Doomsday Zombie Queen/C28 Chapter 28
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Doomsday Zombie Queen/C28 Chapter 28
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C28 Chapter 28

At that moment, a towering figure emerged from the crowd—a man standing at least six feet one, his frame packed with muscle. His clothes, however, were marred with splatters of black blood, a testament to his prowess in slaying zombies.

"This is our leader," said the man who had opened the door, noticeably smaller in stature and sporting a pair of battered glasses that gave him a scholarly appearance.

Zeng Qiang confidently stepped forward to converse with the so-called boss, with Lu Ming trailing behind him. Jiang Ruan, Faang Yu, and the others chose a spot further away from the crowd to sit down.

With the place so crowded, no one dared to casually pull out their water, even if parched with thirst. They had no choice but to endure.

Qin Yuan took a seat next to Jiang Ruan, his expression turning grave. "Sister Jiang, something feels off here."

The mood tensed instantly. Jiang Ruan turned to him with a stern look. "How can you tell?"

Faang Yu, sensing the gravity of the situation, filled Jiang Ruan in on Qin Yuan's abilities. "I haven't mentioned this before, but Little Sang has a special talent—he can foresee events a minute into the future."

"No, it's up to three minutes now. I absorbed a crystal nucleus earlier, which enhanced my psychic abilities," Qin Yuan said earnestly, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

"What have you foreseen?" Jiang Ruan asked, concern etching her features. If danger was indeed looming, why hadn't she detected it?

Qin Yuan closed his eyes, tuning into his gift, and then his eyes snapped open, his voice quivering with urgency. "There's a horde, tens of thousands of zombies charging towards the stadium. We need to get out of here—now!"

Qi Sang's cry cut through the air, his body slick with sweat and eyes wide with terror.

Jiang Ruan's heart skipped a beat—she had forgotten that without actively probing, she wouldn't sense the presence of her kind. Now, extending her psychic energy outward, she confirmed the grim reality: a massive swarm of zombies was indeed converging on the outskirts, and they were mere minutes from reaching the gymnasium.

"Move, now!" Jiang Ruan urged, grabbing Qin Yuan. Their group leapt to their feet and bolted from the gymnasium's stands, urgency overriding the need for caution.

Zeng Qiang and the burly man both felt a surge of curiosity. "What's gotten into you? What if you draw the zombies here?"

Jiang Ruan couldn't suppress a cold laugh. "The zombies will be here any minute. If you don't run now, prepare to be ripped to shreds!" She left no room for them to regain their composure.

Internally, Jiang Ruan cursed her own oversight. Had she tapped into her energy to scout for her kind upon arrival, she wouldn't be in such a frantic and disheveled state.

The car was parked beneath a residential building across the street. Zeng Qiang and the others lagged a few steps behind. Jiang Ruan, unconcerned with anything else, jumped into Faang Yu's car and sped off toward the city.

"Sister Jiang, among those zombies, there seems to be one taking the lead," Qin Yuan reported, having exhausted his mental energy to scout. His face was ashen.

Jiang Ruan extended her mental energy to confirm. It was a first-level zombie. She hadn't anticipated encountering mutated first-level zombies one after another, suggesting that the emergence of a second-level zombie was imminent.

They sped toward the city center, Faang Yu's car leading a convoy of five others. Moreover, the ground trembled under the weight of the invading zombie horde.

Glancing back, the zombies resembled relentless waves, one after another, their sheer numbers enough to send chills down anyone's spine.

Heading to the community now would be a mistake; if the first-level zombies coordinated an attack, they'd be trapped like fish on a cutting board. Their only option was to find a safe haven.

The closest cities were B City and F City. If they took the highway, it would only be a two-minute drive to escape the relentless pursuit.

Jiang Ruan gave Faang Yu a firm pat on the shoulder. "We're hitting the highway. Those behind us can follow if they choose; if not, we won't wait for them."

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