Dear, Let's Divorce/C19 She Was Dumbfounded.
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Dear, Let's Divorce/C19 She Was Dumbfounded.
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C19 She Was Dumbfounded.


Mildred whipped her head around to face Lydia, her eyes blazing with fury as if she could devour the young girl whole.

"Continuing this ruckus will do us no good!"

Willian, seeing Mildred on the brink of eruption, swiftly grabbed her and shook his head, silently pleading with her to stop the commotion.

Mildred, seething with anger, shrugged off Willian's grip.

She shot Lydia a piercing look before turning to the elder woman, "Old Madam, I admit my actions today were rash. My apologies."

"Oh dear, I simply cannot bear such an apology," Old Madam Annie retorted with a sidelong glance at Mildred, followed by a dismissive snort. She then commanded the servant beside her, "Old Lin, show our guest out!"

Choking on her indignation, Mildred didn't wait for the servant to react; she spun on her heel and stormed out.

Old Madam Annie watched Mildred's retreat with a smirk, her previously unsettled mood now delightfully soothed, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

"Grandma, the blame is mine today. I've brought shame upon you and the Ellis family," Lydia implored, dropping to her knees and looking up earnestly, "Please, no more punishment for my dad. If you're still angry, take it out on me instead."

"No, Mom, hit me if you must. Lydia's too frail for such discipline."


Lydia's eyes brimmed with tears as her father joined her on the ground.

Janie, observing the father-daughter duo vying to take the fall, couldn't help but smile warmly. "Enough now, both of you stand up. Let's not have a repeat of this."

"Thank you, Grandma," Lydia said, her heart swelling with relief as she helped her father to his feet.

Having witnessed Lydia's transformation through these events, Janie felt the old resentments fading away.

She even saw a glimpse of her younger self in Lydia's assertive handling of Mildred.

This new side of Lydia was becoming more endearing to her by the moment.

Janie's features softened as she inquired, "Lydia, I've been told you're considering going back to school?"

"Yes, I want to broaden my knowledge so I can be of service to the Ellis family when needed," Lydia replied with a smile, aiming to please her grandmother.

Janie's pleasure was evident. "That's the spirit. Study hard, and when you're ready, you'll be a great asset to the Ellis family."


Lydia engaged Janie in conversation, carefully aligning with her interests. After a little while, she ventured, "Grandma, since the school is near the Ellis family, if I miss you and the Ellis family, may I come over to visit?"


Janie paused for a few seconds upon hearing this.

Lydia's heart raced, the silence making her anxious.

Perhaps she had been too hasty.

She should have waited longer, building up more goodwill before suggesting a return to the Ellis family.

As the silence stretched, hope faded from Lydia's eyes.

Viola, observing Lydia's disappointment, couldn't hide her smug satisfaction. After just a couple of good impressions, Lydia thought she could waltz back into the Ellis family. How foolish. Viola had almost believed Lydia had grown smarter, but clearly, she was as naive as ever.

Convinced that Janie would never consent to Lydia's return, Viola stepped forward with feigned benevolence. "Grandma, you've seen how much sister has changed lately. Maybe... you could let her come back to the Ellis family, what do you say, Grandma?"

"Enough, enough. Come see your mother when you're not busy with school," Janie finally said, her expression softening.

"Thank you, Grandma." Lydia was overjoyed, embracing Eliza tightly. "Mom, I can finally, finally come back to see you."

Mom, Dad... Since my rebirth, I've missed you every moment.

I long to be back in your arms, the child always cherished. The world outside can be so unkind...

Watching Lydia's family embrace joyfully, Viola's smile shattered inch by inch.

She had only intended to make a show of persuading the matriarch, never expecting...

That Janie would actually agree!


Annoyed, Viola bit her lip, a subtle malice flickering in her eyes.

She couldn't let Lydia steal the spotlight again. Otherwise, all her careful schemes would come to nothing.

Lydia, just you wait.

I refuse to let you sabotage everything I've worked so hard for!

Absolutely not!

Libre Baskerville
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