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When Li Tianyi saw Xu Anya, her expression had been tense throughout the entire afternoon. At this time, it had slightly softened, and the words that came out of her mouth also contained some teasing.

When I saw this, I was actually quite upset. However, I was more clear that I had no right to say anything. The only thing I could do was obey … or obey …

"Of course not, but did you suddenly come to our company for any reason?"

Xu Anya's eyes seemed to only have the shadow of Li Tianyi in them. In regards to me, she seemed to have completely forgotten about me.

I didn't care much about it, but I was happy.

Although I had a good impression of Xu Anya from the start, ever since I knew that she was Li Tianyi's fiancee, I felt that I should keep a certain distance between her and herself. Otherwise, I was really afraid that something like Wandering would happen again.

"You seem to have forgotten the idea of cooperation between us."

As he talked about his work, the expression on Li Tianyi's face clearly turned a lot more serious. He only jokingly asked Xu Anya a few questions.

Xu Anya immediately slapped her forehead in fear and laughed involuntarily. Then, she said somewhat embarrassedly, "Look at me. I've been so busy lately that I've almost forgotten about this."

"It's not too late to remember. As for the details, you can continue to discuss with Ah Yun. "

Li Tianyi nodded his head, his face revealing a look of understanding, and then pushed me out.

A living person like me has always been by Li Tianyi's side. If I were to say that Xu Anya has never discovered me, I would think that she is only a blind person. So from the beginning to the end, she only purposefully ignored me.

At this moment, Li Tianyi pushed me out without saying a word. Only then did Xu Anya cast her gaze towards me, but the expression on her face wasn't very good. Afterwards, she forced out a smile and politely greeted me, "Ah Yun, long time no see. Since you're going to work at our company as an intern, you should be mentally prepared."

Xu Anya's words made me feel very uneasy. I really don't know why she would say such words to prepare me mentally. Is she planning to use force the moment I arrive?

The more I thought about it, the more obvious my uneasiness became. However, this was someone's territory after all. No matter how much doubts or dissatisfaction I had, I still put on a polite front on the surface and said, "Alright, I'll have to trouble Miss Xu to take care of it these few days."

"Your words are too polite. Since he's one of your people, no matter what, I have to give him some face, no?"

Xu Anya grabbed my hand and acted as if they were very familiar with each other. The smile on her face and the warm words on the corner of her mouth made her look extremely gentle.

The expression on my face couldn't help but stiffen. If I hadn't thought about it too much, Xu Anya's words would be the same as those of Wandering's group, mocking me with her words …

"Xiao Ya, you're wrong about that. When did I ever need someone to give me face? "

Li Tianyi didn't seem to be satisfied with Xu Anya's words. He frowned slightly, then immediately said so.

Hearing this, Xu Anya's expression became somewhat ugly, but it quickly disappeared. She still smiled habitually, and did not forget to pat Li Tiangyi's flattery: "Boss Li is right, but when I get to work, I'll seriously scare A Yun. Don't feel sorry for me."

Li Tianyi didn't say anything after hearing this. He only raised his eyebrows slightly as he looked at Xu Anya, then nodded and said, "Up to you." "I still have things to do, so I'll be leaving first."

"I'll pick you up tonight."

After Li Tianyi and Xu Anya finished speaking with an expressionless face, they turned to face me and lightly said.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left without looking back. I didn't know what to say. Right now, only Xu Anya and I were left. The atmosphere was indescribably awkward.

"Let's go, Ah Yun, I'll bring you to get familiar with the environment."

After watching Li Tianyi leave, Xu Anya's face, which was previously full of smiles, became much paler at this moment. However, it still looked normal on the surface. At least he didn't do any excessive actions towards me.

In the following time, Xu Anya really did take me to every corner of her company, while not forgetting to talk about some work matters with me. Gradually, I began to relax, talking nonchalantly with her.

However, when I arrived at the office, I felt a huge pressure when I was stared at by everyone. I didn't know how to deal with the situation in front of me.

Xu Anya was used to seeing such grand occasions, so she didn't care about the current situation at all. She looked around and said with a rather imposing manner, "This is Miss Hua Yun, the one that the Li Family sent to cooperate with us. You can call her Ah Yun."

"Ah Yun, come over here and greet them. Don't worry."

As she spoke, Xu Anya pulled me over. Faced with such a strange environment and so many strangers, it would be false to say that I was not nervous. After mustering enough courage, I smiled at the group and said, "Hello, I'm Ah Yu. Please take care of me these few days."

"Ah Yun?"

When I appeared in front of everyone, they all looked at me at the same time and one of them asked curiously.

I looked up and saw that it was a boy who was still alive. I had crossed paths with him several times in Huadu.

The reason is that when this boy first came to Huadu to spend his money, he didn't know the rules and only focused on playing around. The reason is because this boy first came to Huadu to spend his money, he didn't know the rules and only focused on playing around.

It was from this boy wearing black-rimmed glasses and a black suit that I completely understood what the word 'moral' meant.

I remember that back then, this guy wanted to use force against me. I panicked and kicked out my leg, injuring his vitals. I compensated him quite a bit of money for that. Just thinking about it now makes my heart ache.

This wasn't what made me worry the most. What made me worry the most was that after this boy recovered, he would unrepentantly continue to point at me and issue orders. However, he seemed to be much more well-mannered than before, following me from the time I went to work until the time I got off work. When I asked him why, he directly threatened to chase after me …

Now that I think about the years when he was pestering me, I feel a headache coming on.

"Hello, Mr. Wang."

I didn't think to pay any attention to this Mr. Wang, but after thinking about it, I nodded to greet him.

"What? You two know each other?"

Xu Anya was an extremely sensitive person. When she saw this situation, she immediately came over. The gossiping expression on her face couldn't be too obvious.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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