Evolutionary Plunder System: From A Snake/C10 Fourth Rank Spiritual Herb Life Lotus
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Evolutionary Plunder System: From A Snake/C10 Fourth Rank Spiritual Herb Life Lotus
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C10 Fourth Rank Spiritual Herb Life Lotus

"It seems gathering thirty streams of Origin Energy within a month might not be so challenging after all."

At that moment, Zhang Lingfeng, buoyed by his recent gains, entertained this thought. Yet, the following two weeks would reveal just how laughable his optimism had been.

During this time, Zhang Lingfeng's luck appeared to have dried up; no more mineral veins or rare spirit herbs crossed his path.

Despite hunting rank two Demon Generals tirelessly, risking his life in fierce battles, the streams of Origin Energy he sought remained elusive.

The power of a rank two Demon General was hardly noteworthy in the grand scheme of the Myriad Beasts Mountain Range, and the conditions for the emergence of Origin Energy were stringent.

It was rare to find even one Origin Energy bearer among ten rank two Demon Beasts.

Thus, after a grueling half-month of hunting and slaying dozens of rank one and two Demon Generals, Zhang Lingfeng had managed to scrape together only five streams of Origin Energy.

Now, his System Backpack held a mere twenty-two streams in total.

Three days on, after depleting every last tactic, Zhang Lingfeng triumphed over a Black Earth Barbarian Bull, a rank two Demon General, and claimed another stream of earth-attributed Origin Energy.

"The twenty-third stream, let's keep going!"

With a silent mantra, Zhang Lingfeng, drenched in beast blood, resumed his relentless pursuit.

Time slipped away swiftly.

Before he knew it, only two days remained until the mission deadline.

Throughout this quest, Zhang Lingfeng delved deeper into the Myriad Beasts Mountain Range, facing countless perils and hunting numerous low-level Demon Generals—too many to recall.

To date, he had amassed twenty-seven streams of Origin Energy, and the energy points in his System Backpack had soared to an astounding hundred thousand plus.

Just three more streams, and his mission would be complete. Then, by absorbing all the energy points in his backpack, his cultivation was bound to skyrocket.

However, collecting those final three streams of Origin Energy in a mere two days would be no small feat.

As the deadline loomed ever closer, Zhang Lingfeng couldn't shake off a growing sense of anxiety.

On that particular day, while still fervently searching for Origin Energy, Zhang Lingfeng's attention was caught by a cacophony of roars and howls emanating from a few kilometers away. The earth shook relentlessly, punctuated by the thunderous sounds of impact—it was clear that a fierce battle was underway among a group of Demon Beasts.

The scale of the commotion suggested that these Demon Beasts were fighting with reckless abandon. Having spent some time in the Demon Beast World, Zhang Lingfeng knew that such creatures rarely engaged in conflict without good reason. And when they did, it was a fight to the death.

The root of these conflicts was often the struggle for powerful resources—coveted spots for cultivation or high-level Spiritual Materials.

"Could it be that some rare heavenly treasure has ripened at that spot?" he wondered.

The thought energized Zhang Lingfeng. From the direction of the intense battle, he sensed the presence of over ten Demon Generals. If a treasure had indeed emerged to provoke such a desperate struggle among so many Demon Generals, it was surely no ordinary find. High-level Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures typically contained Origin Energy, much like the Good Fortune Saint Fruit that Zhang Lingfeng had once acquired.

With only two days remaining to complete his mission, Zhang Lingfeng doubted he could uncover three more strands of Origin Energy in such a short time. Without hesitation, he resolved to investigate the battlefield.

Should he manage to seize the unknown treasure amidst the chaos, it would be a stroke of great fortune. And if the treasure eluded him, he was still willing to extract Origin Energy from the fallen Demon Generals.

Despite possessing only the strength of a Level Ten Demon Soldier, Zhang Lingfeng believed in taking risks for great rewards. With his mind set, he advanced toward the heart of the battle.

As Zhang Lingfeng drew nearer, an alluring medicinal scent wafted into his nostrils, sending a jolt through his spirit and solidifying his suspicions.

Upon reaching the vicinity of the battlefield, he meticulously concealed his presence, tucking himself away in the dense foliage of a towering ancient tree.

Previously, the distance had obscured his view, but now, up close, he could see that sixteen Demon Beasts were locked in combat. The least powerful among them was an eighth-level Demon General (second grade), while the mightiest, a Demon Ape, stood at the pinnacle of the Tenth Level of Demon General, boasting strength nearly on par with a third-grade Demon Master.

This revelation left Zhang Lingfeng inwardly astounded. He quelled the turmoil in his heart and peered in the direction the Demon Beasts were fixated on, only to discover a vast natural lake. At its center, a colossal lotus leaf cradled a lotus flower, resplendent and translucent, with verdant petals and a lotus bud nestled within. The source of the intoxicating fragrance was this very mature lotus bud.

In that instant, Zhang Lingfeng's heart raced. Utilizing the system, he probed the lotus flower's properties:

Type: Life Lotus

Grade: Fourth Grade Spirit Herb

Age of Growth: 1500 years

Introduction: The Life Lotus thrives underwater, revealing itself only upon maturation. The Life Lotus Seed it yields harbors three primal life essences. Consumption can significantly enhance one's healing abilities, offering boundless benefits...

A wealth of details about the lotus flower flooded Zhang Lingfeng's mind. The realization that this lotus was even more valuable than the Good Fortune Saint Fruit, at a fourth-grade level and infused with three sources of primal essence, made his heart lurch.

A resolute voice echoed within him: he must obtain it!

Meanwhile, the fray among the beasts raged on. Their intellect might have been limited, but they understood the immense value of the mature spiritual treasure before them. These Demon Generals, reigning sovereigns of the outer territories, had cast aside all regard for their lives in pursuit of greater power.

After a brief surge of excitement, Zhang Lingfeng forced himself to remain composed, silently observing the ferocious skirmish among the Demon Generals.

Each of the Demon Beasts before him was a dominant force in the outer region.

As a Tenth Level Demon Soldier, Zhang Lingfeng stood no chance against any of them.

This was particularly true for the Demon Ape, a formidable Tenth Level Demon General, which surpassed Zhang Lingfeng's cultivation by an entire major level.

Without resorting to his Raging Python Transformation, an attack from the opponent would spell certain death for him.

The chasm between a Tenth Level Demon Soldier and a First Level Demon General was vast.

"Raging Python Transformation, of course, I still have that passive divine ability!"

A spark of realization ignited in Zhang Lingfeng's eyes, which blazed with intensity.

He owed his past survival against the Red Flame Fire Lion and the Armored Rhinoceros entirely to this innate power.

Back then, as a mere ordinary Flower Snake, he had morphed into a towering python, effortlessly defeating the Red Flame Fire Lion and the Armored Rhinoceros, both of whom rivaled the current Demon Generals in strength.

With this memory fueling his resolve, Zhang Lingfeng's gaze hardened.

He chose to reveal himself, issuing a piercing hiss to draw attention before charging into the fray of battling Demon Generals.

This was not a death wish, but a calculated move.

Zhang Lingfeng was well aware that the Raging Python Transformation, despite its might, could not be activated at will—it was a passive divine ability, triggered only in life-threatening situations.

The cooldown for the Raging Python Transformation was one month.

Having been in this world for over a month, he was now fully capable of unleashing this passive divine power.

The last time the Raging Python Transformation was triggered, it had drained Zhang Lingfeng's lifespan because he was then a defenseless Flower Snake.

But now, the situation was different.

He had attained the prowess of a Tenth Level Demon Soldier, with Demon Energy coursing powerfully through him.

He was confident that any side effects from using the Raging Python Transformation this time would not be as debilitating as before.

Besides, failing to amass thirty streams of Origin Energy meant facing death regardless. It was worth risking it all right now.

On the other side, the sixteen demon generals had been locked in fierce combat for quite some time, each sustaining significant injuries. Their innate savagery was now fully unleashed.

Particularly in this moment, they became enraged upon noticing a Level 10 Demon Soldier emerging seemingly out of thin air, intent on claiming a piece of the action. These dominant demon beasts were seething with anger.

They charged at Zhang Lingfeng en masse, determined to shred him to pieces.

Witnessing this, Zhang Lingfeng felt a chill run down his spine.

He silently prayed for the Wild Python Transformation to trigger quickly; otherwise, his life was surely at its end.

"Ding! Life-threatening danger detected. The system's protective feature 'Wild Python Transformation' is now automatically activated!"

A heavenly chime of the system notification rang out, instantly bolstering Zhang Lingfeng's confidence.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Lingfeng's already massive frame grew exponentially, his skin shimmering with a prismatic hue, radiating an awe-inspiring power.

"I'm incredibly powerful now. My strength has undoubtedly surpassed that of a Third Rank Demon Lord, ascending to an even more formidable level. Facing these Demon Generals, I feel I can dispatch them with ease!"

Empowered by the surge of strength that had multiplied within him, Zhang Lingfeng's eyes blazed with an intense will to fight as he faced the onslaught of over ten high-level Demon Generals, unflinchingly charging into the fray.


He unleashed a torrent of explosive flames, reducing a Demon Wolf, frozen in terror, to ashes. With a flick of his Snake Tail, he turned his attention to a Demon Ape, its face etched with disbelief, and sent it hurtling through the air, dead upon impact.

Zhang Lingfeng showed no mercy in his quest for the Rank Four Spiritual Material.

In mere moments, he had vanquished all the Demon Generals of the outer territories.

With the threat eliminated, the Berserk Python Transformation deactivated automatically.

Zhang Lingfeng found himself drained of Demon Energy, feeling exceptionally weak, but thankfully, there were no other adverse effects, which was a relief.

Taking a deep breath, he surveyed the fallen Demon Generals around him and fixed his gaze on the Life Lotus within the nearby lake. His heart pounded with exhilaration.

This time, having braved a life-or-death ordeal, he had finally accomplished the mission.

Once he consumed the bloodline essence and Demon Cores of these Demon Generals, along with the fourth-tier Spiritual Treasure, not to mention the energy points saved in the System Backpack, his power was bound to experience a fundamental transformation.

The bounty he had reaped this time was truly immense!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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