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“I’ll do it.” She turned to see who had replied and a chill ran down her spine when she saw it was him. Damn it! She had not expected to see him ever again when she stole from him yesterday, most definitely not in this school. The smirk on his face answered the question she had in her head. He definitely knew she was the one who stole his belongings.

“I’ll show Miss Delgado to Miss Britney’s class, don’t worry about it Castel.” A familiar voice said and she saw Danielle stand up and walk to the front of the class.

“Very well, Miss Peters, we’ll continue when you’re back.” Mrs. Crawford said.

Whoof! Thank God for Danielle, she didn’t know what she would have done in the same space with him.

“Come on” Danielle said to her before walking towards the door. She wanted to risk a look in his direction but she followed Danielle out the door instead.

“Thanks for helping me” Emerald said to Danielle once they were out of the classroom.

“I couldn’t just stand by and watch that predator go anywhere near you”

“Predator?” Emerald asked “You mean the guy that offered to help me?”

“Yeah, he’s always looking for a new girl to mess with every other week.” Danielle replied with a frown “just stay away from him”

“I’m very sure I can handle myself against a cocky looking senior.” Emerald replied. If only Danielle knew why she was actually thanking her, she thought.

“Here we are.” Danielle said as she stopped in front a classroom. “Miss Britney will fill you in on how your schedule works and I’ll search for you at lunch time, so I’ll give you a tour of the school, if it’s okay with you.”

“Of course, I’d like that. Mucho gracias.” Emerald said, the gratitude evident in her eyes.

“You’re welcome. See ya later.” Danielle waved and walked back towards her class.

Emerald pushed open the third door for the day, feeling a little more anxious that she was before.


Castel sat down in his seat at the cafeteria, scanning the room for Emerald. That nosy girl Danielle had stolen his chance to get close to her this morning and he hadn’t seen her even once after then even if he had made extra effort to look for her. Not like he was surprised, they didn’t have any classes together since she was a class below him. Seeing her this morning had awaken a need in him, a need to get close to her and it was so pressing he just wanted to scream.

There she is. She walked into the cafeteria swaying her hips, she had let her hair down and he decided finally that he liked it better this way. The curls cascaded down her shoulders and back and he immediately had the urge to shove his hand into her luscious curls.

He frowned as a pair of hands blocked his vision, then the overwhelming scent of a very familiar perfume flooded his nostrils. The annoying giggle came next and anger swept through him as he worked who it was. Janelle

"Hello" she drawled in her usual way.

"Get your hands off me Janelle" he said irritated.

"Why? You used to love them on you." She asked taking her hands off of him. She plopped down on the empty seat next to him.

Janelle Martins was the definition of his worst mistake, he didn’t know why he ever got in a relationship with her but he definitely regretted every second of their time together. She was the daughter of his mother’s business partner, and their parents had projected them being together. That was why.

"Why aren't you eating?” she asked taking a French fry from his plate. “Is the break up affecting you that much?" she asked her voice laced with feigned concern.

"Breakup?" He asked his eyes wandering across the noisy hall again. “We were never together Janelle. You were just a pawn in my mother’s game. Nothing was real.” He said in all honesty. He was really sick of her coming around him acting like she meant anything to him.

“How dare you say that to me?” Janelle asked in her annoying high pitched voice.

“Just leave me alone Janelle, how about that?” He turned to look at Emerald across the hall.

"Why do you keep looking there?" She was standing right in front of him now.

"What..." Janelle pressed her mouth to his, cutting off the rest of his sentence. He immediately pushed her off him. “What the hell? Why the hell will you do that?”

“I want you back Cassie" Janelle said "Things will be different this time, I promise."

“You must be really fucked up in the head if you think you meant anything to me. You were just a little experiment for my mum and that is all it was.” Castel said suddenly feeling irritated.

“You’re being very mean to me Cassie, you forget I could ruin things for you with just one word to my dearest daddy.” She moved away from him and picked up her bag.

He laughed at her stupidity, she really had her panties in a twist if she thought she could blackmail him into taking her back. “I’m done with you Janelle, stay away from me.”

“I’ll say when we’re done Cassie and I am not done with you” Janelle was being her insane self and he was not even ready to take her shit today. His eyes wandered across the hall again this time Emerald was staring right back at him.

"Why do you keep looking there?" She was almost screaming in his ear and he felt like wringing her neck at this point. Janelle followed his gaze to the other side of the cafeteria.

“No way, the new Latina? Are your standards that low now?” God! Someone shut her up.

“Anything at all is a higher standard than you Janelle, get a life and stay the fuck away from me.” With that Castel walked out, giving her no chance to respond.


Emerald looked over at his table but he wasn't there anymore. Neither was the girl who had kissed him. Was that his girlfriend? She couldn’t help but wonder. She had to be, why else would she be kissing him? She mentally scolded herself. She should be running away from him, what if he called the cops on her?

"Are you even listening?" Danielle asked snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Perdon?" She asked confused.

"Where is your head at?" Danielle asked “I’m asking if you would like to join any clubs?”

"I dunno yet" She stated curtly her eyes wandering around the hall searching for him.

"He's a total no Emerald” Danielle said drawing Emerald's attention. “I know he’s easily the hottest guy you have seen, but trust me he is bad news.”

"I don’t know what you’re talking about"

"Castel Mourinho. The guy you've been staring at"

"I've not been staring at anyone, I just feel some type of way about this place" Emerald denied.

"Yeah right" Danielle said putting a lock of hair behind her eyes. “What about this place?"

“I’m not really used to being around a lot of people, that’s probably why" Emerald answered sincerely. She was actually feeling some type of way about school. There was so much she had to keep up with here, she had sat down through three classes and her head was banging. Classes with Maria and John were not so stressful.

"How was your old school like?" Danielle asked.

“It wasn’t much of a school, it was more like home school but with the kids in the neighborhood.” And she was missing it already, it was always fun when she would sneak into Abuela’s kitchen to steal rice cakes during the short breaks. The memory almost made her eyes water.

“You’re probably missing the neighborly feeling, but I’m sure you’ll do just great here.” Danielle said offering her a friendly smile. Danielle was a really pretty girl, she had dark brown hair and amber eyes. Her eyes were so warm and welcoming and her smile was beautiful. And she was really nice, even if she talked a little too much.

"Hey" A deep voice beside her brought her back to reality and she looked up into a pair of warm brown eyes.

"Hey" she replied unable to look away from him.

"I'm Salvador" he smiled revealing his dimpled cheeks and she had to blink a little because it was impossible for anyone to be this cute.

"Emerald" She replied.

"I saw you earlier today, you probably didn't notice me. My locker is next to yours" he said sitting beside her.

“I didn’t realize.” She felt a little uncomfortable with him and she didn’t know why. “Did you want something?”

"I couldn't help notice how pretty you are and I just wanted to let you know I can show you around" he said with a smirk on his face.

”What?” the smile she was wearing faded as she looked down. He definitely sounded like a fuck boy, she felt a little disappointed. “Danielle already gave me a tour of the school. So save your breath.”

"Uh… I could maybe…" he seemed taken aback by her words and he turned around and walked away.

“You don’t have to do anything. I’ll do just fine, it was nice meeting you.” She said dismissively and didn’t look up until he walked off.

"That was rude" Danielle said frowning "He was just being nice"

"He was all up in my face" Emerald said defiantly even if she was feeling like crap "Did you see the smirk on his face when he said it, he’s probably one of those boys"

"Salvador is like the nicest person ever, I’m very sure he means no harm." Danielle was making her feel bad now. "I think you should apologize to him"

Apologize? Was she serious?

"I’m not gonna do that, I did nothing wrong." she protested “I don’t have to be nice like you”

“No, you don’t but you should treat people well.” Dani insisted nudging her with her elbow. “Go on.”

"Okay fine." Emerald said as she stood up. She sighted Salvador's table about two tables from hers, he had his back to her so all she could see was his black hair and broad shoulders.

"Hey" She muttered when she got to him. He turned around and looked at her.

"Come to make me feel worse?" He asked turning back to sip his drink.

"Actually" She said as she sat down on the empty seat next to him “I came to say I’m sorry”

He met her eyes and she flashed him her best smile. His brown eyes lit up and he stared quietly at her. She felta little weird sitting beside him and his quietness was even weirder.

“You’re not saying anything?” she asked feeling awkward now.

“My apologies my fair maiden I was only taking in your beauty” he said in a low tone that sounded funny “forgive me mi lady” it was only after he said this that she realized he was using a mock British accent. And she couldn’t help but laugh at his sense of humor, she felt herself loosen up immediately.

“I'm sorry for rudeness earlier. I’m not really a nice person” She drove a hand through her curls out of habit. “I try to be nice but I fail most of the time though". She laughed at herself.

“It’s fine, I was a bit rude too so it’s perfectly fine.” He smiled. “Plus, I don’t really fancy nice girls. I like them a little feisty”

"Feisty?"she arched a brow confused.

"Yes, feisty." He said apparently not catching that she didn't know the meaning of the word. He saw the confused look on her face and laughed. "You're like fire, beautiful to look at but quick to burn"

"That makes no sense to me” She laughed and he laughed too.

“You have a really pretty smile, it literally takes my breath away.” He said the low tone he had used before and she couldn’t help but laugh.

They dived right into a full blown conversation about basically everything. He was so chill that she mentally cursed herself for ever being rude to him.

Right now she was laughing so hard at a joke he just told her about his brother's parrot snitching on him when he snuck out with his car. He was laughing too and she took a moment to check him out. His black hair was neatly cut and slightly tousled his eyes were a light brown, like honey. He was really handsome like the guys you see on TV. But not nearly as good looking as Castel.

Wait what? She had no idea where that had come from and she shook her head as if trying clear her thoughts of Castel.

"Rodriguez, what's up man?" The fine hairs on her neck erected as an awfully familiar voice called out behind her, she didn’t dare turn to look back because she knew exactly who it was.

He stopped directly behind her apparently referring to Salvador.

"Hey man" Salvador replied taking Castel’s hand for a handshake. “How’s it going?”

"Same old, you know how it is" Castel replied “I see you made a new friend, who do we have here?” He said obviously referring to her.

“Oh right, this is Emerald, Emerald this is the one and only Castel Mourinho.” Salvador said unsuspecting of the inner turmoil she was feeling. What if he told Salvador she had stolen from him.

"I have to meet Dani now she's been waiting for me" She said standing up "and I do have a lot of school work to do. I'll see you around Salvador.” She sent him a small smile and she felt Castel stiffen beside her.

“Why the rush Emerald?” Castel asked emphasizing her name. “I want to talk for a bit.”

"Maybe some other time" She answered meeting his eyes with a daring look.

“May I ask when?” He asked again with an arched eyebrow, obviously trying to make her uncomfortable. Well she wasn’t going to let him.

“I’ll let you know some other time.” She smiled up at him “how bout that?”

“How about… I come look for you after school, today?” he smiled down at her.

Her breath caught in her throat, his stare was so intense that she couldn’t look away. And his smile dear God! Her subconscious exclaimed. She wanted to scream and run away from him because she had never met anyone like him.

“We’ll see about that.” She said with a perfectly straight face and started walking off because she couldn’t take it anymore. He held her hand, stopping her in her tracks.

“You can try all you want, but there’s no hiding from me here.” He was speaking in low tones so only her could hear. “I will see you later, Lucy-ana”

She pulled her hand free from his grasp and walked off. Who the fuck does he think he is? she resisted the urge to turn around and punch him right in his devilishly handsome face.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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