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Chapter 21 - Gifts and Refrigerators

Mu Ichu's eyes burned with pain from the constant secretion of tears from his lacrimal gland.

How sad. No matter how much the mind loathed it, the body was very honest, conveying the pleasure it felt to the brain center of Mu Yichu. Because he had endured for so long, Mu Yi Chu's body was already sensitive to the point of pain. However, his body was still swaying in the pursuit of pleasure, asking for more.

This was undoubtedly the same as Mu Yi Chu's spirit. One slash, one stab, one stab, one stab, one stab, one stab, one slash. The pain was so severe that he was almost unable to breathe. At this moment, Mu Yi Chu finally realized that he really needed to use the word 'wish for death' to describe him.

He couldn't see the expression on that crazy woman's face as she stared at him.

Madman! The executioner! Mu Yi's two hands clenched into fists, causing his two rows of teeth to grind against each other in anger, causing a terrifying sound to ring out. The voice transmitted itself to Mu Yichu's ears, who listened to his anger over and over again.

How long this torture lasted was something that Mu Yichu could not grasp. He only knew that he was in pain from being rubbed for too long. He could no longer fire.

Sweat trickled down Mu Yi Chu's face, forming a puddle on the ground.

The young woman suddenly showed mercy and let Mu Yichu go. He heard the sound of something moving on the ground. And then he felt that he had been released.

Is it finally over?

Just when Mu Yi Chu felt that he was finally released from torture, he suddenly felt as though his arm was pierced by a needle.

Mu Yi Chu was in pain, and he screamed crazily, "You said you wouldn't do this to me! You said you wouldn't do this to me! No, no! I don't want to get sick! I don't want it! "I don't want it!"

Mu Yi Chu struggled so hard that the needle almost got stuck. Blood started to pour out of the needle.

The young woman said impatiently, "Don't move! What was there to be excited about! This was just a normal tranquilizer. So afraid of death? "Hehe, don't worry, I've decided not to let you die that easily." After hearing the young woman's words, Mu Yi Chu finally stopped his violent movements, but his chest was still heaving violently.

Immediately, he felt a strong sense of sleepiness assail him from all directions. He was so tired. Really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really. Just as he was about to close his eyes in a daze, he was suddenly slapped in the face by the young woman, forcing him to wake up slightly.

The long black band on his face was untied. Mu Yi Chu blinked his eyes a few times before the blurry scene before him disappeared. He was able to clearly see what was happening before his eyes.

Mu Yi Chu sleepily heard the young woman say to him, "Sleep so fast. I have to tell you something before you go to sleep. " Following that, the young woman whispered something into Mu Yichu's ear as if she was whispering something to him.

This sentence exploded in Mu and Chu Feng's ears like a bomb. He was going crazy, he was going crazy, he wanted nothing more than to tear this woman in front of him apart. But he was too tired. It couldn't stop the desire of every cell in his body to sleep.

Mu Yi Chu fell asleep. The last thing he heard from the young woman was ?

Actually, I don't have AIDS.

Mu and Chu were awakened by a knock on the door on the second afternoon. When he woke up, he was lying on the floor of the room. There was nothing in the room but him. The sow, the projection box, the device that bound him, all gone. It was as if what happened last night was just a nightmare.

Mu Ichu crawled up from the ground in a daze and put on the clothes that had been covering him. He really wanted to hurry up. This was because the knocks on the door had already become hurried. However, he didn't know whether it was because he still had the drug on him or because he was so hungry that his eyes were popping out like stars. In any case, Mu Yi Chu couldn't move fast enough.

"Young man! "Young man!" A man's voice called out from outside the door, matching the rhythm of the knocking. Mu Yi Chu's nerves gave a sensitive pause as he stopped the movement of his undressed pants.

Who is it? How did he know he was a young man in the house?

Mu Yi Chu suspiciously looked through the peephole, but was scared into retreating a big step by a large, yellow, turbid eye with a few red blood threads twisting around it. He breathed heavily, as if he had just been pulled out of a drowning pool.

He had been frightened too many times recently, so he couldn't help but be frightened.

"Young man! Young man! Hurry up and open the door. I know you're in there. This short rent of yours has expired. Tomorrow, there will be a new tenant who will be living here. I still need to clean up. " The man outside the door chattered eagerly as he knocked.

Mu Yi Chu took a deep breath to calm his nerves, then slowly approached the door and slowly opened it.

Standing outside the door was an ordinary middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle and a leather jacket.

"Hey, young people nowadays, what do they look like?" Sleeping to this point and still not waking up this generation of Chinese youngsters is really not good! Back then, it was already too late for us to wake up at 5 am. We had to go up the mountain to cut firewood and pick up cow dung, and we also had to ? The middle-aged man was also shocked by the sudden door, as if he thought the door wouldn't open.

You don't even know how to drive, yet you keep knocking on the door?

After opening the door, the middle-aged man saw that Mu Yi Chu, who was standing behind the door, had just woken up. The middle-aged man opened the door, the man, who was standing behind the door, saw that Mu Yi Chu had just woken up.

When Mu Yi Chu heard this, he felt a chill run down his spine. A lonely middle-aged man was truly terrifying.

"What is it?" Mu Yi Chu interrupted the middle-aged man unhappily. Who knew how long he would have to listen to this reprimand for?

After being interrupted, the middle-aged man suddenly realized that he was here for official business. He smoothed his hair from the left side of his head to the right side and said seriously, "This house of mine has expired. The rule is that you must move before noon today. "It's almost 1 o'clock now, it's really ?"

"This house is rented? Who rented it from you? " Mu Yi Chu interrupted the middle-aged man once again.

"You're already living in someone's home, and you still don't know about this house? Who is the one who rented this place?" The middle-aged man looked at Mu Yi Chu a few times, smacking his lips. He had heard that the youngsters these days were all very casual, as expected. Although they had already rented out this house for five or six years, they really hadn't had much interaction with each other. Aiyo, that's why the people in the city are so cold.

However, this was not important. What the middle-aged man was concerned about was why he didn't rent it.

The middle-aged man sighed and suddenly patted his head, as if he had just awoken from a great dream, "Aiyo, if you didn't say it, I would have forgotten about this matter. So, it's useless to be an old man! "The middle-aged man bent his knees, put his old black leather bag with the corners of the edges on it on his lap, opened it and rummaged through all over the place, looking for something as he continued," Hey, that person in your house, he even asked me to give you a bag of stuff before he left. That you'll know when you see it. It might even be a gift! Quick, take a look! "

Mu Zi Chu's eyes flashed as he took the item from the middle-aged man, automatically blocking off the chatterbox man's nagging. He opened the bag and found a USB drive and a slip of paper. He took out the piece of paper.

"Don't ask me too much. Otherwise, you will definitely regret it. This is my gift to you. "

When the middle-aged man saw that Mu Yi Chu's complexion had become ashen after reading the letter, he was worried. Had this child been abandoned by a woman? But that wasn't right either. The guy who was so considerate in the morning even prepared lunch for him. Oh, yes, there's something else. The middle-aged man suddenly thought. He bent down to pick up the lunchbox that he had placed on the floor for the convenience of knocking.

"Young man, before you left in the morning, that person from your family prepared a meal for you." I was afraid you might miss something and asked me to give it to you. Hehehe. It's not bad, but it's almost the same as the chef at the hotel. Young man, I'm so full of myself after following you. "Hehehe." The middle-aged man shoved it into Mu Yi Chu's hand.

"What's inside?" Mu Yi Chu was terrified.

"Pork. Who said your family cooked a little too much, and even gave me a big pot. The taste is especially good. It's quite tasty. I can't stop eating, hehe. " The middle-aged man's expression made Mu Yi Chu's expression turn ashen.

"What did you say?" Is this pork? " Mu's whole body went numb at the thought of the fat sow last night. He turned and ran into the kitchen, where he vomited into the sink. He just retched a few times because there was nothing left in his stomach to vomit, so he vomited a puddle of yellowish bile.

Mu Yi Chu felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

Mu Yu Chu turned on the tap and rinsed his mouth a few times, then lowered his head to wash his face. Suddenly, he noticed that there seemed to be traces of blood solidifying on the walls of the sink. He turned off the faucet and looked at it. There were spots of blood. He followed the blood all the way to the refrigerator.

He swallowed, his Adam's apple rolling. He stretched out his trembling hand.

As soon as the refrigerator door was opened, something fell and rolled all over the floor. They seemed to have been forced into the refrigerator. Mu Yi Chu seemed to be able to see it clearly, but he also didn't seem to be able to see what exactly it was that fell out of the refrigerator. Some of them hit his feet.

It was cold and fleshy, and there seemed to be something wet and sticky that clung to his skin as it slid away from his feet.

He lowered his head stiffly to the floor, and his pupils contracted.

dismembered limbs, tail, and all kinds of unrecognizable parts of flesh

Mu Yi Chu was completely stunned. His gaze slowly moved up. The whole refrigerator was crammed full, and the ones that had fallen were crammed, because he'd spilled them when he opened the refrigerator door. The pig head, which was originally buried under the snow, was now staring at Mu Yichu with its blank and lifeless eyes, amidst a mess of indescribable flesh and blood.

At the same time, the blood that had yet to solidify was slowly dripping down from the refrigerator onto the floor ?

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