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Chapter 56 - The most handsome combination of Police station

"Yes. You suspect this person is following you? "

"Not only is he following me, he should also be the one who was secretly taking photos of Bai Zhongning." Mu Ichu said to him confidently.

The first thing that came to mind was that the Xiaolin had told him that Qin Ranpei had contacts with a mysterious man from time to time, and that man would always bring a bag of things to Qin Ranpei.

What is it?


"So you decided to work for me?" Huang Jue teased.

"Even if I don't want to participate, someone is pulling me in. "Since that's the case, I might as well solve this problem as soon as possible and get my life back on track." Mu Yi Chu looked annoyed.

Huang Jue looked over at Mu Yichu, sympathizing with him.

"Then let's go to the XX District first to find that landlord. Yesterday we were late and couldn't go. After asking around about the rent, then we can go to the Qin family."

"Sure." "You make the decision." Mu Yi Chu replied, "The Qin family should be similar to the Bai family. Otherwise, that woman wouldn't be living in that kind of place."

"But we have to come." Huang Jue put his hand on the steering wheel and said after a while, "So many days have passed."

Huang Jue didn't finish his words, but Mu Yi Chu understood what he meant.

"Actually, I was quite surprised that Qin Ranpei was able to last this long and not get hit."

"What do you mean?" Mu Yi Chu turned his head and asked in surprise.

"Qin Ranpei actually suits the standard of a serial killer. Furthermore, the Xiaolin found two people who stayed with Qin Ranpei before, and investigated and found out that the building she lived in was being moved away from other people all these years. Huang Jue spun the reverse dial and explained.

Then, he suddenly thought of something and angrily said, "Oh, speaking of this, I still need to ask Xiaolin to find a time to bring the photos of the victims to confirm their identities to the two residents. If things go as expected, there should be some benefits. "

Huang Jue twitched his lips and said to Mu Yichu, "You have to admit that this Qin Ranpei is not bad looking and is considered young. So if all the other women are missing, why is she the last? "

"Could it have something to do with the graffiti man? He's protecting the woman? " Mu Yi Chu crossed his hands and guessed.

"Maybe. According to the resident, the two seem to be in a relationship. "

"It doesn't look like it." Mu Yi Chu said after a pause.

"What did you say?" Huang Jue was actually a bit shocked by what Mu Yi Chu had said.

Mu Yi Chu's words were like a primer, leaving a different thought in his mind. He was too sure about the relationship between Qin Ranpei and the man before, and maybe this was the only way to restrict his thinking.

That was why the onlookers knew what was going on, while the onlookers knew what was going on. The words of the ancients were indeed true.

"I said, it doesn't look like it. If they were that kind of relationship. Qin Ranpei would not lead such a life. Love in a woman's world, can take up the proportion of their love and how much they can pay for love is beyond your imagination. Qin Ranpei is definitely not like a woman in love. Mu Yi Chu said seriously.

Other people called him an expert, but to see if a woman lived in love was really a small case for him.

Huang Jue thought for a while and accepted Mu Yi Chu's words, then continued: "Then what do you think is the relationship between Qin Ranpei and that man?"

"Maybe it was some kind of employment deal. Either Qin Ranpei would do things for the graffiti man, or the graffiti man would do things for Qin Ranpei. But I would prefer the latter. " Mu Yi Chu analyzed.

"Then according to our current assumptions, Qin Ranpei has an employment relationship with this mysterious man, and the person who threw the note to you last night was him as well. He doesn't have to do all this for a woman who's just hired, do you think? " Huang Jue drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he spoke.

Mu Yi Chu opened his mouth, but didn't think of a reasonable explanation.

Huang Jue stopped in front of a red light and looked at Mu Yichuan. "Let's put it another way. If you were this mysterious man, why would you do this for a woman?"

Mu Yi Chu looked at Huang Jue and shook his head. After a while, he said: "Maybe - it's not just for Qin Ranpei?"

Huang Jue was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud. After laughing loudly enough, he said: "I say, you, Chu Zheng, do you really want to consider the possibility of us turning into police officers seriously? You think that our two partners would be the most handsome team in Police station?"

"Thank you so much." I prefer some work with women and sweet and soft waxes, and I don't like cold, bloody things. " Mu Yi Chu rejected without hesitation.

"Not promising. "What I like is what women like." After pausing for a moment, he continued calmly, "Let me tell you something. I'm sure you'll be as surprised as I am."

"Hmm?" Mu Yi Chu imitated Huang Jue's mantra and asked.

"Today, I received a call from the United States in Police station. I'm looking for Cinderella."

"Who sent her back to America?" Mu Yi Chu guessed.

"You're quite smart, Student Chu." Just as Huang Jue finished his sentence, he heard a few car whistles coming from behind the car. When he took a look, he realized that the red light had already turned green.

He started the car and said, "Do you know why you want her back?" Without waiting for Mu Yi Chu to open his mouth, he impatiently said, "She has a five or six-year-old son."

Mu Yi Chu stared in disbelief, "Who did you say had a six year old son?"


"Impossible, if she has a child, it's impossible for An Ningyuan to not know about it." Mu's first reaction was to deny it.

"Cinderella admitted it herself, though she only learned about it today."

"It can't be? Cinderella doesn't look like one of those frivolous girls. What's going on? "

Huang Jue glanced at Mu Yi Chu. He couldn't get used to his words. In terms of being frivolous, who could compare to Mu Yi Chu?

"Meng Zhengqing rented a house in the United States, which expired yesterday. When the landlord went to collect the house, he found a starving child. They felt that this child was Meng Zhengqing's child. "

Mu Yi Chu couldn't help but interrupt Huang Jue, saying, "Didn't you say that Cinderella's child turned out to be Meng Zhengqing's child again? "Could it be?"

"Hehe, look, I knew you would think that way, dirty!"

"I admit that I am vile because I am not a hypocrite. Isn't that what men do? " Mu Yi Chu calmly asked, "Then is Meng Zhengqing a hypocrite or a pervert?"

Huang Jue couldn't help but laugh for a while before speaking up, "You! Six years ago, Cinderella said, Meng Zhengqing took an egg from her. Although she was not sure if the boy who was still in the hospital was Meng Zhengqing's child or not, she was sure that it was hers. At the same time, she also admitted that she and Meng Zhengqing had never had any sexual intercourse. "

Huang Jue paused before adding, "I believe Cinderella is telling the truth."

Mu Yi Chu nodded.

Huang Jue patted the steering wheel and said with bright eyes, "She said she won't leave the kid alone. However, he still had to discuss the details with An Ningyuan before making the necessary arrangements. This little girl is quite a responsible person. I quite admire her. "

When Mu Yi Chu heard this, a thought flashed through his mind. He could probably guess what was going on, so he didn't respond.

"What are you thinking about?" Huang Jue didn't hear Mu Yi Chu's voice for a long time.

"Nope." As soon as Mu Yi Chu finished speaking, he suddenly felt a wave of phone vibrations coming from his thigh.

Who sent the message? Mu Yi Chu reached into his pants pocket and took out his cell phone to take a look. He found out that it was a WeChat from the Zetas.

He opened it and saw a picture.

The picture was of him and Bai Jingling together.

Mu Yi Chu frowned, not understanding why the Zetas would be together with Bai Jingling. He was about to reply when he felt the car stop.

Mu Yi Chu immediately raised his head to look at the middle-aged man, who was standing by the side of the road and chatting with a woman.

"Yo, what a coincidence!" "It would save me a lot of car oil!" After saying that, Huang Jue immediately prepared to get off the car.

The poor middle-aged man was enjoying his infatuation, but he didn't expect himself to be approached by two people he didn't want to see the most.

"Hey! "Uncle!" First, Huang Jue patted the middle-aged landlord's shoulder and revealed a dazzling smile. With his two panda eyes, it was truly a comedic scene.

The middle-aged man immediately stopped smiling and looked at the two people in front of him as if he had been petrified.

"Uncle, I'll take up some of your time and ask you something." Huang Jue took the middle-aged man's shoulder and pushed him to the side.

"Because of your cooperation last time, you helped us police a lot. I hope you can cooperate again this time. That house, did you rent it to the woman called Bai Jing a few years ago? "

The middle-aged man looked at Mu Yichu and nodded his head, feeling quite uneasy.

"I found the woman. She said she moved out after a short rent. Is that true?"

The middle-aged man thought for a moment before nodding his head.

"But you said that she was the one who rented the house. Could it be that you lied to our police? " Huang Jue purposely revealed a ferocious expression.

The middle-aged man immediately waved his hand, "I don't dare!"

The middle-aged man went into memory mode and said, "Back then, it's true that she and her boyfriend left the room with me. But not long after that, her boyfriend came back and gave me some money, saying that he won't leave and will continue to rent the house in the name of his girlfriend."

Huang Jue and Mu Yi Chu looked at each other. Huang Jue took out his phone and took out the photo of Bai Jing's husband, then asked the middle-aged man, "Do you think that man is that guy?"

The middle-aged man squinted his eyes as he moved closer to the side, revealing a familiar constipated face.

"Is it true or not?" Mu Ichu asked impatiently.

The middle-aged man said submissively, "I think so, but I also think not. "They look alike, but somehow they look different."

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