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Chapter 27 - Absurd News

Mu Yi Chu woke up early in the morning and planned to go to K Hotel after work. It was the same hotel where Bai Zhongning had jumped down from previously. He was not sure if Bai Jing's woman was that crazy woman.

But he had a hunch that crazy woman must have had something to do with that hotel. Except for the apartment, the other experiences had taken place in that hotel. Would she have lured him there to play tricks if she wasn't so sure of the land?

Heh. Just wait. It was time for him to retaliate.

With this thought in mind, Mu Zi and Chu Yu neatly walked out of the room. The door clicked shut behind him.

At this time, Mu Yichu did not know that his life was about to change and he was about to lose control. It was as if someone had suddenly smashed a heavy rock into a pool of water. The days that should have been peaceful in H City began to stir.

Mu Yi Chu took a taxi to work on the side of the road. The driver was still broadcasting normally. Everything was supposed to be the same as usual. However, a news broadcast caught Mu Yi Chu off guard and caught him off guard. He was resting with his eyes closed, but as soon as he heard the name K Hotel, he instantly opened his eyes.

What a coincidence! He was just about to go to that hotel today, so how could it be on the news? Did that crazy woman commit suicide out of guilt? Mu Yi Chu frowned as he listened attentively. His mind was in a mess as he connected the dots.

At 9: 03 a.m. this morning, the XX Hotel seemed to have another person jumping off the building. A few pedestrians who happened to pass by were nearly injured. But then it turned out that

Mu Yi Chu was shocked. Could he have guessed correctly?

However, before Mu Yi Chu could finish listening, he was driven out of the carriage by his master. He wanted to finish listening to the broadcast before getting off, but the driver was unhappy because there was a passenger waiting to take a taxi by the side of the road.

The two of them quarreled for a bit, and Mu Yi Chu unwillingly got out of the car. He closed the door with a loud 'bang' and left, ignoring the machine-gun like crazy cursing behind the driver's back.

Mu Yi Chu also cursed under his breath as he walked towards the coffee shop. However, just as he walked into the store, he saw He and Ze, who seemed to be waiting for him with a serious expression. The morning news was playing on the TV screen behind him. When He and Ze saw that Mu Yi Chu had arrived, they gestured for him to come over and take a seat.

He and Ze were also aware of how Mu Yichu had been taken away by the police.

"Little Chu, tell me the truth, did something happen to you?" He Heze asked Mu Yi Chu solemnly.

Mu Yi Chu felt goosebumps all over his body. He suddenly had a bad premonition and frowned as he slowly asked, "Zetas, what do you mean?"

He Heze took out his phone, searched for this morning's news, then clicked on a few pictures and showed his phone to Mu Yi Chu. "Take a look at this."

Mu Yi Chu took the phone and scanned through the pictures one by one. The more he looked at it, the more intense his bad premonition got. He finished reading the picture and then read the entire article carefully. His expression turned ugly.

He He He Ze had shown him the broadcast news that had attracted his attention. Mu Yi Chu didn't expect that once again, that crazy woman would beat him to it and beat him to it.

Could it be that the middle-aged man had betrayed him and told that crazy woman about the information he had gathered?

According to the report, someone working in the building opposite the K Hotel had called the police and told them that someone had jumped off a building opposite the K Hotel. But when the police received the phone call to rush over, they found that no "people" jumped off the building. The one who jumped down was a armrest in human form. From the witness' testimony, the room where the fall occurred was exactly 1805, the same room where Bai Zhongning had jumped off from.

Seeing this, Mu Yi Chu's heart was in an uproar.

Calming himself down, Mu Yi Chu continued to read. The report claimed that this room was not occupied yesterday or today. That was true. How could someone continue living in a room that had already been dead?

As the police intervened, it was discovered that no suspicious person had been seen entering or exiting the room in the hotel records. The witness who called the police also said that he didn't see anyone. It was as if the armrest suddenly appeared at the window and fell straight down. The whole thing happened very quickly.

Several passersby who happened to pass under the building were immediately frightened. A kind-hearted person quickly called an ambulance and took them to the hospital. As he walked, he suddenly ran into someone falling from a building. He thought of the terrifying bloody scene he would see after falling from a building. Anyone else would have been terrified. He was lucky not to leave a shadow in his heart. Therefore, he really couldn't say that she was being hypocritical.

After all, this thing was falling down from such a high distance and was as big as a human. Anyone who saw it would think that someone had jumped off a building. Furthermore, it wasn't as if someone had not jumped off a building before.

Most importantly, who would have thought that someone would try such a prank?

Mu skipped over other parts of the city that were reported to have caused some of the city's traffic jams to become paralysed. Ye Zichen clicked on the live photos once again. He enlarged the picture and carefully looked at the armrest. Because the armrest was made of cotton, it was basically undamaged. It was a picture of a man in an anime. Even Mu Yi Chu himself felt that it was similar to him. At the same time, he kept thinking about the details mentioned in the report: "This armrest is 178 cm long."

This figure matched his height, was it a coincidence or was it intentional?

"Little Chu, what do you think?" He and Ze had probably finished reading the report by now, so they asked.

"I don't have any ideas." Although Mu Yi Chu seemed calm, his tone was weak as he betrayed him.

"Little Chu, don't you think this armrest looks a little like you? Moreover, the place where he fell was almost at the same place where the girl had jumped off the building. Are you really blind, or are you hiding something from me? " It was rare for He Heze to show such a serious expression as he spoke to Mu Yichu.

At this moment, Mu Yi Chu's mind was still in a mess. He didn't know how to say these things, but after pursing his lips for a long time, he said a few indifferent words, "That matter is already over."

He and Ze were about to speak when they suddenly heard a new report coming from the television behind them. The two of them immediately stopped talking and turned to look at the screen at the same time.

A city cleaner whose face had been hit by a mosaic was speaking into a reporter's microphone. He had seen several black balloons floating in the sky in the morning, and thought they were there for some kind of activity, so he followed them over to see. He found a large black balloon floating in the open space in XX Park, which was located in a remote area and rarely asked about by anyone. He felt quite mysterious, so he called the company to report the situation.

After reporting the situation, he did not continue to stay where he was. He then noticed that when most of the black balloons slowly drifted away, a human-like object appeared in the middle of the air. He was startled and thought it was some kind of corpse. He slowly approached in fear while taking out his cell phone to call the police. However, just as the call connected, it ended.

Because he discovered that it wasn't a corpse at all, but a armrest in human form.

Just as he was about to let out a sigh of relief, he realized that after the balloons had all flown away, a very strange scene appeared on the ground. Rows of white candles and flowers were arranged neatly on the floor.

The news report matched the interviewer's speech and switched to the scene of the park behind him. The scene looked really weird. A human-shaped armrest was surrounded by rows of white candles and wild flowers. There were a few scattered black balloons on the ground that hadn't drifted away too far.

It looked like, like, a funeral. As for the object of the funeral, it was like the armrest in human form.

This is ridiculous.

Mu Yi Chu frowned even harder, his sharp, heroic eyebrows seemingly coming together. And his expression was even uglier than before. After He Hanze finished watching the news, he also stared blankly. Neither of them spoke.

This was because the human-shaped armrest that had been arranged for the funeral was exactly the same as the human-shaped armrest that resembled Mu Yizhu that had fallen from the sky this morning.

"Ding Ling ~" The bell hanging from the glass door made a crisp sound when the door was pushed open.

Mu Yi Chu and He He and Ze immediately turned their gazes away.

It was a regular customer. The moment the customer pushed the door open and entered, he was shocked to see two faces looking at her with an expression of overly serious vigilance.

She kept pushing the door open for a while before speaking. "Are we not opening for business today?" As he spoke, he was about to step back.

"Of course, welcome." Mu Yi Chu revealed a dry smile and reacted in advance. He and Ze also reacted and walked to the front desk to take care of the customers.

The two of them were doing their own thing, keeping an eye on the television for news reports. However, after a day, there were no other news related to this incident.

However, it was unknown whether it was true or not. Mu Yi Chu was smoking a cigarette, an indescribable feeling of anxiety lingering around him.

What do you mean? Playing with him again? Didn't they say that Bai Zhongning would never appear again?

Wait a minute.

Mu Yi Chu seemed to suddenly realize something. He hastily took off his black apron, picked up his jacket and ran out of the shop without paying attention to He and Ze's shouts. He stopped a taxi and got in.

"Master, XX sector, hurry up" Mu Yichu gasped to the driver as he prodded his pants with his hand in the back seat. The driver felt Mu Yi Chu's anxiety and increased his speed.

As soon as Mu Yi Chu arrived home, he barged into the room and opened the wardrobe. Because he was too anxious, he either inserted the wrong key or the wrong hole. After rummaging for a while, he finally opened the drawer.

He rummaged through the drawers, pulling out the various passports, files, property certificates, and other items. He found the gray USB drive that had fallen in the back of the drawer.

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