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I glanced at the last assignment I had to do and yawned. The warm, tender, seductive arms of slumber were fast calling for my attention but I wasn't ready to give up. Not just yet. I yawned for what seemed like the hundredth time and squeezed hard against my pen.

This is just so hard. I widened my eyes and rubbed it frantically frustratedly. It's fruitless. I picked up my phone and checked the time. It was just a few minutes past seven. Why the hell do I feel so sleepy at early hours nowadays?

I sighed and was about to drop my phone when a message notification popped up on the screen. I furrowed my eyebrows and tapped it. It was a message from my friend and coursemate, Brittany. Well, that seemed to do a great job wiping every single ounce of fatigue from my eyes.

I settled down and read her message.

BRITTANY TO ROSE: Hello dear workaholic. Do you remember the Jake's show I told you about the other day?

I sighed and thought deeply. Yeah. I think I do. I typed back.

ROSE TO BRITTANY: Yeah. What about it?

BRITTANY TO ROSE: it's about going live baby girl. At the freshers club. The club is going to be crowded. You have to hurry so we don't get to stand.

I chuckled at how fast that girl can be typing messages.

I glanced at the last assignment I had to finish and sighed. Should I? I mean, this is a show I have craved for almost my entire life. I can't just let this opportunity pass me by because of some crappy chemistry assignment.

I looked back at my phone and typed back to her.

ROSE TO BRITTANY: I'm in. I'll be out in a jiffy.

I hurriedly arranged my books and stacked them in their rightful positions before heading straight to my wardrobe.

"What in the name of the spirits I'm I going to wear?" I muttered as I opened the large wardrobe and glanced at the multiple luxurious clothing aligned in hangers. This is just about one of the things that frustrates my life. Picking clothes!!!!!!

Few minutes later, I was finally done after settling down for blue denim pants and a sleeveless red blouse. I wore a red jacket with a hoodie above it all and zipped it up. That's me for you. I'm just not cursed with the color red. Maybe because my hair is actually red or....well. I don't know. I just love red.

I sprinted out of my hostel room and locked the door making sure the key was tucked in safely in the inner pocket of my jacket. I walked briskly out of the hostel towards the large gate of the hostel compound. The gate was still open so I guess I was lucky for now. If only I can make it back before it gets locked and the guards disappear.

The club wasn't that far from the hostel so it seemed like a possible mission to accomplish. I got to the club in no time and was shocked to see the heavy amount of crowd gathered there already. Not like I was shocked seeing them. I just didn't expect them to be this early. I mean, the show is supposed to start by 9pm according to the poster I saw. But the time is just 7:15 and it's already crowded this way?

Well, who doesn't want to see the illustrious C.Jakes. New York's No3 rising music star artist. Someone suddenly grabbed my arm and I turned to see Brittany pulling me through the thick layer of crowd.

"Peep peep peep. Coming through." She said as we went by to clear the road. We finally got to a long row of seats. She pulled me through the midst and sat me down on an empty seat.

"Pheew." I blew out a deep breath and she laughed. I glanced at her. " That was brain stressful." I muttered.

" Isn't it? The crowd honestly made me go nuts. You should have seen the struggle when the club was opened. Boy it was a stampede. I didn't expect this many people." She said,

" Me neither."

" Hey hello Rose." Someone said and I looked around to see Brittany's boyfriend at her other side.

I beamed and waved. "Hey hello Mike."

Brittany chuckled. "Mike helped to keep the seats for us." She said, "It's an advantage that he works here." She muttered and sighed deeply.

I felt Mike casting me a side glance and turned to him. He winked at me and I swallowed. I hurriedly looked away.

Mike and I have a long history that goes way back to the time I first came to the university. I fell foolishly in love with him but he was just a player and wanted nothing more than to get into my skirt. I refused Jim and he ended the relationship before it had the chance to build.

I met Brittany later and the next thing I know, he and Brittany were dating already. It felt quite unfair to me because whenever Brittany narrates her experience with him, she never mentioned anything about all that he did to me. It seems Brittany was his soul mate and they have been together for three years now. He still throws occasional winks and air kisses at me but I take it as nothing.

Even though it still hurts, I can't do anything to make Brittany detest me. She's my best friend.

I looked away from him and took a deep breath to calm my throbbing nerves, glancing at the crowd gathered around. A strange awkward feeling coursed over me and I shivered. I can't be blamed. I wasn't used to being in the clubs. All my nights were always spent in my hostel solving chemistry equations and the like.

The only thing that sent me running here like some crazy girl is this silly show that won't start immediately. My slumber battle had long ended and it shocked me to remember how sleepy I was back in the hostel.

After several hours of waiting, the club was finally in order and the show began. Many other aspiring artists hit the stage first and nearly bored me to sleep.

Brittany kept laughing at my reactions whenever the other musicians sang. I felt like I should return my hostel but won't my coming here be a waste? The main reason I was here is yet to come.

Well, it took a while, but not forever, the moment finally arrived and an uproar ensued the moment C.Jakes was called to the stage.

Oh goodness me.....I had to admit. I now see why all the girls keep drooling over him. He is far cuter than the pictures I've seen of him. He's......I don't even know how to begin to describe him. He handled the microphone in such a perfect way that will let you know he owns the stage. He looked like a god. I gulped down hard, completely lost in his beauty.

If not for the loudspeakers in the club, I probably wouldn't have heard a thing because the entire club was filled with screams and squeals of lots of girls as expected.

I watched Jim with admiration as he sang with that heavenly melodic voice of his pulling excess attention from his fans. Damn. He's pulling my heart well.

In a way,.I envied him. There he was, doing what makes him happy and he's making a lot from it. But me, I keep stressing my brain over some frustrating, brain draining chemistry textbooks.

Brittany nudged me and grinned. "Isn't he cute? I bet he has a space in your heart already. "

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. " Stop dreaming Brittany. "

" No. I should be the one telling you to stop dreaming because you have been staring at him for a long while now like he's some vanilla milkshake. "

I chuckled and bit my lip. This girl is a bitch.

The moment C. Jake's was done singing, he bowed and left the stage. That exact moment, every single girl dashed out of the club in order to catch him and get his autograph.

Damn, the stampede was too much and violent. I just beat at a place and covered my ears hoping and praying that I won't get crushed as the majority of them even jumped over chairs to get out.

Brittany too almost surprised me by joining in the stampede. She urged me to come along but I refused.

I remained where I was till the stampede ended.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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