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Chapter 26 - Plato and the Beast

"I really don't know, because I haven't met her that many times. Anyway, the money is deposited into my card every month on time. I go to the bank every month on the 5th and confirm that I've got it and I won't go to her. "

The greater the disappointment, the more he agreed with that statement. At this moment, Mu Yi Chu was extremely vexed. He felt that he had made a huge blunder and spent all that money for nothing. Just like giving money to a spirit carrier master to arrange a wedding for Bai Zhongning, it was a waste of effort.

"But I've seen her a few times, I feel that she looks different." The middle-aged man felt it was strange, but women were like that. He felt that they could often change their appearances.

After this conversation, Mu Yi Chu nearly went crazy. This was a typical question that he didn't know the answer to.

Just as the corner of Mu Yi Chu's mouth twitched and he was about to head back dejectedly, the landlord suddenly patted his head and ran over to hold onto Mu Yi Chu.

"Young man, wait a minute, I remember, I remember!" That woman seemed to be called Xiao Bai something. Yes, I promise, her surname is Bai! That white one! I remember now, when she first came to rent a house a few years ago, I saw it once. At that time, she was still laughing and saying, "Your surname is really special, I wonder if there is anyone with the surname 'Hehehe'." As the middle-aged man spoke, he seemed to be immersed in his own humour.

Mu Yi Chu turned his head to look at the middle-aged man in shock. He was about to ask the question, but his serious expression didn't last long. That was because the middle-aged man's wisps of hair was truly too ridiculous.

Probably because the hair gel wasn't enough, when the wind blew, it would float and dance in the air. Not to mention, just looking at that hair, it was somewhat aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Mu Yi Chu thought of the words "messy in the wind" and almost laughed out loud.

The landlord also seemed to have felt the change and nervously pressed down on his hair. After all, to him, this was a treasure as precious as money.

Mu Yi Chu moved the muscles on his face and adjusted his expression. "Then let me recite a few names to you. Do you have any impression of them?"

As the middle-aged man combed his hair, he looked as if a mouthful of phlegm was stuck in his mouth as he nodded his head in a serious manner.

"Bai Jingling?"

The middle-aged man shook his head.

"Bai Zhongning?"

The middle-aged man shook his head again.

"Didn't you say that your memory was lacking? How come you shook your head and denied it so quickly when I asked you?" Mu Zi and Chu Yu seriously suspected that this bald middle-aged man was messing with them.

"That's because I remember that the name is two-character, and I don't recognize the word at the back." The middle-aged man replied as he reached out his hand to compare his actions.

"Are you sure the name is two words?" Mu Yi Chu asked again.

"That's right." The landlord touched his hard left chest, which was a pile of furs. "Lad, I touched my heart and told you everything. I remember I told you everything." I really can't remember anything else. "How long has it been?"

Mu Yi Chu was helpless. He didn't want to continue making things difficult for the middle-aged man. In his heart, he was slightly glad that he returned home. After all, it wasn't like he gained nothing.

White what? Two words.

He took out his phone and sent a message to Bai Jingling: "Your family name is three words, do you have two words?" After sending the message, Mu Yi Chu threw his phone to the side, his mind filled with endless thoughts.

Mu Yi Chu pinched the center of his brows to comfort himself. He wasn't in a hurry. As long as he had a clue, he would definitely be able to capture that crazy woman.

When the female tenant An Ningyuan came to find Mu Yi Chu, Mu Yi Chu realized that three months had already passed.

"Hello, Mr. Landlord. Can I have a chat with you?" If not for the conversation he had in his own house, Mu Yichu definitely wouldn't have believed that the other party was speaking to him. To tell the truth, aside from the occasional glimpse of the lodger's shoes on the hall floor, Mu Yichu had forgotten about the existence of such a character.

Some people really were self-disciplined, only a few were able to achieve this. He could only achieve seven points at most, he thought. Say 10 points for 7 points.

This time there was no mask and no sunglasses. Mu Yi Chu turned his head and saw a very knowledgeable woman standing there, looking at him with a professional smile. The muscles on his face looked stiff. But overall, surgery and postoperative recovery are pretty good. Mu and Chu were not opposed to plastic surgery. For him, the result was good. It didn't matter if it was natural or artificial. After all, many women did not look like one person after they had taken off their makeup.

"I'm on my way to work right now. Let's make an appointment for the evening. I'll be back early. " Mu Chu pretended that he was in a hurry.

An Ningyuan naturally agreed.

Mu Ichu had been hesitating all day. An Ningyuan was a psychiatrist, and he just so happened to need one. It should have been killing two birds with one stone. However, Mu Yi Chu did not know if he should let someone like An Ningyuan interfere in his own life. Would he be able to trust this woman to know her own secret and be his own psychiatrist?

But when a man makes a choice, when a thing is done, he must make some sacrifice in order to achieve it. Mu thought as if he were living a life of debauchery and freedom without being responsible for someone else and paying the price of rarely going home and being indifferent to his family. Nothing new under the sun. At this point in time, Mu Yi Chu was just facing the different situations that presented the same problem in his life.

Mu Yi Chu was smoking right now, he felt the phone in his pocket vibrating. He took it out to check, and sure enough, Bai Jingling had sent a few messages.

"My father's name is two words, Bai Hui. My aunt's name is also two words, Bai Jing."

"What's wrong? "Why did you suddenly ask this?"

"That grey robed woman appeared again?"

Mu Yi Chu read the message silently with a cigarette in his hand. Just as he was thinking, Bai Jingling sent another message. "How have you been recently?"

It was this boring question again. Mu Yi Chu twitched his mouth and kept his phone. I'll come back later. He replied in time because he was afraid that this little girl would think that he was interested in her. Mu Yi Chu thought about it in interest. If he told her that he was impotent, would Bai Jingling still be so good to him?

Heh. Mu Yi Chu sneered. He did not believe in platonic spiritual love. After all, humans were creatures of desire. Sex. Sex is love. Love is such a thing, but it's all made. Therefore, he would not make love to the same woman a second time, because women were too sensitive to use the name of love to trap a man.

And men were all beasts, animals. Wild, unruly.

Bai Jingling looked at her phone in disappointment. Her phone was turned on, off, on, and off. She knew that she couldn't control a man like Mu Yi Chu. But she couldn't help herself, and from time to time she would be distracted by the movements of her cell phone. Whenever there was any movement, she would immediately open it and take a look, hoping that it was a reply from Mu Yichu. However, he was always disappointed.

She hated herself for not being able to concentrate. Obviously the final exam was just around the corner. As it turned out, liking was something that made reason lose its meaning. For the first time, Bai Jingling doubted whether or not he should come out to study.

There's a year and a half to go. At that time, Bai Jingling would glance at the dark and quiet night outside, and ruthlessly put away her phone in the drawer, and once again bury herself in the sea of questions.

When Mu Yi Chu returned home from work, he gave An Ningyuan a piece of cake to take away.

An Ningyuan looked like a man with strong principles. When Mu Yi Chu pushed the door open and entered the house, he was already sitting on the sofa in the living room. Mu Yi Chu looked at the time. It was 7 minutes to 8.

He probably left a bad impression on the other party when they met for the first time. When An Ningyuan took the cake that Mu Yi Chu had given him, she was overwhelmed by the sight before him.

Mu Yi Chu didn't blame himself. After all, who told her to hit his gun at such a time?

Mu Yi Chu sipped An Ningyuan's black tea and waited for him to speak first. After all, it was a little outrageous to go back on what he had said before. However, if the other party also had the intention of renewing the rent, things would be much easier.

"It's like this. Landlord, there's something I want to discuss with you. I've almost recovered from the operation. I happen to be away on a business trip to the provinces for a seminar tomorrow. So, I think, "An Ningyuan picked up her cup and took a sip of black tea," Can I wait until I come back from work?

An Ningyuan put down the cup, and continued with a smile: "I know that this is a presumptuous request. Originally, the landlord promised me three months of time, and that was already very convenient for me. But now, I have made such a request. "If ?"

"Never mind." Mu Yi Chu interrupted An Jing's words. He was very satisfied with An Ningyuan's words.

"What does Mr. Landlord mean?" An Ningyuan maintained her charming smile as she turned her head slightly to confirm with Mu Yi Chu.

"I mean, I agree to let you continue. I'm very satisfied with you as a tenant. " Mu Yi Chu took another sip of black tea. "If you still want to continue renting here, then we can do the same as we did when we signed the contract. We can rent for one year." Your rent is good anyway. "

"Really? Thank you so much, Mr. Landlord. Please make sure I renew the rent. I really like the environment here. " An Ningyuan revealed a pleasantly surprised expression. Although it was true that she was sincere, in Mu Yi Chu's eyes, it was still filled with the smell of plastic.

After finishing the discussion, An Ningyuan stood up and kept the cup and plate into the kitchen. Mu Yi Chu leaned against the door of his room, looking at the back of the woman who was washing things in front of the sink.

Just based on this woman's way of doing things, Mu Yi Chu was still looking forward to her business ability. Let's just wait for her to come back from a business trip and talk about it.

Mu Yi Chu closed the door. He didn't know that the woman in the kitchen had put away her smirk and was lost in thought.

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