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She deserved it!


"You are the murderer!"

"How disgusting!"

"Why aren't you going to die!"


As soon as Mu Yi Chu opened his Weibo and logged in, his private messages exploded. The number of unread books was constantly rising. Mu Yi Chu held his breath and emptied all the messages.

He went back to the front page and clicked on the hottest and hottest topic in H City. He didn't see what he was afraid of. He moved the cursor to the blank search box and hesitated before typing in "H City armrest".

There were only a few results that popped out after he clicked on the search option. This made Mu Yi Chu feel slightly more at ease.

Panda's methods of coercion were still very useful. He bit his finger and typed in the search box to search for "pig graffiti". A bunch of videos and pictures appeared on the screen.

He skimmed through the section he wanted to see and simply thought it was just a cool street art piece, related to the film Black Mirror, with all sorts of insults and words, related to him.

He patiently went through it all and found that the first one to issue the picture was a college girl, whom he remembered and who often came to the shop to buy cakes. He opened the message, and someone asked the question he also wanted to know: "Who drew it?" The female university student replied, "I'm not sure. Not yesterday. I went to buy the cake as usual this afternoon, but found out that the shop wasn't open yet, but had such a cool set of street graffiti! "

Mu Yi Chu looked at the female university student's reply time. It seemed that the incident hadn't happened for long before it appeared yesterday. He immediately opened C8 City and made an appointment to have the graffiti washed there!

Just as Mu Yi Chu was about to close the browser, he suddenly saw half of a video. His heart skipped a beat as he clicked on the video.

Mu Yi Chu saw a familiar figure.

The man stood alone in the crowd. The shop was filled with the armrest. Some of it was torn, and the cotton inside was scattered all over the place. Some of it even landed on his head and body. He seemed to be trying to say something, but it was too noisy to tell. Not long after, a person began to move. More and more people began to move.

That person was He Heze.

He Heshai was surrounded by a crowd of kicks and punches, curling up and hugging himself as if he was going to be beaten up. Some of them were screaming, some of them were trying to stop it, some of them had their cellphones out to make calls, while others were just standing far away, watching from the sidelines, taking pictures with their phones out.

The cameraman for this video seemed to have been hit by someone. The image shook a few times, and after adjusting itself, the cameraman moved the camera around the entire shop. When the image was shown at the door, it captured several policemen and a hand that was getting closer to the enlarged hand. The video stopped abruptly.

Mu Yi Chu raised his hand to his mouth and bit down. His teeth were stuck in the joints of his fingers, and he was biting harder and harder. Mui Chu found that pain seemed to be an addictive feeling.

He licked the red, sunken skin of his fingers. His body seemed to be starting to become restless because of his movements.

Too many days had passed since he was satisfied. The addiction deep within his body was the fact that the Hungry Beasts were already roaring with rage. He had been suppressing it for the past few days, and there was too much to worry about.

However, he realized that the more nervous, exhausted, and in danger, the more arrogant the hungry beast in his body became. It was like a drought. Although it seemed like they had endured another day, they all knew in their hearts that the real situation was only getting worse with each passing day.

Because he didn't know whether it was the rain that came first, or his body that couldn't bear it that died first.

Too many things had been eating away at Mu Yichu's nerves lately. Mu Yi Chu's head felt as though it had exploded, and it started to hurt again. Just as he was pressing his loathsome point to disperse the pain, the door to the room was pushed open and light poured in from the living room.

An Ningyuan stood in the light. It was as if he had been given the illusion of hope and salvation.

Her long shadow struck his bed. Mu Yichu looked at An Ningyuan. Her facial features and face were unclear because of his short sight and light reflection.

"Come out to eat, I've brought sushi." An Ningyuan said in a bland voice. Noticing that Mu Yi Chu's expression was not good, she asked in concern, "What's wrong?"

She walked over and asked Mu Yichu, "What happened? ? It's her, has Qin Ranpei appeared again?"


"And where is she ? now?" An Ningyuan asked seriously.

"I don't know."

An Ningyuan frowned, and pulled Mu Yi Chu's hand and said, "Let's go out for dinner first. "Let's talk after eating."

Mu made sure that the food was tasty, but under An Ningyuan's urging, he ate up all the food that was brought to him. He knew that he had probably lost a lot of weight recently. At an age when he should have been worried about getting fat, he was getting skinnier and skinnier, which was very sad.

"Qin Ranpei probably appeared last night, at the place where I work. Yesterday afternoon, there was a brawl in the shop, and today, the shop was closed. "It won't open again in the future."

"Is he ? is your boss well?" An Ningyuan naturally saw the self-reproaching expression on Mu Yi Chu's face. She held out his hand and placed it on the back of Mu Yi Chu's hand, trying to comfort him.

"I was pretty badly hurt when I went to see him this afternoon." Mu Eichu paused for a moment.

"Panda, his boyfriend wanted to hit me. At that time, I was scared, but I also knew that nothing would happen to me. Because Zetas was here, I knew he would definitely protect me." Mu Yi Chu said calmly.

Zetas was injured because of me, but I should have suffered when his boyfriend wanted to hit me. But what I thought of was that Zetas would protect me, so I took it for granted. "

"Don't think about yourself so much." An Ningyuan frowned her brows, rejecting Mu Yi Chu's words.

"Being afraid of being beaten was human instinct. Part of your mentality at that time was the luckiness that people were used to and you correctly analyzed and predicted your own situation. Even in those circumstances, you are still very calm. "

An Ningyuan leaned over and caressed Mu Yichu's head, "You don't feel disgusted, you're just smarter."

Mu Yi Chu looked at An Ningyuan like a puppet, then said after seeing her, "Do you think that your Zetas would want you to blame yourself like this, and get beaten up by his boyfriend?"

Mu Yi Chu shook his head, "It's because he is too kind to me that I feel so uncomfortable. If it were anyone else, I would have just casually given him some money. I wouldn't have such a burden in my heart."

"It is the same when people are bound to each other, enjoying each other's good fortune while at the same time bearing responsibility for each other's affairs. Zetas treats you as a friend. Later on, if he needs it, you will do your best to help him. That's enough. "

"I understand that." Mu Yichu retracted the hand that An Ningyuan was holding. He was not weak enough to need to be treated so carefully and lovingly.

An Ningyuan also retracted her hand, and pushed the hair on her face behind her ear. This action made Mu Yi Chu think of Bai Jingling. He subconsciously looked at both sides of An Ningyuan's neck, checking if there were two nevus like Bai Jingling's. Divergent diverting attention has always been Mu's way of dealing with bad moods.

An Ningyuan noticed the probing gaze of Mu Yi Chu, and met his gaze, and asked directly: "Is there something on my neck?"

"Nope." Mu Yi Chu retracted his gaze. No, indeed. Other than two distinct neck marks, there was nothing else on An Ningyuan's neck.

After the two of them were silent for a while, An Ningyuan opened her mouth and asked, "Where is Qin Ranpei? "Why did you say she showed up yesterday?"

"A set of graffiti appeared in front of the coffee shop," Mu and Chu paused. "The meaning and metaphor of the painting was obvious to me."

"We need to contact the Officer Huang immediately to tell him about this." An Ningyuan said seriously.

"I've already got someone to wash that painting off!" Mu Yi Chu said as he panted.

An Ningyuan could see that Mu Yichu was extremely emotional, but his life was in danger, so she could not allow him to continue along while ignoring Qin Ranpei. She had no way of confirming his safety.

"Little Chu." An Ningyuan said patiently, "The location of her whereabouts is unknown, so we have to focus on the bigger picture. If it was really as Officer Huang said, then she is related to the serial murders, then she is currently in danger. "

You can even find trouble for him if it's dangerous? Hehe, Mu Yi Chu sneered in his heart.

Even if An Ningyuan and Huang Jue told him the seriousness of the situation, he would still feel rejected. Or rather, he thought darkly, what did it matter to him whether she was in danger or not?

He had yet to settle the score between them, so why was he now taking responsibility and worrying about her safety? Even if she was involved in the crime, she might have brought it upon herself.

She deserved it!

An Ningyuan looked at Mu Yichuan and said with a serious expression, "Today, I searched for the murder case in City H online. Among them, there was an extremely cruel case that caught my attention. I suspect that Officer Huang said that the serial killer was this person. Though I couldn't find any more information on the case. But there were no other serial murders. I think it was blocked by the police for a variety of reasons. "

An Ningyuan took out her phone, searched for relevant reports and showed them to Mu Yi Chu. Mu Yi Chu wanted to glance over, but his gaze seemed to be fixed on the screen, unable to move away. He didn't look at the words, just stared at the picture.

Even though the pictures had been typed on the mosaic, Mui Chu could still imagine how terrifying the original pictures were. He thought of the bloody sow that had been dismembered and stuffed into the refrigerator. However, it was obvious that the bloodiness and chaos on the scene was much worse than that of the sow. The blood that splashed out seemed as if it would spill out from the screen at any moment. And this is a man, not a pig.

Mu Yi Chu frowned.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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