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"Gu Xiangfeng!"

Xu Anya's face was already rather unsightly. She didn't care about the face of others as she angrily rebuked with a solemn face.

"It's meaningless. I just can't see you well. Is this reason enough?"

Gu Xiangfeng didn't seem to care about Li Tianyi's coldness at all. Instead, he smiled coldly in response.

"If you think this will make things easier, then so be it."

In the face of Gu Xiangfeng's provocation, Li Tianyi had only slightly creased his brow, as if he didn't care about this situation at all.

After he finished speaking, he stood up and indifferently glanced at Gu Xiangfeng before passing by him without a word. It was as if he didn't want to continue to linger around here.

I had no way of knowing what was going on between the three of them, or who they were talking about, but the only thing I knew was that I was really embarrassed to be stuck in the middle of it.

Furthermore, after Li Tianyi left, I didn't know whether I was right to continue staying here or not …

However, after seeing that Li Tianyi had left, Xu Anya's expression became incomparably ugly. Gu Xiangfeng, on the other hand, had an indistinct, complacent smile on her face.

"A Yun, Li Tianyi has left. Let's have a good talk."

When I noticed Gu Xiangfeng's expression and his curiosity was piqued, he suddenly turned his head and looked at me. The smile on his face deepened.

All of a sudden, I shivered and lightly frowned. I tried my best to maintain a calm demeanor and politely replied, "I don't know what Mister Gu has to say to me."


Upon hearing my words, Gu Xiangfeng immediately sneered, making me feel baffled.

"A Yun, you and Xiang Feng chat slowly."

Just as Gu Xiangfeng was about to speak to me, Xu Anya smiled at me and said so. Even so, I could see the worry and impatience on her face.

When I thought of her leaving, I was sure that Gu Xiangfeng was alone with me. Just thinking about this made me shudder, so I wanted to say, let's go together. In the end, Xu Anya didn't give me the chance.

Gu Xiangfeng focused his attention on Xu Anya's back as he walked further and further away. At this moment, his face, which originally carried some evil intent, became very solemn.

Then he turned to me with a faint smile. "That's good then. Ah Yun, finally, no one can disturb us anymore."

Gu Xiangfeng's words sent chills down my spine. After thinking for a while, I didn't know what was wrong with me, so I blurted out a question: "Is Sir Gu already very familiar with Chairman Li?"

As soon as I said this, I regretted it. Gu Xiangfeng's expression immediately turned cold when he heard me: "So what if I am?"

Gu Xiangfeng's attitude left me speechless. I clearly knew that this matter not only belonged to Li Tianyi, but also belonged to Gu Xiangfeng.

"Seriously, don't you want to consider joining my company?"

It was obvious that Gu Xiangfeng wasn't willing to tell me more about Li Tianyi. After a short while, he recovered his sloppy appearance and asked me these questions with a sincere expression.

Although I know that Gu Xiangfeng isn't someone who's easy to offend, compared to Li Tianyi, I still naturally chose Li Tiangyi. Shaking my head, I said: "No, I've done quite well. If there's a chance in the future, I think we can cooperate."

When I said this, I was very nervous. Fortunately, Gu Xiangfeng didn't say anything. He merely snorted coldly and said something very strange: "Then I'll wait for you to obediently come knocking on my door."

Although I felt strange about this, I merely smiled and nodded on the surface. Then, I intentionally told him that there was nothing left to do. To think that a meal was actually happily finished just like that.

After leaving the restaurant, Gu Xiangfeng pulled me into his car without saying a word. I didn't even have the chance to refuse.

"Mr. Gu, if you don't have anything important to say, I think I'll go home first."

At this moment, I was already sitting in Gu Xiangfeng's bandit car, but on the surface, I still didn't give up.

"You don't have a home here, right? If that's the case, then you can play with me."

Gu Xiangfeng said without even looking up as he drove.

I was speechless for a moment, and finally followed him to his house. This situation terrified me. More importantly, after Gu Xiangfeng entered the house, he didn't say anything. He just sat silently in the living room, not even turning on the lights.

I stood at the doorway and watched this scene. For some reason, I felt that Gu Xiangfeng was rather pitiful.

"Do you know how Qian Qian died? She was killed by Li Tianyi."

I originally thought that with Gu Xiangfeng's current state of mind, he wouldn't say anything. Thus, I wanted to escape home when he wasn't paying attention. However, when I put my hand on the door handle, he suddenly said something.

The first thought that popped into my mind was that how could Li Tianyi possibly kill that Qian Qian?

After all, I saw all of Li Tianyi's actions earlier because of that girl.

"You don't believe me?"

My silence made Gu Xiangfeng unsatisfied. His eyes turned and fiercely glared at me. He immediately stood up from the sofa and strode towards me. He grabbed my arm and flung me violently to the ground.

I was not lightly hit by him, and there were traces of blue and purple on my elbow. However, Gu Xiangfeng's sudden violence left me with no way to deal with it. I could only furrow my brows as I watched him. After getting up from the ground, I continuously retreated.

"Why are you so afraid of me? Even if I'm weak, I won't be like Li Tianyi and kill a living person!"

As Gu Xiangfeng spoke, he took another step towards me. He lifted my lower jaw with one hand and made me look up at him. The stubbornness in his eyes was very obvious.

This made me feel even more wronged than Dou Er. I couldn't help but sigh and tried my best to say, "Mr. Gu, I'm not sure about the grudge between you and Director Li, so please don't take personal feelings into account."

"Oh, what if I insist?"

I calmly spoke to others, only to be met with a smirk from Gu Xiangfeng. From then on, he gripped my lower jaw even more tightly as he glared at me with his pair of sharp eyes, radiating viciousness.

"You really look like her! It's no wonder that Li Tianyi would be so dutiful to help you. "

I was stunned by Gu Xiangfeng's words, but I didn't want to think too much into it, especially about the matter between me and Li Tianyi. Furthermore, I clearly knew that the reason why Gu Xiangfeng was saying this was to sow discord between me and Li Tianyi.

As for the reason, I have no way of knowing, but the only thing I can be sure of is that he really does not want Li Tianyi to have a easy time.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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