Dream of Centuries And Eternal Sorrow/C568 The Four Young Masters of Honolulu
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Dream of Centuries And Eternal Sorrow/C568 The Four Young Masters of Honolulu
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C568 The Four Young Masters of Honolulu

"... At the peak of the Astral Realm, you have condensed three Divine Flowers. Your cultivation is not bad, your talent is not bad, and you are ranked sixth below the first rank."

Another ray of red light shot up into the sky, and the number six name was written on it. Needless to say, this person must have been one of the Hidden Geniuses; if it was before, such a high ranking would definitely cause a stir.

However, after the red light shot up into the sky, and even the rare golden light appeared, the appearance of the sixth place was no longer as surprising.

The strange thing was that the man's name was not on the test sheet, and his face was obscured by a black robe, so that for a moment no one knew who he really was, and they had to call him that for the time being.

"This person..." Jing Bolin frowned when he saw how mysterious this person was. He searched through his mind for clues, but he could not find anyone who could match this person.

"Do you know who he is?" Jing Bolin asked the two Pure Foxes beside him since he could not see through this person's background.

Zyun Hujingze and Zhan Wuhenn were also carefully examining the person in front of them. They couldn't guess who this person was, and their eyes were filled with doubt.

"From the looks of it, he's trying to hide his identity, but he's the sixth of the Three Realms, and he doesn't want anyone to know who he is, so he can't find the right person." Ziyun Hujingze touched his chin and said seriously.

"He smells of blood." At this moment, Zhan Wuhenn suddenly said.

The two of them were stunned. Naturally, they did not doubt Zhan Wuhen's judgement. As a sword master, Zhan Wuhen was not someone who would misjudge the smell of blood.

Furthermore, when the two of them looked at him closely, they also noticed that there was an extremely strong smell of blood on his body, as if they had just fought not too long ago.

"This person has a suspicious background. We need to be careful of him." After a long while, Jing Bolin looked at the man in black with a deep gaze and said.

Although Jing Bolin was here to participate in the Sandalwood Book Will, he was still the prince of Gu Yang, and this place was also the Ancient Sun Realm. If such a suspicious person appeared, he would naturally pay more attention to him.

The man in black seemed to have noticed Jing Bolin's gaze. He looked over in Jing Bolin's direction, but due to the black robe covering his face, his face could not be seen clearly. He did not know what expression he had at the moment.

The man in black glanced at Jing Bolin for a moment and then turned around and walked towards the crowd. However, at this moment, Jing Bolin felt more and more that there was some secret on this person.

"The black robe covers his face. This person is really mysterious, but to be able to be ranked sixth on the Rank Of Stars, he can indeed be considered strong." Lee Zhuohua had also noticed the man in black, but he was not curious about his identity. On the contrary, he felt that it was not simple for this person to be ranked sixth.

After the Hidden Geniuses appeared one after another, the previous testers suddenly lost their lights. After all, their existence was too dazzling, and no one dared to compare themselves to their proud ranking.

However, up until now, the position of the Honolulu Fourth Young Master was still vacant, and no one was ranked in the top four. This made some people feel hopeful, but until now, Jing Bolin and the other two had not taken the test. It made people wonder if the three of them would be able to secure the position of the Fourth Young Master.

While everyone was thinking.

"It's our turn. You two, who wants to go first?" Jing Bolin suddenly asked the two people beside him.

When he asked this question, the others all knew that the three Fourth Young Masters were about to get ready for the test. For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on them.

"The three of them are the previous Honolulu Fourth Young Masters. If they continue this time, it will be a bit terrifying."

"Not necessarily. Last time, there weren't that many Hidden Geniuses appearing. This time, I'm afraid they will be outside the top ten."

"It's hard to say. After all, he was once the Honolulu Fourth Young Master. There is no doubt about his strength and talent."

The people around them were discussing whether Jing Bolin and the other two could continue to occupy the top four positions. At this moment, Lee Zhuohua looked at the three of them with interest, thinking about what kind of results the three of them would have.

"Heh, those people in front of them are giving them some pressure. If they fall out of the position of the Fourth Young Master, their rankings will be outside the top ten. At that time, it will not look good." Lee Zhuohua thought with some malice in his heart.

On the other side, Wen Hwa, who had initially had a conflict with Jing Bolin, was also looking at the three of them. There was a cold glint in his eyes. It could be seen that he still had no intention of giving up on what had just happened. At this moment, he also wanted to see what the rankings of these three people were.

"You guys can go first. I'm not in a hurry." When Ziyun heard Jing Bolin's words, she shook her head and smiled.

When Jing Bolin saw that he did not have any intention of going first, he also shifted his gaze to Zhan Wuhen.

"Then I'll go first." Zhan Wuhen said directly. In his mind, there was no difference whether it was late or early, and whether the rankings were still the same. It was not something that they could change at will. In the end, it still depended on whether or not their talent could still suppress everyone.

"Alright, please." Seeing Zhan Wuhen say this, the corner of Jing Bolin's mouth raised slightly and he made an inviting gesture.

After that, under everyone's expectant gazes, Zhan Wuhen slowly walked towards the pavilion.

He arrived at the Stellar Monument and carefully examined it. He remembered that the last time he came here, he was already in the position of the Fourth Young Master. He just didn't know if he could continue this time.

Without thinking too much into it, Zhan Wuhenn pressed his right hand against it and the Gang Qi in his body was released, passing through it.

"Buzz ~"

With a slight tremble, the stone tablet also began to tremble slightly.

Whether or not Zhan Wuhen could continue to be the Fourth Young Master was a question that everyone, including the Hidden Geniuses, was concerned about. At this moment, they were all silently looking in his direction.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, the monument finally reacted.


There was a loud explosion, and then an extremely bright golden light suddenly rushed up from within the stone tablet like a tsunami.

As soon as the golden light appeared, everyone knew that Zhan Wuhenn's ranking must be extremely high, but they didn't know if he would still be the Fourth Young Master.

As the golden light rushed into the sky, it swept across the surroundings, and at the same time, two lines of eye-catching words appeared.

"Zhan Wuhenn, with his cultivation at the peak of the Astral Realm. Of The Gang-realm, he has condensed three Shen Hua. His cultivation is not bad, his talent is not bad, and his Sword Dao has reached the initial stage. He has condensed a strand of Immortal Qi into his body and is ranked third."


The moment these two lines of words appeared, everyone was in an uproar.

Third, this was the top four, which meant that Zhan Wuhen was still the Honolulu Fourth Young Master. How could this not be shocking? When the Hidden Geniuses saw this result, their eyes turned slightly cold.

At the same time, a rare smile appeared on Zhan Wuhen's face. It was obvious that he was also very satisfied with the result.

"As expected of Honolulu Fourth Young Master." Lee Zhuohua was also surprised by the result and could not help but sigh.

Jing Bolin and Ziyun Hujingze, on the other hand, also had a smile on their faces. It was obvious that they knew Zhan Wuhen very well. They were not surprised by this result.

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