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C33 A Free-for-all(1)

Since the top five of the Body Tempering Group and the Elemental Gathering Group had already been selected, it also meant that the ten contestants who had qualified had already obtained the qualifications to go to Qian Yuan Academy. And the next group fight for the championship was in fact just a bet.

If there had been no prize setting, the ten contestants probably wouldn't have had the motivation to compete for the championship. Fortunately, Yuh Guangcheng's prize for the champion was still very generous.

Whether it was the Scarlet Fruit or the Clear Spirit Stone, they were both spiritual items that could help cultivators in the Body Forging Realm and the Essence Condensation Realm in their cultivation.

At this time, the referee walked up to the arena once again and began to announce the rules of the competition for the champion.

"In the next competition, there will no longer be a one-on-one competition." The referee paused for a moment and then continued, "The competition for the champion will be carried out in a chaotic battle, because all the remaining contestants have already obtained the qualifications to enter the Qian Yuan Academy. In order to avoid any injuries, no one is allowed to harm the other contestants during the competition."

At this point, everyone in the arena looked at Dung Tianzuo from the Body Tempering Group at the same time. It was obvious that this rule was set up by Dung Tianzuo's previous actions in order to restrain his excessive actions.

Dung Tianzuo simply snorted in the face of everyone's gazes and did not take this rule to heart at all.

The referee continued to talk about the rules of the competition for the championship.

"In order to save everyone's time, allow all participants to form an alliance with other participants in the competition for the championship. Also, regarding the situation of the Elemental Gathering Group, because Chiang Yuan and Duan Qiancheng were severely injured in the battle just now, they are still recovering from their injuries, so the two of them have given up on the competition for the Elemental Gathering Group's champion position."

When the three participants of the Body Tempering Group heard the referee say that they were allowed to form an alliance, their eyes lit up at the same time. Initially, they had thought that it would just be a chaotic competition, but they were still worried that not only would they have to face Lee Zhuohua and Dung Tianzuo, but they would also have to be wary of the other two participants.

But now that they knew the system allowed for an alliance, the three contestants looked at each other, saw what was in each other's eyes, and approached each other almost imperceptibly.

Dung Tianzuo snorted coldly and did not care about their little tricks. He only focused his attention on Lee Zhuohua, because only Lee Zhuohua could make him put his mind on guard. The other three were just trash in his eyes.

Lee Zhuohua naturally noticed the thoughts of the three of them and smiled indifferently. Not to mention the three of them, even if Dung Tianzuo was included, Lee Zhuohua would not be afraid.

On the other side, when the three participants of the Elemental Gathering Group heard that Chiang Yuan and Duan Qiancheng had both given up due to injuries, they immediately heaved a sigh of relief. Although they were also part of the top five, they knew their own limits and knew how big of a gap there was between them and the two of them. Fortunately, the two of them did not participate in the upcoming competition for the championship.

As for the audience on the drill ground, when they found out that the Chiang Yuan duo was not going to participate in the next match, they all revealed regretful expressions. Originally, they were still looking forward to seeing what kind of intense battle the two of them would have in the competition for the champion. But then he thought about it and felt relieved. The two of them had suffered different degrees of injuries in the previous battle, and for them, who had been born and raised in a prestigious family, the prize for the champion was not so precious.

And for the two of them, this battle for the champion would not affect their status as the strongest among the Yan Lai City's younger generation. After all, anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell that the remaining three people from the Elemental Gathering Group were no match for Chiang Yuan.

As a result, the audience on the drill ground lost interest in the Elemental Gathering Group's competition. On the contrary, the Body Tempering Group's competition piqued their interest.

The strong audience of Dung Tianzuo saw it with their own eyes, and the scene of Lee Zhuohua instantly killing his opponent was still vivid in their minds. The remaining three contestants also had the intention of forming an alliance. The competition for the Body Tempering Group's championship was clearly divided into three camps. The audience was curious whether Dung Tianzuo would win the championship, Lee Zhuohua would win, or the three contestants would join hands to chase the two of them off the arena.

"Then, the contest for the championship begins now. Two groups of five, please enter the ring," the referee announced the beginning of the contest after the system had been announced.

The audience in the drill ground also cheered at the same time.

Lee Zhuohua and the others walked onto the arena together with the cheers of the audience. As soon as they got on the stage, Lee Zhuohua's side was divided into three camps.

The three participants had formed an alliance, while Lee Zhuohua and Dung Tianzuo had formed their own camps.

The three of them in the arena looked at Li Zhuo and Dung Tianzuo vigilantly. Dung Tianzuo's attention was focused on Lee Zhuohua, but Lee Zhuohua was still standing there calmly.

"How do we do it later," one of the three whispered to the other two.

"Let's see what they do first. If they make a move first, we can take the opportunity to eliminate one of them." The other said.

"Okay." The other two answered in agreement.

The three of them discussed how to borrow the hands of one of the Lee Zhuohua duo and eliminate the other one.

On Lee Zhuohua's side, he sized up Dung Tianzuo and the three of them, thinking in a strange way, "No matter how I look at it, I look like that devil."

Dung Tianzuo naturally did not know what Lee Zhuohua was thinking about, but in his eyes, this competition was just a battle between him and Lee Zhuohua. He did not put the other three in his eyes yet.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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