political senses already understood that this was a young emperor claiming sovereignty over his uncle, the Regent, to let him know his identity.

However, this was not a wise course of action. Ye Lianhe, as the assistant minister appointed by the late emperor, had within a few years promoted his own power within the imperial court. Those close to the emperor, those who had deposed or been exiled, no longer had anyone around to whom they could trust. At this critical juncture, it was not rational for him to use this kind of thing to disgust Nightingale.

On the other hand, Nightingale was indifferent to this. It was as if she had already expected that the Emperor would make such a request. She giggled and agreed. However, it had to be said that Ye Lianhe was indeed worthy of his skill. In just a short half month, he had already prepared for the celebration. However, it also proved his deterrence towards the other court officials.

During the festivities, Yen Lien-he was well-mannered and showed off his ability to direct a group of people from the three provinces and six tribes. This twenty year old young emperor immediately felt that this was a tremendous blow to his head. These servants who were usually so submissive to him all acted swiftly, swift, and efficient in the hands of Ye Lianhe. He instantly understood that his uncle was telling him that all the ministers in the court were listening to his words and not to him, the emperor. This was a blow to the young emperor.

It was the day of the birthday celebration, and the sword was ready for it. Today, Luo Lingwei had entered the palace with Ye Lianhe early in the morning. She had changed into a luxurious robe that she had prepared a long time ago. She wore a crane with flowing golden footsteps, and she wore a gorgeous and gorgeous eight treasure dress with bright colored glaze. At this time, Luo Lingwei had regained some of her former elegance through losing weight and becoming fairer. She looked quite pretty. Compared to when he had just married into the estate, he seemed to have become a completely different person. Fortunately, Luo Lingwei was currently only a 14 or 15 year old girl, so it was normal for her to have some changes.

Luo Lingwei, who came from a model family, had an unparalleled talent for dressing up. This outfit, if it were another person wearing it, it wouldn't be as attractive as Luo Lingwei's. Even Luo Lingwei, who was dressed like this, was a little dazed. Was this still that dark and strong princess of hers?

Due to etiquette, the female family members were not allowed to pay their respects to the emperor before the birthday celebration. Therefore, Luo Lingwei had no choice but to follow the palace guards to the harem to pay her respects to the empress.

The size of the palace made Luo Lingwei gasp in amazement. The size of this palace was not any less than Luo Lingwei's. This palace was divided into two layers, the inner and the outer layers. The outer palace was the residence of the officials in the imperial court. They were there to summon the maesters and doctors, while the inner palace was the residence of the emperor and his imperial concubines. Thus, it was also known as the imperial harem.

Normally, the emperor lived in the Eastern Palace, which was closest to the imperial court. On the opposite side of the East Palace was the West Palace, where the Empress Dowager used to live. It was also known as the Palace of Longevity. After them were the many palaces where the concubines resided. Behind these palaces were the rooms reserved for the servants and attendants of the various palaces.

After half an hour of many turns and turns with Luo Lingwei, they finally arrived at the imperial garden. Luo Lingwei had originally thought that the imperial garden in the palace would be an enlarged version of the palace, but as she stood in the middle of the palace, Luo Lingwei found out that although the emperor's garden was called a garden, it was actually built around half of the mountain.

He walked up to the empress and focused on her face. He saw a person he loathed the most ? Luo Lingxiao. Luo Lingxiao was now fawning on the empress with a flattering look on his face, and the empress couldn't help giggling at his words.

Seeing Luo Lingwei approach him, Luo Lingxiao's eyes flashed with viciousness. He immediately grabbed Luo Lingwei's hand with a smile and said, "Sister, you're finally here. It's been a month since we last met, little sister has missed you to death." If others didn't know of their acting skills, they would have thought that the two of them were very close to each other.

"Your humble servant kowtows to the empress." Luo Lingwei only gave Luo Lingxiao a faint smile and greeted the empress.

"Come, sit." When the empress saw Luo Lingwei, she did not know why, but there was disdain and resentment in her eyes. She did not pay any attention to Luo Lingwei and simply waved her hand to indicate that Luo Lingwei should stand up.

After Luo Lingwei stood up, she did not speak to the two of them. Instead, she sat down to enjoy the scenery of the imperial garden.

Meanwhile, Luo Lingxiao and the Queen were whispering to each other in front of him. It was unknown what they were saying, but as they spoke they were sizing up Luo Lingwei, not concealing the disdain in their eyes.

Luo Lingwei had already been very agitated after walking for more than half an hour. Seeing how these two people treated her so rudely, she suddenly became furious and thought to herself, I must properly take care of these two fellows.

She turned her body to the side and let Xiaoqing whisper into her ear, "Do you want to tease the empress?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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