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C21 Space Hall

After a brief glance, Yang Pann decided not to continue looking. After all, there were no trading points here. Furthermore, he could only trade here. If he continued to look, he would only be able to stare at it with envy. He might as well go to the Space Infrastructural Hall first.

Ignoring the shouts of the various stall owners, Yang Pann directly walked past the area where the executors were selling their wares and arrived at the entrance of the building in the center of the plaza.

It was strange that there was no one selling wares a few hundred meters away from the plaza. Perhaps it was due to the restrictions of the space.

Standing at the entrance of the hall, Yang Pann looked up and saw that the symbol of the Infinite Space was still painted on the top of the door. Furthermore, there were people coming in and out from time to time. Yang Pann's arrival did not attract anyone's attention.

After stuffing all the meat in his hands into his mouth, he had eaten two to three kilograms of cooked meat on the way. He felt that after obtaining the Deviljho bloodline, he had started to develop towards a foodie. This was not a good sign.

Yang Pann walked into the Space Hall. He found that the internal space of the hall was very large, about three times larger than the outside. However, he was not surprised by this. After all, this was an Infinite Space. It was normal for anything to appear here.

After entering the hall, it was as if he had entered another space. The sounds outside could not be transmitted into the hall. Similarly, he could not hear the conversations of the people in the hall.

Yang Pann looked around the hall.

Although the furnishings were different, the functions of these facilities were basically the same. They were all basic services for the Executors of the space, such as information consultation and the sale of space items.

Through the Infinite Imprint, one could directly purchase some items, but those were only basic necessities of life. They had no use in battle, but the things that could be bought here were much more abundant. Some basic medicine and weapons could be bought here.

Because Yang Pann was only a primary Executor now, the Infinite Imprint's function was limited. If he continued to upgrade to intermediate Executor or even advanced Executor, he could directly connect to the Space Infrastructural Hall through the Infinite Imprint. At that time, he wouldn't need to pay a transaction fee to teleport from the room to here, and he could also directly buy all the items.

Of course, Yang Pann didn't know about this. His current authority was not enough. He was currently standing in front of a relatively normal counter and talking to a staff member.

Through the conversation, Yang Pann knew that the staff here were also Executors of the space, but it seemed that they had signed some special contracts with the space, so the interval between missions was much longer than normal Executors.

Similarly, they also had to complete some corresponding tasks in the space to obtain transaction points. It could be said that they were not Executors who specialized in battle. Not only that, the difficulty and rewards of their missions would also correspondingly decrease.

After saying that, he had to mention the interval between normal Executors. According to the staff, after an Executor completed a mission, they would have two weeks of rest time. The Executor could spend trade points to delay the time of the mission.

Of course, this was not absolute. It was possible that you would immediately welcome the next mission the moment you completed a mission. In this situation, the mission would be relatively simple and the Space would usually ask the Executor if he wanted to complete the mission. If the Executor did not agree, he could reject the mission and there would not be any punishment. If the Executor chose to complete the mission, the time of rest would accumulate until the next time.

There was another situation where the Space did not issue a mission after two weeks. If he encountered this situation, he had to be careful. The longer he waited, the harder the next mission would be. The time of delay would also be counted in this situation.

In addition to waiting for the Infinite Space to issue a mission, he could also request the Space to take the initiative to complete the mission. In this situation, the difficulty of the mission would be the same as usual. The rewards would be slightly increased. If there was any rest time left, it would accumulate. However, if the time of delay was more than two weeks, the difficulty of the mission would increase correspondingly.

These were just the general situations of the Space missions. Sometimes, there would be special missions and Space missions that could not be explained in detail.

After Yang Pann finished asking about the Space Infrastructural Hall, he asked about the specific functions of the Space Infrastructural Hall.

Generally speaking, the functions were quite simple, but they were indispensable for primary executors. They included the functions of strengthening the body and skills, the equipment function of repairing weapons and defensive equipment, the function of selling items in the space, the auction function of high-end items, and so on.

After Yang Pann finished asking about the information he needed, he gave her 20 transaction points as a tip. Then, he left the counter with a slightly happy expression and walked upstairs to the place where the functional facilities were located.

After going up the stairs to the second floor, Yang Pann found that there weren't too many people here. The entire space was relatively spacious, and there were some chairs in the middle. There were a few people sitting on them, and there were rooms and doors around them. The rooms were marked with the functions of the rooms.

Yang Pann entered all the rooms one by one to check the situation inside, but to be honest, it was very uncomfortable without any transaction points. It was like going out to buy things without money.

Basically, all the functions here required transaction points. Whether it was strengthening skills or forging equipment and weapons, or even letting the space sell items, they all required transaction points. It was precisely because of this that people would set up stalls outside.

Yang Pann was now a poor newbie. He didn't even know the value of some items, and it was not good for him to set a price for his current items. Therefore, he stayed at the place where the executors sold and purchased items to check the attributes and prices of all the items.

During this period of time, no one came to disturb him. He also roughly understood the price and types of the items. Amongst them, the ones that he didn't have money for were the relatively basic and cheap items. As for the high quality and high price items, he only roughly looked at them and understood them a little.

After he had finished looking at the attributes and prices of the items, Yang Pann stood up and left. He had roughly understood the prices of all the items, and he had a rough idea of the value of the remaining items on him.

The materials were sold at a relatively cheap price, so he didn't plan to directly sell the animal materials on him. As for the items such as the Wild Boar King's Soul, Yang Pann had never seen anything like it before. It was not easy to determine the price, and according to the description, it had a wide range of uses, so it was not easy to sell.

"Hey, in the end, I still have no money." After Yang Pann walked out of the Space Infrastructural Hall, he could not help but sigh.

He roughly estimated that the materials needed to upgrade his weapon, Mega Bone, were not expensive. He only needed 500 or so transaction points to complete the upgrade. Of course, this was only for the lowest quality materials. He didn't know if the effects of the upgrade would be affected.

Moreover, when he checked the items that the other Executors had put up for sale, he saw that among the relatively basic weapons, the price of the hot weapons was the highest. Even a white quality hot weapon could be compared to a green quality cold weapon.

In fact, it was not strange for such a situation to occur. After all, the executors in the early stage of the game had low attributes. The attack range and strength of the firearms could provide them with a greater sense of security when compared to the cold weapons.

It was precisely because of this that the price of low quality firearms had not dropped below 500 transaction points. As for the high-quality firearms with special attributes, they were even more expensive.

As for whether he should consider purchasing a gun, although he was interested in guns, he did not intend to buy one now. Although the effect of firearms on executors was obvious in the early stage of the game, he did not have any experience in using firearms. Moreover, this thing was too expensive for him to afford.

Furthermore, if he wanted to use firearms, he would have to spend money to buy bullets as a consumable. Most importantly, the price was not low. Sometimes, the bullets used in a space mission were even more expensive than the gun in his hand.

As for the firearms with unlimited bullets, there was indeed such a thing. However, the quality of the firearms with such attributes would generally not be below blue. As for the price, it was even more outrageous. It was definitely worth it.

With a sour taste in his mouth, Yang Pann silently listed the disadvantages of firearms in his mind. Then, he silently sighed for his own poverty and turned around to leave.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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