Desires/C2 Mr Wade
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Desires/C2 Mr Wade
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C2 Mr Wade

Xalia fought back her tears as she sat in the car heading to the church, her mother kept a straight face and ignored her while Allison held her hand and kept whispering soothing words to her.

Different thoughts ran through Xalia’s head as she tried to understand what was going on, firstly, her husband-to-be left her on their wedding day and got married to her step-sister, a stranger is waiting for her at the church to get married to, and out of the blue, her mother is okay with it.

It was a lot to take in and...

“Xalia, we are here.” She heard a voice and it snapped her out of her thoughts, she turned to look out the window and there was the church.

“Mum, please.” She cried as the guards got out of the car leaving her, Allison and her mother alone.

“Get out of the car Xalia.” She replied looking at her with a stern expression.

“I don't want to get married to a stranger, I don't even know what is going on.”

“You don't need to know what is going on, all you have to do is go in there and say your vows.”

“Mum, why am I... “

“Get out of the car Xalia, there are a lot of people in there waiting for the McCalls, you can not... “

“Is this about them? Mum, you want me to be with a stranger forever.”

“Xalia, just do this.” Allison said giving her a comforting look and she breathed out, she was silent for a few seconds and she exhaled.

“I’m ready.” She muttered and the guard opened the door, Allison helped her out of the car because of her dress and they all walked towards the entrance.

They got to the entrance and Allison smiled at her.

A middle-aged man walked to them with a smile and bowed.

“Here is Mr. Trevor, he will be walking you down the aisle.” Her mother introduced and the man bowed to her.

“Of course.” She mumbled with an eye roll and the man locked arms with her, they walked into the church and Xalia fixed her eyes on the altar to see who she will be getting married to.

She couldn't see his face because he kept his head low, everyone else was invisible to Xalia, all she could see was the stranger waiting for her.

They got to the altar and she could hear her heart pounding, the crowd sat and the priest moved closer to them, the stranger slowly turned to her and looked up at her, she felt her heart stop beating as she stared at him.

His face held no expression, she couldn't understand how he was feeling, for some reason, she felt terrified and the hairs on her body were erect.

“Please repeat after me, Miss. McCall.” The priest said snapping her out of her thoughts, she glanced at him before turning back to the stranger she is getting married to.

She was so lost in thought, she didn't know the priest had already started the ceremony.

“I, Xalia McCall... “ She repeated after the priest with a shaky voice, the priest turned to the stranger and he stared at Xalia, he didn't take his eyes off her and she found it difficult to breathe.

“Mr. Wade, please repeat after me.” The priest said.

“I, Wade, take... “

Xalia wondered why only his last name was called, doesn't he have a name? She can't believe she will now be called Xalia Wade. Up until a few hours ago, she thought she would be called Xalia Harrison. She thought about Kyle again and tears clouded her eyes. She fought them back and breathed out a little.

“With the power given to me, I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride.” She heard the priest say snapping her out of her thoughts.

‘What? Kiss the bride?’ She screamed in her head and the guy leaned closer to her, Xalia could feel her heart stop as they became inches apart, he glanced at her face before placing a peck on her cheek which looked like a kiss to the priest and the

crowd. They already exchanged rings and she glanced at her hand before looking at him.

The crowd cheered and he suddenly held her hand, she looked at him and their hands, he didn't lock hands with her, he held her hand like he was holding a kid’s hand.

He walked off the altar with her and she noticed that he headed for the door as the crowd cheered.

‘Where is he taking me?’ She thought as she looked around for her mother and Allision, she found them among the crowd, her mother put on a smile and cheered alongside with the crowd while Allison looked worried as he pulled her out.

‘Is her mother really not going to do anything?’ She thought.

They got outside the church and she saw a car waiting for them, they both got it and the chauffeur drove away immediately, she gasped silently and looked back at the church.

“Where are we going?” She asked the guy, he didn't pay attention to her, all he did was go through his phone.

“Answer me, where are you taking me?” She asked in fear and he still ignored her, she felt so scared her hands started to tremble and tears clouded her eyes.

“Please, where are you taking me?” She asked in tears and the guy turned to her, he watched as the tears streamed down her eyes and she sniffed like a child.

“New Jersey.” He replied and turned back to his phone, her eyes widened in shock and she looked back at the church which was now far away then the guy.

“What? New Jersey? Why? I don't know what is going on, I feel so scared and confused.” She cried ruffling her hair, she felt so frustrated and heartbroken, everything happened in a flash. Her whole life changed in minutes.

She cried silently as she tried to think about what could be going on, she really needs to speak with Kyle, he is the reason for all this, and he should know what is going on.

She realised she was not with her phone and she whimpered.

“Stop that.” She heard his voice and she turned to him confused.


“Stop that.” He repeated without turning to her. Why is he ordering her?

“Stop what?” She asked faintly and sniffed.

“That.” He replied and turned to her, she stared back at him and noticed his eyes for the first time, he had brown eyes.

“Are you going to cry all the way?” He asked and she didn't respond, all she did was sniff and another tear rolled down.

He rolled his eyes and suddenly brought out a briefcase under the seat, he opened it and brought out a paper and pen, he stretched it towards her and she gave him a questioning look before taking it.

“What is this?” She asked, looking at it, she could see her father’s signature on the paper alongside another one.

“The vacant spot is where you are to sign.” He replied and continued with his phone.

“Sign what?”

“That you agree to have been sold to me by the McCalls.”

“Huh? What?”

“You were sold to me.”

“How much?” She found herself asking and he looked up at her.

“Your whole family is wrapped around my finger and I can take anything I want from them.”

“And you took me? Why?” She asked, and for some reason, she felt okay with being sold, she wasn't surprised, it is one thing her father could do.

“You will know soon.”

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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