Empress Dowager's Pregnancy/C24 The morning outside the palace.
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Empress Dowager's Pregnancy/C24 The morning outside the palace.
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C24 The morning outside the palace.

Lizhu hesitated, "The princess said that she had something urgent to do yesterday. Forget it, let's play hide-and-seek! Whoever loses will be the princess." As she spoke, Lihua and Lizhu started to play hide-and-seek, and in the end, Lihua lost. She originally wanted to win two out of three, but Lihua was unwilling.

After a few moments of hesitation, Lihua cleared her throat and shouted, "The water is running out. Run!"

Feng Hua was so scared that she jumped off the bed, "Where is the water running out?"

Lihua and Lizhu had already run outside.

Feng Hua saw that she had been tricked. She put on her clothes and ran outside to settle the score with the two of them.

Feng Hua shouted, "The water is running out. Do you believe that I won't let the two of you run out of water?"

Lihua and Lizhu said with grievances, "It's not that the princess asked us to shout at you in the middle of the night yesterday."

Feng Hua suddenly remembered that she had an appointment with Chu Linglang today.

"Quick, Lihua, wash up and change." Feng Hua rushed back to her room and changed her clothes as fast as she could. She quickly arrived at Phoenix Hall.

Phoenix Hall was still tightly closed at this time, so Feng Hua knocked on the door and shouted.

The eunuch on duty replied, "Which blind fool didn't know what this place was? Why did you knock at this time?"

When the eunuch opened the door and saw that it was the princess, he immediately knelt down, "This servant deserves to die. I don't know who Her Royal Highness is, but this servant will slap myself."

Feng Hua smiled strangely, "Now that you know that you deserve to die, it's too late. You can kneel here and slap yourself a thousand times. Then, go and collect a month's worth of chamber pot and let you sleep in the middle of the night."

After saying that, Feng Hua walked into Phoenix Hall. At first, she went to Yu Lan's and Chunhe's room, thinking that Chu Linglang was kind enough to let her sleep for a while more.

"Who is it?" Chunhe shouted in a trembling voice.

Feng Hua gestured for her to keep quiet and then took out the hand that had placed the spider in her quilt and showed it to her.

"Ah!" Chunhe shouted with all her might.

Yulan was also shocked. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

Seeing the princess, she quickly got off the bed and said, "This servant greets the princess. May I know when the princess is?"

Because of Chunhe's shout, Feng Hua was very unhappy and said in a bad tone, "Not even four o’clock in the morning!"

Chunhe fell back again. "Princess, why are you here so early at this time?"

Yulan put on a set of clothes. "This servant will make tea for you."

Feng Hua returned to the room. "Wait, do you want to report to Chu Linglang? I'll go with you."

Yulan could not answer for a moment. She lowered her head and muttered, "The Empress Dowager won't wake up at this time. Why should I report to her?"

Feng Hua raised her eyebrows. "What are you muttering about? Hurry up and take me there."

Yulan unwillingly followed the princess to Chu Linglang's bedroom. Seeing that Chu Linglang was sleeping soundly, Feng Hua wanted to use the same trick that she had used to scare Chunhe.

Feng Hua put her hand into Chu Linglang's quilt and saw Chu Linglang flip over and press Feng Hua's hand down. Feng Hua was helpless. This time, Chu Linglang took out one hand from the quilt and kissed Feng Hua.

When Feng Hua reacted, she also shouted like Chun He just now, "Ah! Chu Linglang!"

Chu Linglang asked with sleepy eyes, "What's wrong? Who told me to do that?"

Seeing the hamster in his hand, she immediately said, "Huahua! Why did you sneak into my hand?"

Yulan thought to herself, Our empress dowager is really a demon.

Chu Linglang looked at Feng Hua again, "Ah! Didn't you sleep well yesterday? Look at your ashen face, it makes me feel sorry!"

Feng Hua thought to herself, Chu Linglang, just you wait, I'll teach you a lesson when I get out of the palace. She pretended to say, "That's right! Yesterday, someone said that he would leave the palace after the palace gate opens today. I have been waiting for this night!"

"Oh? Is that true? Do you know when the palace gate opens?" Chu Linglang raised her eyebrows and asked.

"I don't know." She looked at Feng Hua and said, "Our empress dowager never lets us get up early, because she says that if we wake up early, we will be silly for a day."

Feng Hua pointed at Yulan and then pointed at Chu Linglang, "They really have deep feelings for each other! You don't know! I know! The palace gate opens at five o’clock in the morning."

Chu Linglang thought to herself, I want to rest for a while! I won't say anything more. I just ordered Yulan to wake up Chunhe.

Chun He was extremely unwilling to greet Chu Linglang, "Empress Dowager, are you sure that there will be people outside the palace if you leave the palace so early?"

Chu Linglang squeezed out a big smile and said, "You guys have to thank Her Royal Highness. Thanks to her, I brought you guys to have breakfast outside the palace today."

Chunhe also squeezed out a big smile. "The princess has arrived. I have not greeted you well. Please do not take offense, haha."

Feng Hua thought to herself, 'Is everyone in Phoenix Hall crazy?'

Chu Linglang, Yulan, and Chunhe were dressed in their guards uniforms as they prepared to leave the palace. Feng Hua, who was at the back, felt disgusted. If she had known earlier, she would not have followed them out.

The four of them arrived in front of the palace gate. It was still early in the morning. The guard at the gate looked at the four of them in surprise. At this time, only the ministers who had come to the court had not left the palace yet.

The four of them looked at the guard who was staring at them. All of them looked up at the sky in tacit understanding. "Ah, the sky is really beautiful at this time." Chunhe laughed.

"That's right! That's right! The air is also very good!"

It was only normal that the guard stopped looking at them.

Chu Linglang teased, "This famous Her Royal Highness, the palace guards don't even recognize you!"

"Aren't you the same? Little Empress Dowager, you're the master of the harem! I haven't seen him recognize you!"

"I'm different from you! I just entered the palace not long ago, and this is the place where you were born!"

"Didn't I just return yesterday?" Feng Hua argued.

Yulan was looking at the sky all the time. "Empress Dowager, look, the sunrise!"

Chu Linglang looked at the sky. "That's right! The sunrise is really beautiful. It symbolizes the rise of the sun."

Feng Hua rolled her eyes and said, "What a Canary. How can such a sunrise be called beautiful? I saw it in the Western Regions. That's what I call beautiful!" It was as if you could touch it with your hand. The starry sky was as beautiful as a painting."

The palace guards shouted, "Open the palace gate!" The five o’clock bell rang at this time.

At the moment the palace gate was opened, all the courtiers entered one after another.

"Your Majesty, is it like this every morning?" Chu Linglang asked.

"That's right! Ever since Royal Father ascended the throne, he has not slept for a single nap. Now, Royal Brother is the same."

Chu Linglang thought that everyone thought that the Emperor was the best, but she did not know that there were so many things that they could not do. Even the basic daily routine was comforted. Pui, let's hurry out of the palace!

Chu Linglang gave the token to the guard to take a look, and then immediately let him pass.

Chu Linglang kissed the token and said, "I didn't expect you to be so useful. You left the palace so smoothly."

"Of course, it's the Royal Brother's token. Didn't you see the dragon on it?" Feng Hua said unhappily.

When Chu Linglang heard this, she bit her lip and said, "Really! This is pure gold."

Feng Hua was amused by Chu Linglang's actions and quickly said, "What do you think?"

"I didn't think of anyone! The royal family is indeed not short of money, but this dragon looks like a bug."

Feng Hua quickly covered Chu Linglang's mouth and said, "What are you talking about! Do you want to die?"

"Yo! You care so much about me! Come, I'll treat you to steamed buns and tofu pudding." Chu Linglang waved her hand and walked forward to lead the way.

People of all kinds were streaming down the street. Some people were carrying carts in, while others had just set up their stalls.

"Young Master, look! The morning of Xiliang Country is actually so lively." Chunhe cheered.

Chu Linglang was also very happy when she saw this scene. This was a good sign that Xiliang Country was about to enter a golden age!

The four of them came to a small stall. The owner was an old man with white hair. When he saw them, he warmly greeted them, "I see that you guys are unfamiliar, but you guys really know how to choose a place. I've been making breakfast on this street for fifty years!"

Chunhe quickly asked, "Then where are your children? Why are you alone here?"

The old man proudly said, "My son is a city guard, my daughter-in-law is gone! My grandson is busy with the examinations, and they are all very busy! They are all promising people. Come, ladies, what do you want to eat?"

Chunhe said in surprise, "Grandpa, we are wearing guards uniforms. How can you tell that we are girls?"

"Haha, it's not that I'm bragging. Whether they are guards or not, I can tell with a glance. My son doesn't come back every time. Every time he comes back, I will look at him carefully. Has he become thinner or darker? Look at you guys, you are so delicate and tender. I know that you guys are not, and I'm not sure which official family's young lady secretly came out to play! What the old man said is true! " The old man said proudly.

"It's true, it's true. What the old man said is extremely true. Your son must be very happy to have such a father who dotes on him so much." Chu Linglang said sincerely.

"Of course. My son is the happiest. He loves to eat my steamed buns and tofu pudding the most. This stall of mine has lasted for so long for him." The old man wiped away his tears and said, "Miss, what do you want to eat?"

"Old man, four bowls of steamed buns and four bowls of tofu pudding." Chu Linglang replied.

While the old man was busy working, Chu Linglang looked around at the shops around her.

She had not been here for a long time ever since she saw the faces of the shop owners.

The simple and honest smiles on her face had already faded away. Only now did she understand why the old man was teary.

"What are you looking at?" Feng Hua had arrived at Chu Linglang's side at some point. She followed Chu Linglang's gaze and looked over as well.

"Nothing. I'm just looking at the people and the situation of my Xiliang Country."

Feng Hua placed her hand on Chu Linglang's shoulder. "You sound like you're on a patrol."

"Come on! The steamed buns are here." The old man placed the steamed buns on the table.

Chu Linglang gave Feng Hua a look and said, "Let's go. After we finish eating, we'll take you on a patrol."

The four of them were completely impressed by the shop owner's craftsmanship and did not care about their previous eating habits at all.

Feng Xuan glanced at the time. The empress dowager and Feng Hua should have left the palace by now. He wondered how they were doing.

"Quan, when will the empress dowager and the princess leave the palace?"

“Reporting to the Emperor, I heard that they left the palace as soon as the doors opened.”

“Oh? Only the two of them? No one else?”

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