Entrapped By Love/C24 It Was Just the Previous One
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Entrapped By Love/C24 It Was Just the Previous One
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C24 It Was Just the Previous One

Seeing this, Mo Fann felt embarrassed. At this moment, he really didn't know whether to be jealous or laugh.

Lo Xiaoli was lying in the arms of a man, panting weakly. If one ignored the man's filth, the man's face was very ugly. Two of his subordinates were desperately pulling down Lo Xiaoli, who refused to get off the man's body.

The man looked desperate. "Get him off me, my clothes, my cleanliness."

The man grabbed Lo Xiaoli by the collar and wanted to throw him into the urinal to wash his head. "It's so fucking disgusting. Come and disgust me, and I'll disgust you too."

Mo Fann quickly ran over and grabbed the man's arm. "Sir, my friend is just drunk. I'll pay you for the clothes."

"F * ck, are you saying that I have no money? Do you know who I am? I am the Dragon King of the Syndicate. Have you heard of me?"

"I've heard of the Symbiosis Society!" Mo Fann pulled Lo Xiaoli to check if he was injured, if he had suffered any losses, and so on. He didn't even bother to raise his head.

"Young man, you seem to be very awesome. Are you looking down on Boss Loong?"

"That's not it. Then have you heard of Yang Dan?"

"Then who hasn't heard of him? Everyone in the underworld has to give the dragon face."

"Then call Yang Dan and ask who Lo Xiaoli is!"

The Dragon King was also a little afraid. Could it be that he had met a tough opponent?

"Who are you to Boss Loong?"

"I am the young master of the Mo family."

"I don't think you need to know his identity. When he wakes up and finds out that you've hugged him, I can't imagine what he'll do to you."

The Dragon King was suspicious. Such a handsome little boy, could he eat people?

Mo Fann could tell from the Dragon King's expression that he was looking for trouble.

Just as he was about to say something, the bathroom door was pushed open.

"Why aren't you guys going back yet? Ah Bin is getting impatient." The person who spoke was a man and a woman. He had a charming expression on his face, but he was damn pure. He had a sharp nose and an oval face. His skin was as white as porcelain like Lo Xiaoli's.

Unlike Lo Xiaoli, Lo Xiaoli's lips were like jelly, and the soft, tender flesh of his lips was attractive, but this person's thin lips were tightly shut. People said that people with thin lips were mostly heartless, and Mo Fann thought that was probably the case.

Otherwise, why would he be abandoned when he loved him so much?

The man turned around and saw the man staring at him. He lowered his head and saw Lo Xiaoli in his arms.

His fingers curled slightly and then quickly let go. He had a polite but distant smile on his face.

"Long time no see. How are you?"

"It's been a long time. I haven't seen you in about two years."

The man's face turned pale. His body was shaking, but his movements were subtle. It was obvious that he had been working in the fame and fortune for a long time. He had disguised himself well.

"I have been gone for two years. How are my uncle and aunt?"

"Pretty good. Do you want to catch up here?"

"No, no. The one in your arms is?"

Mo Fann held Lo Xiaoli horizontally in his arms like a princess. His smile was so wide that it stung the heart of the man opposite him like needles.

"My boyfriend, I prefer to call him wife. He is a very cute person who knows how to act cute."

"Yes, he is very beautiful."

"Then I will leave first. We are at a gathering. You should come with us. Nangong Feng is also here. We can reminisce about the past."

Mo Fann's back was cold, but no one knew how he felt. He had just had a new love, a lover as warm as the sun. Why did he come back?

Mo Fann's heart was disturbed. A person he had loved deeply but had betrayed him. He thought that he would hate him. His heart, which he thought would be occupied by Lo Xiaoli, seemed to still be beating for that person. This feeling was really bad.

"What's wrong?" When Xiao Ming saw Mo Fann carrying Lo Xiaoli back, he quickly stood up and made room so that Lo Xiaoli could lie comfortably.

"It's fine. I'm too drunk to find my way back."

"I'm so stupid." Xiao Ming turned around and took off his coat and covered Lo Xiaoli with it. "What are you looking at? I've never seen a handsome man before. I'm just afraid that he'll catch a cold!"

Nangong Feng loved to see Xiao Ming like this.

"Wife, why do you think you are so good?"


"I call you my wife. You are especially good when you don't resist!"


"When will I do it to you?"

"Why don't you go to hell?" asked Wang Yao.

"How do I die? Does it feel good? I want to die now!" Ever since Nangong Feng decided to chase after Xiao Ming, he had been shameless. As long as he could hug a beauty, he would do anything.

"Stop messing around. Don't you think Mo Fann is a little strange?"

"What's strange?"

"He has been depressed since he came back. Go and ask him what's wrong!"

Nangong Feng looked at Mo Fann and frowned a little. "Wife, why do you think you are so lovable? You are the one who is meticulous."

"Don't please me. I won't let you sleep."

Nangong Feng did not reply. He took a step forward and arrived beside Mo Fann in two steps.

"Do you smoke?"


"Are you done?"


"For Lo Xiaoli?"

"Yes. You are not allowed to go to bed once you smoke."

"Tsk tsk, what a brilliant display of affection."

Mo Fann couldn't be bothered with him and continued to think about life.

"What happened? Why did you come back like this?"

"Like what?"

"It's like your wife doesn't love you and you want to commit suicide!"

"Lo Xiaoli is so obedient."

"Tell your brother what happened seriously. You know, I can take responsibility for your matters."

Mo Fann patted Nangong Feng's shoulder and picked up a cigarette. He held it in his mouth and did not light it up.

"Bai Cong is back."

Nangong Feng took a deep breath and sighed again. What a bad fate. Bai Cong was Mo Fann's calamity. It was not easy for Liu Li to save Mo Fann, but now the calamity had come back. What was this?

"Then what are you going to do?" Nangong Feng used his chin to touch Liu Li, who had collapsed.

"I can't tell that I'm serious?"

"Who knows? The new love and the old love have always been difficult to solve, especially the old love that you still love."

"Stop pretending to be profound. Lo Xiaoli is my little ancestor. I'm just worried that once Bai Cong appears, what will happen to my little ancestor?"

"It's not the same as what I asked?" Nangong Feng's brain was not enough. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that it was the same thing.

"I'm afraid that Lo Xiaoli will misunderstand when they meet."

"Then don't worry. Your wife's IQ is the same as mine. Don't be online!"

Mo Fann looked at Nangong Feng with disdain. "Indeed, you are not online."

"Someone is looking for Mo Fann," Zhang Zhou shouted as he held the microphone.

"Oh, they are looking for you."


Mo Fann walked to the door to welcome Bai Cong in. Xiao Ming moved closer to Nangong Feng. His sixth sense told him that this was definitely a problem.

"Who is this person? He is so good-looking."

"Don't look."

"What's wrong with me looking? Who is this person? What does he have to do with Mo Fann?"

"Bai Cong, he's just Mo Fann's ex."

"Hmm? Whose predecessor?" Lo Xiaoli rubbed his confused eyes and repeated what he had heard.

Libre Baskerville
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