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C22 Just to Avoid Him

Qin Mu's arrival had caused the entire firm to boil with excitement. After all, in this world where one looked at one's appearance, there weren't many people who could be as good-looking as Qin Mu.

"Who was the one who entered the director's office just now? Isn't he too handsome?" After Qin Mu walked in, someone immediately ran over to Qing's side to gossip.

"GLB CEO." As Qing spoke, she quickly swept a glance in Su Yuchen's direction without leaving any traces behind.

"What the f * ck, a winner in life. He has money, and he is handsome to the point that everyone is angry with him. He doesn't give people a way out!" There were always a few love-struck employees in every company. They stared at the Promise Office like they were looking for a husband. They clearly couldn't see anything, yet they still swallowed their saliva with makeup.

"Alright, you. He is CEO. No matter how you don't choose, he will not like this vegetable of yours." Just like how there were always some infatuated people in the company, there were always some who would pour cold water on others when they opened their mouths.

"You can't say that either. Who knows, this big boss might eat a lot of delicacies. It's just that he suddenly wants to eat vegetables like me..." As she spoke, she proudly stuck out the two lumps on her chest that were basically negligible at the airport.

The group of people laughed together, but immediately, someone raised their doubts. "Do you guys think that GLB CEO knows our director? Otherwise, why would CEO come to our firm? I heard that the GLB proposal opportunity was also won by the director. "

" There is an adultery! "Everyone nodded in unison and looked at Qing.

Qing blinked and shook her head. "I have never heard of it."

As she spoke, the phone on Qing's desk rang. She answered the phone and hummed before hanging up. She then pressed a few more times on the phone and asked Yuchen to go to the director's office. Then, Yuchen walked into the promised office under the envious gazes of the crowd.

"Sit." There was a strange look in the eyes of the promise looking at Su Yuchen. After Su Yuchen sat down, she said, "GLB Director Qin, you have seen him."

Su Yuchen turned to look at Qin Mu with a professional smile on her face. God knows how she felt that the corner of her mouth was about to cramp up. Especially when she noticed that his gaze was full of ridicule, she had an impulse to lie down.

He had clearly woken up from his embrace in the morning, but now he had to pretend to be polite.

"Director Qin is very interested in our briefing, so he hopes that our plan can be implemented. You are very familiar with this. You will be following this project in the future. " After saying his promise, he saw the satisfaction on Qin Mu's face out of the corner of his eye, thinking that he had guessed what Qin Mu was thinking.

"But the GLB project is much bigger than the one I took over previously. It also involves a lot of things. I'm afraid I can't do it. " Su Yuchen had always had a measure of herself. She must do the best she could. But she would not be blindly confident. This was also what she promised to admire her back then.

"When the time comes, I will give you two assistants who will be led by you. If you can't handle it, they'll help you. " He promised, "I remember that Gary and A Ya from your department have been in touch with real estate projects before. When I transfer them to your team, you don't have to worry, right? "

Su Yuchen frowned. Because Qin Mu was there, it was not easy for her to ask. But she was really confused. She was not qualified for such a big project in the firm. She had always thought that she was good at learning, but it did not mean that she could take charge now.

"Director Qin, do you think this arrangement is okay?" She did not care about Su Yuchen's dilemma and only turned her head to look at Qin Mu. "Director Qin can make a special trip here. It's enough to say that you're interested in our briefing. In that case, we will try our best to satisfy the client's request. "

Qin Mu nodded lightly." Yuchen is very capable. What she lacks is an opportunity. I think she will be in charge of the project this time. She should be able to grow up as soon as possible. "

This time, not only Su Yuchen's expression changed slightly, even her expression of promise became very subtle.

Why did this person's words make people feel as if Su Yuchen was Qin Mu's person? He was clearly a client, wasn't he? Wasn't it too much to consider Su Yuchen's development and growth?

Of course, even if he thought so in his heart, he wouldn't say such words in front of a client. After all, their firm didn't have an advantage in the competition for this project, but what Qin Mu meant just now was... It was as if they had already decided to accept this project.

"Then the proposal..." The promise blinked a few times, implying something.

"When your proposal is done, let Yuchen directly sign the contract at the GLB." Qin Mu said calmly.

The smile on the promised face bloomed, but Su Yuchen frowned even more. She felt that the promise looked like a brothel keeper from ancient times, and she was not the poor girl who was sold, was she?

Seeing Su Yuchen's conflicted look, the promise almost couldn't hold it in and laughed out loud. But in fact, Yuchen did not think wrong. She indeed saw that Qin Mu was a little special to Yuchen. That was why she thought of letting her lead the project. It proved that she had guessed right. Didn't she see that Qin Mu happily skipped the step of the proposal and directly asked someone to sign the contract?

In the workplace, promises were very calm. She would not have scruples because of her good relationship with Yuchen. She had always been clear about public and private matters. In work, she was the kind of boss who maximized the benefits. Besides, she was very happy to see such a scene this time because Qin Mu's conditions were really good. If Yuchen could catch this man, it would definitely be much better than those that she had gone on blind dates for 800 times previously.

"It's already this time. Why don't we have lunch together? There is a very good French dish near our company. Yuchen previously said that she wanted to try it. It's rare for Director Qin to come today. Why don't we go together?" She promised to ask politely.

Qin Mu tilted his head and looked at Yuchen, who was still in a dilemma, and nodded.

When she came back to her senses, she had already promised Qing to reserve a seat. Just as Yuchen was thinking about how she could leave, she promised to stop her and say that they would go for lunch together. She silently glanced at Qin Mu. There was no expression on his face. But she was a little hesitant.

It was inevitable for her to have frequent contact with him at work, so in private, she hoped to avoid him as much as possible. This man was too easily tempting, and Su Yuchen was a person who knew her own limitations. She was afraid that she would fall into a difficult situation, but to put it bluntly... It was the virtue in her bones.

"Yuchen, go and pack your things. I'll call you later." He promised to look at Yuchen with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I got it." Yuchen walked out. When she avoided the promise, she happened to bump into Qin Mu looking at her. She played with him and gave him a fierce look.

Qin Mu, who was glared at, could not help but raise the corner of his mouth. Although his smile was very faint, it was caught by the promise. In her eyes, there was a trace of thinking.

Libre Baskerville
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