Eternal Master Of Infinite Realms/C27 I Am Not I Don't Have It
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Eternal Master Of Infinite Realms/C27 I Am Not I Don't Have It
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C27 I Am Not I Don't Have It

Only three years remained until the dawn of the great era.

It was easy to predict what the onset of this era would entail: an abundance of prodigies, a resurgence of spiritual energy, and fierce competition among the most talented. Countless geniuses, each adorned with their own powerful auras, would emerge. To avoid the grim fate of being bested by them, one needed to secure a position so high that these geniuses could only aspire to reach it.

News had arrived from the Green Lion Demon King, but there was still no word from the other five Great Demon Kings.

It seemed they were confident that by combining their forces, they could inflict serious damage on the Green Lion Demon King.

As he was preparing to depart, the Black Eagle Demon General approached him with a grin, offering an ancient ring, “My Lord, I have found this ring and present it to you with great honor!”

Chen Ming accepted the ring. Could this be the storied Storage Ring, the reward for his mission?

Infusing a sliver of his mana into the ring, Chen Ming sensed a space within it that spanned ten directions. Though not vast, it was indeed a Storage Ring of superior quality.

With a gentle puff of his magic power, Chen Ming cleared away the ring's dust and signs of wear, restoring its luster and making it gleam with a silvery radiance.

Wearing the ring on his middle finger, Chen Ming went to pay his respects to the Green Lion Demon King, who appeared unruffled and, judging by his demeanor, seemed eager to settle the score with the five Great Demon Kings.

The Green Lion Demon King, observing that his main forces had assembled, inquired, “The five Great Demon Kings near Pitfall Mountain plan to lay siege to us soon. Does that frighten you?”

Without hesitation, Chen Ming declared, “What of the other five Great Demon Kings? They dare provoke the might of Pitfall Mountain? They are simply seeking their own demise!”

The four Demon Generals glanced at Chen Ming, their thoughts clear: Could this guy be any quicker on the uptake?

The Green Lion Demon King didn't bother waiting for the others to chime in. He continued along the lines of Chen Ming's bold statement, giving him an approving nod, “Exactly, they are merely five Great Demon Kings. Pitfall Mountain has nothing to fear! Besides, do you truly believe that my Pitfall Mountain's strength lies solely in the current four Demon Generals?”

It was simply inconceivable. A fifth member among the four Demon Generals? That defied common sense!

The Green Lion Demon King gestured dismissively and declared, "The time has come to unveil the true might of Pitfall Mountain. Send word for the long-hidden Demon Generals from Ten Thousand Snake Cave, White Fox Mountain, Old Turtle Lake, Black Tiger Mountain, and Fire Mulberry Nest to come forth with their tributes to greet me!"

Unbelievable, there was now a ninth Demon General among the original four...

Chen Ming was taken aback. The Green Lion Demon King was truly formidable, having dispatched Demon Generals to serve covertly under the five Great Demon Kings. Should these Demon Generals turn their blades at this pivotal moment, the tide of battle could shift in the blink of an eye.

Chen Ming had no intention of warning the five Great Demon Kings. After all, he was clueless about the identities of the Green Lion Demon King's embedded agents. Moreover, it was likely that orders had been issued long ago, and this was merely a formal notification.

The conflict at Pitfall Mountain grew increasingly enigmatic. With his secret forces revealed, the Green Lion Demon King played his hand. The unexpected betrayal by the Demon Generals under the five Great Demon Kings left them reeling, severely weakened. Meanwhile, the ranks of the Green Lion Demon King's own Demon Generals swelled to nine, his Great Demons numbered in the thousands, and his Demon Beasts were legion.

As the Green Lion Demon King's influence soared, the surrounding five Great Demon Kings finally banded together. They rallied their troops, preparing to encircle Pitfall Mountain and extinguish the Green Lion Demon King's rapidly burgeoning empire.

Yet, before the five Great Demon Kings could finalize their strategy, the Green Lion Demon King's elite five Demon Generals had already commenced their assault on the territories of their counterparts.

War spread like wildfire along the borders of Pitfall Mountain and the realms of the other Demon Kings. The Green Lion Demon King's voracious ambition was laid bare for all to see. At last, the five Great Demon Kings turned their focus to the sixth among them.

That was Chen Ming of Pitfall Mountain.

The five Demon Kings hadn't bothered to extend an invitation to him, and he hadn't given it much thought. After all, they were no match for the Green Lion Demon King's combined might. It was only a matter of time before they would come knocking on his door for assistance.

The Green Lion Demon King was able to dominate the battlefield, even when outnumbered five to one. His advantage was clear: he possessed the overwhelming power to annihilate any Demon King, instilling fear and causing his adversaries to suffer defeat after defeat.

One day, the Green Lion Demon King approached Chen Ming, "Ya Wudao, you've been with us at Pitfall Mountain for quite some time. I've never doubted your loyalty. Given the tense situation between the Deer Demon General and White Fox Mountain, I'd like you to lead the Great Demons of Flying Eagle Ridge to their aid."

Without hesitation, Chen Ming replied, "White Fox Mountain will fall by my hand!"

Pleased, the Green Lion Demon King nodded and commanded, "Proceed."

As Chen Ming left the stronghold of Pitfall Mountain, a notification sounded: "Ding! Undercover mission phase three initiated: ensure the Deer Demon General's defeat. Reward: 800 Spirit Sense points, 80 reputation points."

Chen Ming knew it was a mission, but not an easy one. He had to ingeniously orchestrate the Deer Demon General's defeat without directly engaging Pitfall Mountain's forces. And crucially, he must avoid raising any suspicion from the Green Lion Demon King after the deed was done.

It was a delicate situation that required meticulous planning. Riding the Demon Cloud back to Flying Eagle Ridge, Chen Ming convened his Great Demons, pondering how to outmaneuver the Deer Demon General. Winning might be tough, but when it came to losing, Chen Ming had plenty of tricks to play.

Still, he needed to strategize carefully to avoid any slip-ups.

"Ding! Phase three of the undercover mission completed. You have gained 800 Spirit Sense points and 80 reputation points!"

What happened?

Chen Ming hadn't even made his move, yet the Deer Demon General had already been defeated. All of Chen Ming's carefully crafted schemes, including his honey trap and other stratagems, seemed pointless now.

But then it dawned on him; the Deer Demon General might still be of use.

How does an undercover agent remain undetected? By having a colleague who's even more convincingly undercover!

To Chen Ming, the Deer Demon General was an exemplary 'colleague'—having inadvertently completed Chen Ming's mission without lifting a finger. How could he let such a valuable asset die?

Naturally, he would need the Deer Demon General to play an even greater role in the downfall of Pitfall Mountain.

Chen Ming let out a sly chuckle, sending a shiver down the spines of his Feather Clan demons. Rising to his feet, he stepped onto the Demon Cloud and declared, “Let’s go, we’re going to back up the Deer Demon General!”

They soared through the sky for a full day before finally arriving at the battlefield. There, the Deer Demon General’s forces were crumbling like a house of cards, with the Demon General from White Fox Mountain hot on their heels.

The White Fox Mountain Demon General was baffled. The battle had been evenly matched not long ago, so why the sudden collapse of the Deer Demon General’s forces?

But as Chen Ming made his entrance onto the battlefield, enlightenment struck the White Fox Mountain Demon General. The Deer Demon General must be an ally! Why else would Ya Wudao, the inside man, come to the rescue?

Ya Wudao’s status as a Demon General granted him access to such information. They were all commanding generals at the front, and friendly fire was not an option.

With Chen Ming’s arrival, the White Fox Mountain Demon General ordered a swift withdrawal.

Meanwhile, the Deer Demon General was bewildered. Sure, Ya Wudao had shown up, but was that reason enough for such an abrupt retreat?

Sensing how suspicious it looked, the White Fox Mountain Demon General’s inner actor kicked in. He feigned terror, shouting, “A Demon King has come to their aid! Retreat at once!”

At last, the Deer Demon General caught on. That was the reason—the enemy had mistaken Ya Wudao for a Demon King. He could only imagine what he’d say if he knew the White Fox Mountain Demon General had actually thought he was a friend.

No, I am not, I didn't, it's all a ruse.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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