
"The tea here is tender and fragrant. After drinking it, the fragrance will remain on the lips and teeth, and the aftertaste will continue to linger. Try it yourself." Xing Ang didn't seem to notice as he poured a cup of tea for Mu Bingyue, diverting her attention.

Mu Bingyue was just about to say something when she saw Xing Ang look at her with a strange smile in the corner of his eyes after serving her some tea.

Mu Bingyue understood immediately and smiled along. She slightly nodded her head, feigning shyness as she said, "Alright, thank you, Your Highness."

When Mu Bingyue smelled the tea, she smiled innocently, took a sip, and said with a smile, "As expected, there's an aroma on the lips and tongue, good tea!"

The waiter, who was standing at the side, naturally knew of the two esteemed guests. He hurriedly nodded and said in an attentive manner, "The two of you have really good taste, I would like to invite Your Highness and Miss to wait for a while to watch the show and eat some appetizers. In order to preserve the delicacy, the dishes and soup of the store are prepared on the spot."

After getting Xing Ang's attention, Ye Xing gave waitor a silver ingot and let him go.

At the end of the courtyard, there were twelve children who were about the same height as each other. Each of them was dressed in a red and green outfit, and their faces were also covered with a thick layer of makeup. One could not see their appearance, but one could only see that each of their eyes were lively and seemed very lively.

"What skills do you have? Take them out!" Ye Xing said in a loud voice.

A slightly older child in the lead nodded and said, "Yes," and their performance began.

Mu Bingyue and Xing Ang didn't mention the weird scene from before. They just ate the sliced melon fruits and pickled vegetables as if nothing had happened. Ye Xing was also motionless like a statue on the side.

The performance of that group of children was truly marvelous. Jumping from a ring of fire, raising a bowl, jumping with both hands, and other types of acrobatics were all extremely skilled and outstanding.

Mu Bingyue and Xing Ang looked at the scene with interest, as if they were both in love watching a big show together.

After an hour, the waiters began serving the dishes one by one. The 'children' who were performing perfectly seemed to be making mistakes.

After a while, it was this person who jumped off the wrong tree.

After a while, the person stepped on the person's foot.

Or perhaps it was the saucer he had thrown at her, not at her feet but on the floor.

When the food was almost done, they gradually calmed down.

Xing Ang seemed to want to get angry, Mu Bingyue's performance was perfect. She shook Xing Ang's hand and said with a kind face, "Your Highness, forget it. They are all children, so some mistakes are unavoidable."

Xing Ang snorted and glared at those kids. He stopped talking and started to enjoy the delicacies with Mu Bingyue.

Mu Bingyue appeared very virtuous as she personally served each dish to Xing Ang.

However, when she was picking up dishes, there seemed to be accidents as well.

Either the cup had been poured, or the chopsticks had dropped, or the soup had spilled from the spoon.

Xing Ang seemed to have lost all of his patience. His face finally darkened as he said coldly, "If you don't want to eat, don't want to eat. Ye Xing, prepare the carriage and head back to the King's Manor!"

Xing Ang ate two mouthfuls, stood up at once and pushed Mu Bingyue away.

Mu Bingyue screamed as her hand knocked over the censer on the tea table. The censer began to smoke as a strong fragrance rushed into the air.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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