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C25 Elder Uncle

Chu Linglang told them, "Old Uncle's son was a guard of Xiliang. He was killed in an invasion of an enemy. His wife passed away because she was too sad. Old Uncle was too sad because of the double blow. He only remembered what happened before his son died. He only thought that his son was too busy and was a hero who protected the country. So he supported him. He made breakfast and waited for his son to come back."

"Then what happened to his daughter-in-law and grandson?"

"After his husband died, his daughter-in-law carried her son and left. Old Uncle only remembered that his grandson's ambition was to be an official when he was young."

"That old uncle is really tough." Everyone said.

"Sigh, how did you know about all of this, Young Master?" Chunhe asked stubbornly.

"Of course! I was playing around when I was young. I accidentally ate the steamed buns that Old Uncle made. I thought it was delicious, so I came to check on him!" Chu Linglang said casually.

"Oh, so it's like that! I haven't heard Young Master tell us about your childhood stories!"

"Hehe, I'll have time in the future." Chu Linglang thought of the first time she met her old uncle. It was still early in the morning when she was cold and hungry. Chu Linglang went to steal the steamed buns, but it was very successful. After that, she went there for three consecutive days. At that time, she thought that this old uncle was a fool! However, on the fourth day, the old uncle grabbed her hand. She thought, "Damn, he wouldn't beat me up!" She saw the old uncle carry her into the house and gave her a steamed bun and a bowl of tofu pudding. At first, she didn't dare to move. After the old uncle was done, he saw that she didn't eat, so he said, "You dare to steal, but you don't dare to eat openly?"

Chu Linglang cried, "I was wrong. I won't dare to do it again."

The old man smiled. His smile warmed the cold weather. The old man gently wiped her face with a towel and wiped her hands. He picked up the steamed buns and tofu pudding that was already cold and heated them up.

When the food was served, the old man sat there and said, "Eat it! It won't taste good if it's cold."

Chu Linglang ate carefully and gradually ate to her heart's content.

After eating, the old man laughed heartily. He said, "Girl, remember not to steal anything. You are still young and don't have the ability to survive. You can understand. You can tell others that you're hungry and ask if there's anything to eat. But you have to remember that you have to repay what others have done for you. Even if you don't have the ability now, you have to remember it. If others help you, you have to repay them as much as you can. When you were an orphan, it was your fate. But when you grow up, if you still don't have the ability to survive, this is your own problem."

Chu Linglang asked, "Then what about the old man?"

The old man gently touched her face and said, "The old man doesn't need to repay him now! When you grow up, if we are fated, you can repay him. In the future, if you are hungry, you can come to the old man to eat buns."

Ever since then, Chu Linglang only went there once a month to improve the food. She also tried her best to save up something that could be exchanged for money. She wanted to buy a fish for the old man. She saved for a whole year, and when she finally could buy a fish for the old man, she was happy.

She still remembered that day when she excitedly wanted to give her uncle a surprise. When she was about to walk to the stall, she saw some people wearing guards uniforms informing her uncle that her son had sacrificed himself. The old man held back his tears and bid farewell to the guards. He hurriedly packed up and went home.

Chu Linglang followed behind him and returned home. The old man told the woman who was playing with the children in the courtyard. The woman turned around and went back to her room. After packing up, she was about to leave with the child in her arms.

"Cuizhi, you can't leave now. I told you this news to let you prepare yourself, but not at this time."

"I'm not leaving? Why should I stay here? Think about it yourself. Since I married you, the number of times I've seen your son. Now, he is fine. He died without a sound. How are we going to live in the future? Do you want me to take care of his parents for him?" His daughter-in-law scolded loudly.

The old man did not say anything more. He let go of her hand and took out some money from his bosom and placed it in her hand.

There was a sound at the door. An old woman fell to the ground. The old man immediately rushed over and shouted, "Help!"

The neighbors who passed by happened to be pushing carts. When they heard the cry for help, they rushed over.

As for the fish, it was rotten and was not sent out.

Later on, she was adopted by Chu Ba and led a good life. Every time she had a festival, she would buy some things and place them in front of the old man.

After that, they accidentally found out that the old uncle had set up a stall. They asked around and found out that the old uncle's wife had gone there. She would come to the old uncle's place to eat from time to time, but the old uncle never recognized her again.

The three of them saw Chu Linglang standing there in a daze and quickly pointed at her. Chu Linglang came back to her senses and asked sadly, "What's wrong?"

"Young Master, we still want to ask what happened to you?" Feng Hua said unhappily.

"Where are we going now?" Chunhe asked.

Chu Linglang calmed herself down and a smile gradually appeared on her face. "Old rules, let's go to the inn to change clothes. This time, I'll take you to see an old friend."

"Old friend? Who is it?" The three of them asked in unison.

"You'll know in a while."

The four of them came to the inn again. The owner was still very enthusiastic as he asked, "Yo, the guard is here again. What business do you have this time?"

"Cut the crap and give us a room." This time, it was Feng Hua who answered.

The owner looked at her and exclaimed, "Yo! This time, you brought a girl. Three men actually brought a girl in broad daylight."

Feng Hua grabbed the owner's neck and said, "Do you dare to say another word? Do you believe that I will smash your shop?"

The owner trembled and said, "Yes, yes, yes. Hero, please spare me. I didn't recognize you. I didn't know that you were a female guard."

Feng Hua let go of him in satisfaction. The boss signaled with his eyes and said to the waiter, "Hurry up and bring the four honored guests upstairs."

The waiter thought to himself, 'You always talk about us, but that mouth of yours is always open. Today, you scared us.'

The waiter pretended not to see or hear anything. He was either sweeping the floor or wiping the table.

After the boss shouted, the waiter walked over. "Please come upstairs, honored guest."

After the four of them went upstairs, Chunhe laughed loudly, "When did Her Royal Highness become a heroine? The funny thing is that the boss actually said that she was a female guard. Hahahaha."

Yulan also gave a thumbs up and said, "Her Royal Highness was so imposing just now."

"Of course. I am the representative of the independent women in Xiliang Country. Those stinky men can't look down on us."

Chu Linglang cleared her throat and said, "You're really boasting about yourself."

"Look at how stingy you are. Didn't I bring you along? The independent women of Xiliang Country are also our Little Empress Dowager!"

The four of them laughed out loud.

After the three of them changed their clothes, they left the house. This time, they changed into female clothes. After walking out, the boss's jaw almost dropped. Feng Hua raised her fist at him, and the boss came back to his senses. After they left, the boss called the waiter over.

"Am I seeing things? They are actually girls?"

"No! Boss, you only just found out that they are girls! I knew it last time." The waiter said proudly.

"How did you know?"

"Just now, that girl in pink clothes, she drank too much last time and came back while talking. You didn't hear it. That voice sounded like a girl." The waiter pointed outside with his thumb.

"Go, go, go. If you don't work for a day, pay attention to these things. Go and work for me." The boss roared with his eyes wide open.

"Alright, you only know how to roar at us. When that girl comes back later, she will beat you up." The waiter muttered and left.

After the four of them came out, they laughed loudly, "Look at the boss just now. I have to go and help him up his chin, afraid that he will fall." Chunhe clapped her hands and said.

"You guys, do you want to eat the candied fruits?" Chu Linglang asked.

The three of them nodded in unison.

"Then let's go." Chu Linglang walked in front.

The four of them bought candied fruits and happily ate them. When the passersby saw the four beautiful girls, they all looked at them.

"Empress Dowager, oh, no, Young Master Chu, no, Miss Chu, they are all looking at us!" Chunhe said while eating.

Feng Hua nodded, "Mmm, our turnover rate is pretty good."

Chu Linglang said indifferently, "But it's not just turnover rate! We are all together."

The three of them turned around and Chu Linglang signaled, "Don't turn around. How about we play with him?"

"How do we play?"

"In a while, I will count to three. The four of us will run in opposite directions and meet up at the intersection of Chengchang Street."

"Alright, I agree." The three of them expressed their agreement.

"Then let's begin! One, two, three." The four of them ran in different directions.

At this time, Shaang Xia knew that it was not good for him to be discovered. How could it be? His ability to follow people was always very good!

Forget it, he could only follow one at a time.

Feng Hua turned her head as she ran. A person who was not a good person ran into the arms of a man. Just as she was about to curse, she raised her head and looked. Feng Hua's eyes were wide open. This man was really good-looking. He had a tall nose, bright eyes, and a wide and narrow eyebrow. His mouth was even better looking than a woman's.

"Miss, are you alright?"

Feng Hua looked at him with a dazed expression. She saw his lips move, and his voice was so pleasant to listen to.

"Miss, are you alright? You even stepped on my foot!"

Feng Hua heard him and quickly got up. She turned around and fiddled with her hair a few times before slowly turning around. She blinked her eyes and said gently, "I'm fine. Is Young Master alright?"

"It's good that you're fine. Miss, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first." After saying that, the man walked away with large strides.

Feng Hua thought to herself, "Damn it, I haven't asked his name yet!" She turned around and shouted with a lion-like voice, "I haven't asked Young Master's name yet!"

He replied, "It's just a small matter. There's no need to mention it. If fate allows, we will meet again." As he spoke, he waved his hand.

"What did you say? I didn't hear you."

The young master had already walked far away.

Libre Baskerville
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