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C3 Getting Detention!

"Stacey, why aren't you eating? you can share mine." She offered for the second time.

"Thank you Chelsey but I'm okay," Stacey mumbled.

"Hi, Finn." Kayla smiled staring at Mason's friend.

Oh, his name is Finn Stacey smiled.

"Hi," Finn mumbled not sparing her a glance.

"Is she your sister?" Mason asked Stacey pointing at Chelsey.

"Yes, she is my twin sister," Chelsey replied smiling.

"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Stace," Mason muttered turning to Stacey.

"Oh am sorry," Chelsey mumbled embarrassed.

"Mason, first my name is Stacey not Stace and you shouldn't speak to my sister that way, don't be so rude to her," Stacey told him calmly.

"It's none of your business Stacey, he can talk to me the way he wants." Chelsey rolled her eyes at her.

She took her milkshake, as she was to take a sip, it fell out of her hand pouring on her. That must have been a mistake Stacey thought.

She smirked and winked at Kayla, "Sorry, you'll have to go clean that up."

She mumbled sarcastically.

Oh I was wrong she did that on purpose, she was up to something and here it was Stacey thought.

"Adriel I have to go now," Stacey mumbled standing up.

"I'll come with you so I can show you the restroom," Adriel told her.

"Is Chelsey really so sister?" Adriel asked.

"Yes, she is. We are twins." Stacey replied.

"Wow, you both are so different, she poured that milkshake on purpose," Adriel mumbled.

"I know she did, but let it be." Stacey smiled.

Chelsey hated Stacey, because to her Stacey drove everyone crazy with her cunningness, Chelsey did beat up the principal's daughter on purpose, the school became boring after Kayla left because she was expelled, she had her eyes on Mason for a long time since the day he came to buy something from her Mom's supermarket. When she told Kayla about it, she told her that he attended her school, Chelsey decided to take a drastic step and it worked. She was going to make sure that Mason became hers. She was going to go to any length to get what she wanted.

"Mason Owens," Chelsey called flashing him a smile.

His brows furrowed, "Don't you dare call me that again." He snarled.

"Finn let's get out of here." Mason, mumbled glaring at Chelsey.

Two girls walked to their table when Mason and Finn were gone, "Hey wannabes." They snickered.

Chelsey stood up to give them a befitting reply but Kayla held her back.

"Chelsey you wouldn't wanna mess with them they are the school's's most popular girls, Scarlett and Camilla, I hate them, we are archrivals but stay away from them for now," Kayla whispered to her.

"Well, you both are nothing but scumbags stay away from Mason. He's my boyfriend and mine alone. Chelsey, I'm watching you, don't cross your boundaries." Scarlett barked.

"You Kayla, Finn is my boyfriend and not yours, if you wanna be safe, you would stay away from him," Camilla added, they rolled their eyes before sauntering away.


"Finn, that girl Chelsey is so annoying and I dislike her so much, It's hard to believe that she's Stacey's sister and even more surprising that they are twins. She spilt the milkshake on Stacey intentionally." Mason told Finn.

"Woah, Mason, when did you start to care about the bad that happens to others?" Finn asked staring at him.

"Finn it's not like I care but I dislike girls who throw themselves at boys." He replied.

"Then you must hate these too." He mumbled pointing his hand toward Scarlett and Camilla who was coming in their direction.

"Hey, Mason." Scarlett smiled hugging him.

"How are you?" He asked breaking the hug.

"I'm good as always." She smiled.

"I need to take this call, Hello mom," he mumbled walking away.


"How are you doing, You are so cute, I love you so much." Camilla smiled holding Finn's hand.

Finn knew Mason didn't receive any call he just pretended to so he could save himself from Scarlett and he left me here with them.

"Camilla we have to go now," Scarlett told her.

"Bye Finn." Camila pecked Finn's cheeks.

"Bye." Scarlett waved as they walked away.

Finn went to the basketball court and met Mason there.

"Dude you left me there, you know how suffocated I feel whenever Camilla is around." He frowned.

"It's not my fault that you're so nice," He chuckled.

"Finn you should have just told her to leave you alone." He mumbled.

"You know I hate hurting people, she would be sad. It's a good thing Scarlett came to my rescue by telling her they had to leave." Finn sighed. "Your Mom didn't call, did she? Or you just faked a call?" Finn asked.

"There was no call, I had to leave you to know talkative Scarlett is." Mason laughed and Finn shook his head.


"Adriel why did you offer your lunch to Finn?" Stacey asked.

"It's the first time he noticed me, I've had a crush on him for a long time now." She said truthfully.

"I get it the reason you acted that way in the cafeteria." Stacey smiled.

"Did I act silly?" She asked.

"No, and he did enjoy your company, he didn't take his eyes off you." Stacey smiled and her cheeks glowed red.

"Someone is blushing!" Stacey teased.

"I'm not." She argued laughing.

"So tell me what's with you and Mason?" She smiled.

"I and Mason?" Stacey asked and Adriel nodded.

"Uh-huh! He calls you kiddo and he gave you a nickname Stace." She muttered.

"Nothing is going on, he just likes to tease me." Stacey frowned.

"Are you sure? He's charming you know." She winked.

I laughed, the bell rang signifying the end of the break, "Let's head to the class break time is over." Stacey told Adriel.

"We should, what subject are you having next?" She asked as they walked to the class.

"Geography and you?" Stacey asked.

"Geography as well." She smiled.

We went to the geography class sadly Mason had the same class with us he didn't stop disturbing her even when she warned him. Finn was also in the class and he sat with Adriel. Chelsey and Kayla didn't stop giving Adriel and Stacey deadly stares. The teacher taught them for some time after which he gave them classwork. The teacher sat on his chair only to stand up yelling "who did this?" He asked staring at them

"Who stuck gum to my chair?" He asked this time with a louder voice.

Everywhere went silent.

"Stacey did it." Chelsey and Kayla uttered.

"Who is Stacey?" The teacher asked.

She stood up," I'm Stacey but I know nothing about this." She mumbled.

"You look so innocent Stacey but you are mischievous. Detention after school." The teacher mumbled.

"Sir Stacey didn't do it I did," Mason told the teacher.

"I don't get it Chelsey and Kayla said Stacey did it and now you are saying you did it since, detention you both." The teacher mumbled walking out of the class.

Libre Baskerville
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