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A tall rock stood at the foot of the cliff. Yan Wenqing helped Xiao Lan to walk around the rock, and they could see that behind the rock was a pitch black cave. The cave was around seven to eight feet high, so people could enter and leave. The cave was very deep and he was afraid of what was inside, so he didn't dare enter easily, so he could only stay at the cave entrance to rest. Yan Wenqing stood at the cave entrance and looked outside at the green trees and weeds, the towering stone walls that reached the sky, perhaps he was thinking about how to escape this dangerous situation. Although he didn't have the Demon Bandits chasing him down, he was still on the edge of life and death. Yan Wenqing turned around, squatted down and wiped away the water droplets on Xiao Lan's face. He smoothed her hair that was sticking to her forehead behind her ears, and slowly said with guilt, "Xiao Lan, I've made you suffer."

"Brother Wen Qing." Xiao Lan answered with some difficulty, but then stopped talking. Her white lips were trembling nonstop and her face was bloodless. Her body was shaking violently and her clothes were dripping with water.

When Yan Wenqing saw this, he hurriedly used his hand to probe her forehead. It was boiling hot. His anxious heart did not know what to do. He had never encountered such a thing. He stood there and asked, "Xiao Lan, are you still cold?" Seeing her trembling body, he obviously knew that she was cold, but he didn't know what to do. It was raining so heavily outside, and he didn't have any clothes to dry. If only she was here, then those evil people wouldn't go and look for her. So what if grandma had some accident happened and jumped off the cliff and died by herself? But what if Xiao Lan is still at home, her mother is still waiting for her, she shouldn't be tortured like this with me. Thinking of his grandmother Yan Wenqing's heart felt like it was being twisted by a knife, painful and anxious. Xiao Lan was still sick, so he couldn't mess around. He had to calm down.

Yan Wenqing saw a wooden stick lying in the weeds. He picked it up and put it to the side, then helped Xiao Lan to sit behind the rocks to avoid the cold wind that blew in. He picked up a stone and threw it into the depths of the cave, then he walked into the cave tentatively. Suddenly, there was a sound from inside the cave. Yan Wenqing quickly became vigilant. His steps slowly moved, afraid of alerting anything. In this dark cave, he didn't know what was inside, whether it was ferocious beasts, or deep ponds, or ? The more he thought about it, the more nervous he became. Just as Yan Wenqing was thinking, an unknown thing came rushing out from inside. He was scared to the point of breaking out in a cold sweat, and when he turned around to look at the light shining from the cave entrance, he saw that it was a bat. No matter what was inside, whether it was a ferocious beast or a deep pool, it was the only place they needed to go to right now. Xiao Lan was so sick, and she needed a place to rest.

With these thoughts in mind, Yan Wenqing took the wooden stick and walked deeper into the cave. The darkness before him attacked his cold, wet body, and his body trembled slightly from fear and coldness as he slowly walked in. Yan Wenqing's eyes suddenly lit up, because in the depths of the cave in front of him, there was a trace of light. When he came closer, he discovered that there was a huge cave in front of him. The inside of the cave was much warmer than the outside. If the cold season cave will warm, if the hot season cave will cool.

It was not hard to find that the cave inside was even more spacious. Although it was also raining heavily here, it was very bright here, there was a flat rock the size of a bed, with rotten thatch on top, and a lot of dry sticks piled in the corner of the stone wall. Yan Wenqing went closer to the cave, and it was as if he found another world, the cave hung in the air, and beneath the cave's feet was a high cliff, but if he looked down, he could see the low end of the forest, a vast expanse of forests and short mountains, saying that the mountains and rivers were actually his standing tall. He felt like he was looking at a small mountain. A torrential downpour covered the entire area.

Seeing Yan Wenqing throw away the wooden stick in his hand and rush out of the hole, he carefully supported Xiao Lan in coming in. He brushed off the grass on the stone slab and helped Xiao Lan sit on it. Yan Wenqing found two stones and picked up some straw and sat down. He desperately knocked on the grass, and the two stones struck it, causing sparks to fly. However, the grass didn't light up. As expected of someone who didn't disappoint him, sparks flew from the stone and ignited the grass. As a result, a small cave was lit on fire. Yan Wenqing quickly took out his wooden stick and began to burn it.

"Xiao Lan, come." Yan Wenqing pulled Xiao Lan past the fire with a smile and sat her down. Xiao Lan's body was still trembling, and even though she was sitting beside the fire, she still tried to hug herself tightly with her hands.

"Brother Wen Qing, I'm so cold." Xiao Lan's voice was trembling.

Yan Wenqing helped Xiao Lan to a corner and brought the fire closer. He piled the straw and grass on top of her body, and only then did he realize that Xiao Lan's clothes were completely drenched and still dripping with water. Yes. A girl. Thinking of this, Yan Wenqing's face turned slightly red.

He didn't know what to do. At this moment, he felt his stomach growl and realized that he was hungry. Xiao Lan must be even hungrier. He had been busy with his departure, so he didn't care about being hungry anymore. He rubbed his stomach, then squatted down beside Xiao Lan and stammered, blushing, "Xiao Lan, take off your wet clothes and roast them dry." After saying that, his face turned even redder.

Xiaolan looked at him powerlessly, causing his men to feel uneasy. He added, "I'm saying that you should dry your clothes. I'll go out and find something to eat." The words seemed to come out of his stomach in a panic.

"Yes." Yan Wenqing was worried as he turned around and walked towards the cave entrance. With such a heavy rain, where could he find anything to eat in this forest? In the past few days, God had put him in such dire straits time and time again. He had also dug so many ravines for him. How could he survive? What about Xiaolan? Yan Wenqing could not help but have a lot of questions.

Inside, Xiaolan clenched her teeth as she took off her wet clothes. She didn't have any strength left at all, and her body was shivering uncontrollably. After taking off her clothes, she shrunk into a ball. He could hear his teeth chattering. Brother Wen Qing was a man, so it wasn't convenient for her to live as long as she was a woman. Even if it was painful, she had to grit her teeth and close it. She spread her clothes open and hung them on a wooden stick on the side of the pile to roast it, even though she was sitting by the fire, her body still felt increasingly cold. She curled up in the corner and piled the thatch on her own flesh. Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

After a long time, the rain outside began to subside. It must have started to subside. At this moment, Yan Wenqing walked into the cavern with his hands wrapped around his pockets. His clothes were continuously dripping with rain. If you looked carefully, you would find a lot of green dates in your pocket, and there were water droplets on top of each one. Yan Wenqing, who had walked in foolishly, suddenly stopped in her tracks. She stood in place and called out into the cave, "Xiaolan." The voice entered, but did not respond. He then called out to Xiaolan and carefully listened, "Brother Wen Qing." There was a response, but the voice was thin and exhausted, like the sound of a mosquito.

After Yan Wenqing heard the response, he sat down on the rock at the cave entrance and waited. Xiao Lan's clothes must have already dried up. After a while, he heard Wen Qingge call out to him again. Yan Wenqing realized that Little Lan had already put on her clothes, so he hurriedly walked in. He saw Xiao Lan curled up beside the rock with her hands hugging her knees, her body shaking.

Yan Wenqing quickly put the dates in his pocket aside, pulled Xiao Lan's arm and worriedly asked, "Xiao Lan, are you still cold?" He didn't know what to do. Xiao Lan nodded with difficulty. Yan Wenqing used his hand to probe her forehead. Now, it was even hotter than before, like boiling water. At this moment, he was as anxious as an ant in a hot pot. He also suddenly felt that his drenched clothes felt a little cold as they stuck tightly to his body. Yan Wenqing couldn't care so much anymore, he took off the outer piece of cloth and hung it on a wooden stick.

"Brother Wen Qing, I'm cold." The current Xiao Lan was like a little girl, a pitiful little girl. Yan Wenqing took off her wet shirt and leaned over to hug Xiao Lan who was trembling. However, one could see that his face was red and his heart was thumping. He let go of Xiao Lan's hand and helped her to sit beside the fire, while he sat behind her, bare-naked and beginning to get lucky. His master had once said that he wanted to expel the cold with his true energy, so he placed both of his hands on Xiao Lan's back and slowly injected the true energy into her body.

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