Deadly Waltz of the Lupine Lullaby/C8 'Do You Ear What I Ear?'
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Deadly Waltz of the Lupine Lullaby/C8 'Do You Ear What I Ear?'
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C8 'Do You Ear What I Ear?'

Back over at the abandoned dilapidated building...

The forensics team is on site meticulously scouring the immediate crime scene area to gather any and all pertinent evidence for the investigation, an undertaking that is turning out to be a very taxing and exhaustive process for them; considering the diabolically abhorrent manner in which the victim's body was torn to pieces and unceremoniously strewn about a huge room that was already in total disarray. And as they progress ... at a tediously snail's pace ... and finish examining one designated area to comb over before moving on to the next; they're gradually allowing the coroners standing by to collect the body parts from the already scrutinized over areas.

Meanwhile, Senior Homicide Detective Rollins and Sergeant Hopkins are outside currently overseeing the outer parameter investigation; assigning and directing officers to gather evidence throughout the rest of the building and the surrounding area around it, locate and take statements from any who may have witnessed anything relevant to the homicide, and making sure that the rapidly congregating crowd and media kept at bay far enough and prohibited to enter the area and contaminating the crime scene ... thus possibly tainting the investigation.

As the coroners start to sporadically bring the smaller-sized body bags out to their vehicles, there's a 'paparazzi-like' brief burst of flashes from dozens of camera lights ... from both the media and internet-posting enthusiasts. And the air becomes permeated with incessant, speculative chattering; even those officers who had been inside or near the immediate crime scene area are 'gossiping and spreading unfounded rumors' among themselves.

About an hour after the forensics team had arrived, Detective Rollins decides to go in to check on their status; when one of the curious officers dying to know what was going on momentarily delays him by running over and asking...

"Excuse me; Detective Rollins?"


"Is it true what they're saying?"

The jadedly seasoned detective cynically replies...

"I don't know, that depends; what are they saying?"

"That the victim was killed by some large animal?"

Once again, he cynically replies; this time with an underlying tone of sarcasm...

"At the risk of sounding like a broken record ... I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see what forensics and the coroner finds out in their investigation. But I will say this; I don't know of any animal that would tear a person apart into that many pieces ... as far as to the point of ripping each finger and toe off of their hands and feet ... and not even bothering to eat a single bite; do you?"

The dumbfounded officer slowly shakes his head; along with giving a subtle shoulder shrug. The detective displays a partial grin upon an otherwise deadpan visage as he wryly quips...

"Yeah; I didn't think so."

And with that, he walks off ... leaving the now speechless officer standing there displaying a bewildered expression while scratching his head.

When the detective arrives back at the room, the first thing he does is head over to the forensics unit team leader...

"How's it going, Jay?"

Special Forensic Investigator Jay Howard ... who's been on the force almost as long as Detective Rollins; and is just as cynical and sarcastic ... replies...

"You mean other than really slow?"

He waits for a response from the detective ... who simply nods. Then Jay tells him...

"Actually, Terrence; you got here just in time ... we've just came across something you might find interesting."

The detective's sarcasm reappears... "What; even more interesting than a body that's been dismembered beyond dismemberment and haphazardly disseminated?"

"Well, maybe not more interesting; but it's definitely going to pique your interest." Jay turns around and calls out, "Hey, Ron ... do me a favor and bring C- 4 over here."

Detective Rollins wryly quips, "Don't tell me you guys came across a bomb, too."

Jay nonchalantly retorts, "No ... it's the fourth piece of evidence we collected in section C of the grid search." Then he wryly quips, "But I have a feeling it will blow you away."

Ron walks over with the requested evidence bag and starts to hand it over to Jay ... who gestures for him to give it to the detective, instead. Detective Rollins holds the evidence bag up in front of his face and stares at its contents ... something that looks like nothing more than a bloody, mangled piece of flesh, at first glance ... with discerning eyes. Shortly he believes he may have identified what it is; but isn't completely sure. He looks at Jay...

"This isn't what I think it is; is it?"

"If you're thinking that it's an ear; then, yes."

The detective stares back at the contents in the evidence bag, and asks...

"Okay; I give ... what's so interesting about this ear that's going to 'pique my interest' and 'blow me away'?"

Jay explains, "We already let the coroners take the victim's head out before; so, I can't let you see it for yourself, right now ... but, I will tell you this; yes, the victim's face was chewed up beyond recognition ... but the head did have both ears attached to it."

Detective Rollins sharply looks up at Jay; with his eyes shot wide open, upon a somewhat taken aback looking visage...

"Hold on ... then, where did this ear come from?"

Jay grins while quipping, "Ah; so, I see that your interest's piqued, now."

A small grin starts to appear upon his mouth as the detective slowly shakes his head; then, he delivers a conceding nod...

"Yeah; I suppose it is. So ... any idea on how this mysterious ear showed up at the crime scene?"

Now Jay's sarcasm comes out...

"Hey; I'm only a forensic investigator ... I'm just here to gather up all the evidence and analyze it. You're the detective; isn't it your job to take all that evidence and come up with the answers and solve the crime?"

Once again, the detective grins while slowly shaking his head; finishing with a conceding nod. Jay offers his 'two cents'...

"As I see it, Terrence, you have two choices here ... either, A ... that ear was already here before the murder took place ... or, B ... that ear belonged to somebody else who was also here at the time of the murder."

Detective Rollins stares at the forensic investigator, displaying a partially agape mouth; while Jay quips...

"And now you're blown away ... am I right?"

The detective slowly nods; then utters aloud under his breath...

"I'll be damned ... so, we've either got ourselves a witness, or an accomplice. But which is it? ... Alright then, where the hell are you?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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