Dream of Centuries And Eternal Sorrow/C627 The First Challenger
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Dream of Centuries And Eternal Sorrow/C627 The First Challenger
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C627 The First Challenger

After Jing Bolin caused a ruckus, the atmosphere in the venue became much more relaxed. Many people were still grinning at Lee Zhuohua, who was on the arena. Obviously, they were amused by Lee Zhuohua's gloomy expression just now.

Lee Zhuohua was standing on the stage helplessly, waiting for the one who really wanted to challenge him to go up on stage.

"I hope the next person who comes up won't cause any more trouble." Lee Zhuohua thought back to the moment when he was seriously waiting for Jing Bolin to suddenly say something and felt a burst of pain in his liver.

In a corner below the arena.

"Hmph, I thought it was Jing Bolin who wanted to challenge him, so that's how it is." Wen Hwa said after seeing Jing Bolin walk down the stage.

"Since he isn't here to challenge that brat, then let me do it. You want to be ranked number one on the Rank Of Stars with your Early Astral Reaching Realm cultivation? What wishful thinking!" As he spoke, he pushed away the people in front of him and walked towards the arena.

"Who will be the first one to challenge me? I have memorized the words of those people who framed me just now. If they come up, I guarantee that I will beat them until their teeth fall all over the ground." As Lee Zhuohua waited in the arena, his thoughts changed.


At this moment, a figure arrived on the arena, attracting Lee Zhuohua's attention.

"It's him." After Lee Zhuohua saw this person's face clearly, his eyes narrowed. He did not seem to be surprised. When he was at the Stellar Monument, the other party had already been provoking him. It was normal for the other party to be the first to challenge him.

After Wen Hwa stood on the arena, he looked down on Lee Zhuohua with arrogance. As the future successor of the Ownerless Land's Devil Strategy Sect, his status was comparable to Jing Bolin's status in Gu Yang.

This kind of person had developed an extremely arrogant personality. He had never put anyone in his generation in his eyes. Previously, he had a conflict with Lee Zhuohua and the others because of his residence, and after that, he had lost face in front of the Stellar Monument.

This caused Wen Hwa to hold a grudge against Lee Zhuohua. At this moment, it was the arena battle, and he wanted to regain his face and expose the fact that his opponent was weak.

"Brat, your cultivation base is too weak. You want to take the first place with your Early Astral Reaching Realm cultivation base? You are simply too arrogant. I suspect that the Stellar Monument made a mistake when testing you." Wen Hwa did not give Lee Zhuohua any face at all. By saying this to Lee Zhuohua, he was questioning his talent.

Lee Zhuohua had always followed the principle of If others don't offend me, then I won't offend them. However, Wen Hwa had come looking for trouble with him time and time again, which made him very unhappy.

Lee Zhuohua did not take the other party's question to heart, but he would not be at a disadvantage when it came to words.

"Is that so? I also think that the Stellar Monument might be wrong. A person like you would at most be a hundred years old. How could you be in the top twenty?" Lee Zhuohua blinked his eyes and said in a provocative tone.

He followed the other party's words and successfully counterattacked.

When Wen Hwa heard this, his expression changed as expected. His eyes immediately darkened as he stared at Lee Zhuohua, as if he wanted to tear him apart.

The Stellar Monument's ranking had always dissatisfied him. He had never felt that there would be anyone with a higher aptitude than him, but the Stellar Monument had pushed him out of the top ten. This made him very unhappy.

"Cut the crap. Talent is not a manifestation of combat strength. You are only at the early Astral Reaching realm, so you can't afford to be number one on the Rank Of Stars. I will throw you off the stage right now." The question flew into a rage from embarrassment. After saying that, he rushed towards Lee Zhuohua.

"Your temperament is too bad." Lee Zhuohua shook his head and commented when he saw the other party rushing over.

His words made Wen Hwa hate him even more.

When the people below the arena saw Wen Hwa making a move directly, they began to discuss among themselves.

"Although Wen Hwa's ranking on the Stellar Monument is not very high, his strength is at the peak of the Gang-realm. He is not someone Lee Zhuohua can match."

"Indeed, being able to be chosen as the future Sect Master of the Devil Strategy Sect means that his strength is naturally not weak. It seems like this Lee Zhuohua is going to be unlucky."

"However, with the cultivation of Early Astral Reaching Realm, I really can't understand why the Stellar Monument decided to place him at the top of the list. If his talent is really so high, why is his cultivation so low?"

The main topic of these people's discussion was Lee Zhuohua's talent and cultivation base. They felt that if a person's talent was high, his cultivation base would definitely not be weak, but they had not thought that the higher the talent, the greater the accumulation required. Every step forward required more effort than an ordinary person.

As for the Hidden Geniuses and Jing Bolin, they naturally understood the logic behind it, but Lee Zhuohua's cultivation level was really too low for them, so much so that they did not believe the rulings of the Stellar Monument.

"Whether or not he really has such a high aptitude can be seen from this battle." Jing Bolin's attention was focused on Lee Zhuohua, as if he wanted to see through him.

"Don't worry, the person I like will not be wrong. At the very least, he is one of the few people who can shake my body." Ziyun said with a smile, her words were filled with confidence in Lee Zhuohua.

"Interesting. Since you have already said that, let's just wait and see." After Zhan Wuhen heard the Pure Fox's praise for Lee Zhuohua, he raised his eyebrows and said.

Sitting on the main seat, Jing Canghai also seemed to be curious about Lee Zhuohua. Before this, he had never heard any rumors about Lee Zhuohua among the younger generation of the three great realms before.

Based on the information he had obtained, Lee Zhuohua was someone from Gu Yang, but it was indeed abnormal for such a Prodigy to suddenly appear.

"Where on earth did he come from? Furthermore, the Stellar Monument has never set up a Holy Son before." Jing Canghai's gaze was a little deep. He stared fixedly at Lee Zhuohua, who was standing on the arena, and his thoughts began to drift.

On the arena, Wen Hwa had already launched an attack on Lee Zhuohua. He was sure that Lee Zhuohua was only at the Early Astral Reaching Realm, and he wouldn't be his match at all.

Therefore, he did not reveal his strength. Instead, he suppressed Lee Zhuohua with his pure strength of the Gang-realm.

"Not to mention that I'm not afraid of you right now, even before this, your strength won't be able to threaten me." Lee Zhuohua thought to himself.

After that, the Gang Qi in his body shook, and a huge amount of pure Gang Qi surged out from his dantian, passing through his limbs and bones, and seeping out into every pore on his body.

His robes began to flutter under the surge of his aura, but he did not reveal his Shen Hua. He wanted to give the other party a clear understanding of him in his current state.

That is, he was never weaker than the other party.


An aura that rushed into the sky surged out from Lee Zhuohua's body, and it was not much different from Ziyun Hujingze's.

This was the aura of the Done Peak Of The Gang's aura. When this aura swept out, everyone was shocked.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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