Empress Dowager's Pregnancy/C27 Feng Xuan ordered.
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Empress Dowager's Pregnancy/C27 Feng Xuan ordered.
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C27 Feng Xuan ordered.

Feng Hua nudged Chu Linglang, "Look, the ice face has met its nemesis. Finally, it has an expression on its face."

Chu Linglang looked at her and said, "Isn't that so? We should let them meet more."

"Good idea."

"What is the ice face?" The little girl asked curiously.

Chu Linglang thought for a while and said, "Hmm? This ice face! It's just that its face is expressionless, just like this." Chu Linglang started to learn.

"Ah? Isn't that a fool?" The little girl quickly said.

Feng Hua and Chu Linglang squatted on the ground laughing, "Yes, yes, yes, it's a fool, hahahaha."

Everyone saw Feng Hua and Chu Linglang laughing so loudly and looked at them strangely.

Chunhe wiped her hands and ran over, "What are you guys talking about? It's so funny."

The little girl said in a childish voice, "We are talking about that brother being a fool." As she spoke, she pointed at Shaang Xia.

When Shaang Xia saw the girl pointing at her, he asked Zhu Rong's brother coldly, "What are they talking about? It seems like they are talking about me."

Zhu Rong's brother shrugged his shoulders and said, "How would I know? If you want to know, go and ask. Look at their laughter, it doesn't sound like anything good."

"Are you very familiar with her?" Shaang Xia pointed at Chu Linglang and asked.

"It's our second time meeting! Do you think we're familiar? But my brother seems to be very familiar with her. Why do you like her?" Zhu Rong's brother asked curiously.

Shaang Xia was so scared by this question that he coughed, "Cough, cough, cough, don't talk nonsense. She's just our young lady." Shaang Xia continued to speak coldly.

Zhu Rong's brother clapped his hands and said, "I knew it! That girl must be a rich young lady. My brother has picked up a treasure!" Zhu Rong's brother said excitedly.

A black line slid across Shaang Xia's face, and he squeezed out a big smile for Zhu Rong's brother.

"Ah! You can laugh? I thought you were a paralyzed person!" Zhu Rong's brother said as if he had discovered a new continent.

Shaang Xia was annoyed by this talkative person. He jumped to the roof next door and exclaimed, "Good Lightness Skill!"

Zhu Rong's brother curled his lips and said, "Tsk, what's so great about it?" As he spoke, he walked over to Chu Linglang's side.

"I say, Miss, your bodyguard is pretty awesome! Did you hire him with a lot of money?" Zhu Rong's brother asked.

Chu Linglang did not know what to do. She tried her best to restore the scene of their conversation to answer his question.

At this time, Feng Hua replied, "That's right! It's very expensive. Why? Do you want to be a bodyguard too?"

Zhu Rong's brother chuckled and said, "Don't joke about my three-legged skill. But my brother can! Look! Although he is a little silly, he is very expensive! Although he doesn't know how to speak well, he is very good at keeping his secrets! Isn't that right? As long as you hire him, you can get a discount of five percent on killing a pig for you, and you can make bean curd for you for free." Zhu Rong's brother said excitedly.

Chu Linglang thought to herself, 'So you're promoting your brother! No wonder your brother is not as good at doing business as his brother. His brother is really calculating!'

Chu Linglang said, "I'll think about it."

Hearing that, everyone dispersed.

Zhu Rong walked over and said to Chu Linglang, "Don't bother with him. He has always been a mouthful of nonsense since he was young."

Chu Linglang pointed her finger on her lips and thought, "Your brother is right. I'll think about it."

Seeing that everyone was ignoring him, Zhu Rong's brother said angrily, "Hmph, if you don't bother with me, I'm not willing to bother with you all! I'll go back home and help my mother." With that, he left.

Feng Hua suggested to Chu Linglang, "Everyone just ate some bean curd. Now that you're hungry, why don't you go to a restaurant to eat?"

Zhu Rong immediately said, "What's so expensive about a restaurant? Why don't you go to my house and try my cooking?"

Chunhe agreed, "Sure! Sure!"

Chu Linglang said embarrassedly, "Then I'll have to trouble you!"

Zhu Rong smiled foolishly, "It's not a big deal. It's just a simple house. As long as you don't mind, that's fine. My mother has always been alone. When she sees so many people, she will definitely be very happy."

Today, Chu Linglang found that Zhu Rong was no longer stuttering. She asked, "Why aren't you stuttering today?"

"I'm so happy." Zhu Rong touched his head in embarrassment.

"Then what about your bean curd shop?"

The children all said, "Sister, you guys go with big brother! We have us in the bean curd shop!"

Chu Linglang looked at them in surprise.

The little girl said again, "Brother Zhu Rong gave his skills to big brother. Big brother's cooking is not worse than Brother Zhu Rong's."

Chu Linglang asked, "What about your food?"

The little girl said, "Sister, don't worry. I can cook!"

"That's great!" Chu Linglang praised. She waved at Shaang Xia, indicating for him to come over.

Shaang Xia flew down and Chu Linglang walked towards him. She said softly, "In a while, find a restaurant and cook a few dishes for these children." Shaang Xia looked at Chu Linglang.

"Don't worry. I will make a triangular mark along the way. You will find it." Chu Linglang said patiently. She thought to herself, "Do you think that I, the Xiliang Empress Dowager, am a vegetarian? Didn't you see my martial arts? Besides, Feng Hua is also very strong in martial arts."

Shaang Xia nodded and left.

Chu Linglang muttered to herself, "What a fool."

Zhu Rong asked, "Why did that hero leave?"

Chu Linglang said perfunctorily, "Don't worry about him. He went to buy wine." She thought to herself, "Damn, it's my first time visiting him. It seems that I have to go empty-handed. If I had known earlier, I would have been happy. Now, I can't find a reason to leave."

The four of them bid farewell to the children and walked home with Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong led the way in front, "After crossing this street, we will pass through that alley and reach my house."

When they passed by a fish stall, Zhu Rong indicated for them to wait, "There is only pork in the house. I will buy a fish."

Chu Linglang thought that the opportunity had come. She hurriedly followed him. After Zhu Rong picked up the fish.

The boss said, "Five jin, six taels. It will be five jin."

Chu Linglang was about to pay when Zhu Rong stopped her, "I invited you guys to my house, how can you pay?"

"Come, the boss will give you the money."

"Alright! Only when Zhu Rong comes to sell fish will I give him a reasonable price. If you spend money, it won't be so reasonable. Sigh, my disappointing son, if he is half as sensible as Zhu Rong, I will be able to enjoy a good life!" The boss said.

After Chu Linglang walked out, she asked Zhu Rong, "Are you very familiar with this boss?"

Zhu Rong smiled foolishly and said, "I am quite familiar with him. When I have nothing to do, I will help him with some things."

Zhu Rong carried the fish and led the way for everyone.

"Oh, Zhu Rong brought back so many beautiful girls." An old woman asked.

"That's right! Auntie Li, they are my friends." Zhu Rong said politely.

"You bought fish? I wanted to tell you at your stall tomorrow, leave two pork legs for me tomorrow."

"Alright, Uncle Liu."

Along the way, many uncles and aunts greeted Zhu Rong. Zhu Rong also politely spoke to them.

Chu Linglang left a triangular mark on the ground.

"Huh, how come there is so much water here?" Chunhe said unhappily.

Zhu Rong hurriedly said, "This road is not good. You guys be careful, don't dirty your shoes."

The four of them covered their noses again.

Zhu Rong explained, "This is the largest pig farm in the area of ten miles. Usually, some pigs come from his house."

The best thing about Xiliang Country was that it did not make arbitrary decisions and left room for all kinds of businesses. For example, Zhu Rong's family slaughtered pigs but did not raise them. Those who raised pigs did not kill them and sell them.

"The courtyard in front is my house." Zhu Rong pointed.

"Then your house is quite close to the pig farm!" Feng Hua asked.

"That's right! It's convenient." Zhu Rong replied.

"Mother, there's a guest." An old woman with white hair was sewing in the courtyard.

Zhu Rong's brother came out of the house. "Yo, we meet again. It's really a pleasure to visit your humble abode!"

At this time, a girl walked out of the vegetable garden. "Brother Rong, there's a guest." Liu Yucui looked at the girls and felt a little sour.

"Okay, I'll cook later. You can eat here as well!"

The four of them greeted the old woman and sat down.

"Great Rong, this Yucui has been here to accompany me for a long time. She helped me do things." Mrs. Zhu praised Yucui.

"Mrs. Zhu, don't you think it's right for you to love me so much?" Yucui said shyly.

After Zhu Rong handed the fish to Yucui, he said to Chu Linglang, "Yucui is my neighbor. We've grown up together since we were young. I treat her like my own sister."

Chu Linglang replied, "Oh." Even a fool could tell that Liu Yucui liked him. Only he didn't know it!

"Old woman, what are you doing?" Feng Hua sat at the side and asked the old woman.

"Zhu Rong's clothes! This Zhu Rong! Don't look at how friendly he is, he's actually a big rascal. He doesn't even know that his own clothes are rotten. If I leave in the future, how will the two brothers do without a woman?"

"Mother, with your health, you will definitely live to be a hundred years old." Zhu Rong said.

"Yes, yes, yes. The two of you are so filial, I want to enjoy a few more years of peace and happiness. I want to have a grandson!" Mrs. Zhu laughed.

Although the Zhu Rong family was simple and crude, they only had a single wall. The outer wall was connected with wooden beams. There were three rooms in the courtyard. One was the slaughtering ground, and the other was used to store tools. Zhu Rong and his mother lived in the house right across the courtyard. The kitchen was simple, and there was a wooden top above the stove. There was also a small vegetable garden in the courtyard. They planted their own vegetables and ate them. Even the slaughtering ground was cleaned up by Zhu Rong. Mrs. Zhu even used some wild flowers and licorice to taste the meat.

Mrs. Zhu asked enthusiastically, "Miss, you are all from Xiliang."

The few of them nodded, "Aunt, we are all from the city!" Chunhe said playfully.

"No wonder, I knew it! You all look like young ladies from rich families. Come to my house, don't be disgusted!"

Chu Linglang said, "How could I? My house is very clean!"

Zhu Rong and Zhu Rong's brother were busy working at the stove, while Yang Yucui was helping out.

At this time, Shaang Xia entered the courtyard with large and small bags. Shaang Xia placed the things on the table and stood to the side, silently waiting.

Chu Linglang stood up and looked at the things in the bag. She thought to herself, This Shaang Xia is really considerate! No wonder the Emperor is so important to him. There was good wine in the bag, the old man's tonics, melon, beef, and what was this? Chu Linglang took a look and found that he had even bought fabric.

Libre Baskerville
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