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Chapter 60 - This Assassin Is Not Cold

"Mn, that's right. Big Brother Chu, what's wrong with you?" Bai Zhongyi asked worriedly.

"I-I'm fine, I just heard that something happened in Police station, you take care of your own safety." Mu Yi Chu regained his senses and warned Bai Zhongyi.

"Alright, I understand!" Bai Zhongyi replied.

"Who's asking?" Mu Yi Chu heard a man's voice asking from Bai Zhongyi's phone.

"Big Brother Chu is a friend of mine, and also a friend of Big Brother Huang!" Bai Zhongyi said to Ma Ken.

"Oh, let your friend wait until Yellow Team wakes up, then take him to eat something first before letting him return to Police station." Ma Ken said.

"Horse ?" Bai Zhongyi was about to repeat herself to Mu Yi Chu when Mu Yi Chu spoke, "I already heard it. Then I'll hang up ? that guy woke up."

Bai Zhongyi did not manage to say anything before she was hung up. However, she couldn't blame Mu Yi Chu for being in such a hurry because she just saw signs of Huang Jue moving his fingers and his eyeballs wanting to wake up. The next second, she saw that guy raise his body and was about to pull out the needle in his hand.

Mu Yi Chu helplessly sighed and shook his head. He knew that he couldn't stop this person.

"Where's my phone?" Huang Jue shook his head, trying to recover from his unconsciousness.

"Here." Mu Yi Chu obediently passed Huang Jue's phone to him.

"Before we return to Police station, let's go eat something." Mu Yi Chu said, "Your colleague specifically requested it. I think it's because I'm afraid that if you don't eat, you won't have the energy and stamina to deal with those random things. "

"Something happened?" Huang Jue pressed the needle on his skin, stopping the bleeding as he asked.

Mu Yi Chu nodded.

Huang Jue remained silent with a sullen face, not revealing an expression that came as a surprise to him. It was probably because he was used to all sorts of sudden situations.

Huang Jue got off the bed first and said self-deprecatingly, "Blessed by misfortune, I managed to earn a few hours of sleep while I was unconscious. Not bad. "

"It should only be around 2 hours. You haven't even finished hanging up 2 bottles of water. You're too much of a social animal!" Mu spoke with a tone of contempt.

"Men are not easy to deal with!" First, Huang Jue put on his shoes and sat down on the edge of the bed to steady himself. He continued to tease Huang Wei, but in his mind, he was thinking that it was indeed time to eat something in order to conserve energy before dealing with those things, even though he did not ask any questions.

Anyway, he wouldn't be in a hurry when he reached Police station. On the contrary, if he were to ask now, he would probably lose all desire to eat.

Walking out of the hospital side by side, neither of them bothered to walk too far. Seeing that there was a Shaxian snack on the side of the road, he went straight in with a tacit understanding. The two of them were like wolves and tigers, not caring about their image at all as they swept away the food on the table.

Fang Ding drove away. He didn't have a car, so after eating dinner, the two of them called for a car on the internet. While waiting for the bus to arrive, Mu Yichu ran into the Starbucks in the mall and bought two cups of coffee. When he returned, he saw that there were already two cans of Red Bull in Huang Xiaoxian's hands.

"From where?" Mu Yi Chu asked curiously.

"I just ran back to Sha County to get some snacks." Huang Jue stared at the Starbucks in Mu Yi Chu's hand and shook his head.

"Look at you heinous petty capitalists. You're also trying to raise your spirits. I buy Red Bull economy, so it's only a bit more than 10 RMB for two cans. But for you, buying two cups of coffee is less than 100 RMB!"

After looking down on Mu Yi Chu, Huang Jue temporarily put the cup of Red Bull into his pocket. He immediately opened the bottle in his hand and threw the ring away.

Mu Zi Chu looked at Huang Jue's Adam's apple that was rolling up and down. His hand holding the cup of coffee swayed as he asked, "Do you want more coffee?"

"Of course, you can't return it even if you bought it." Huang Jue looked at Mu Yi Chu, who was about to withdraw his hand, and quickly took away the cup of coffee. He then took out another bottle of Red Bull from his pocket and passed it to Mu Yi Chu.

The two of them waited for a long time, but there was still no one who picked up the online train, and they didn't even get a single car on the roadside. Huang Jue could not help but complain, "That's unreasonable. It's only 9 PM now, why is it so hard to get a taxi?"

"It's nothing, I'll come pick it up later." Mu Yi Chu calmly replied.

Before Huang Jue could ask who it was, a pink car stopped in front of them. Then, a crisp female voice floated out from the window, "Get in!"

"Why are you here?" Huang Jue was surprised.

"Didn't Big Brother Chu just say that you are awake? When I remembered that your car is still in the cemetery, I came to pick you up." Bai Zhongyi laughed.

Mu Yi Chu was just about to take out his phone to pay when he saw Bai Zhongyi's WeChat saying that he was coming to pick them up.

Huang Jue sat in the passenger seat, while Mu Yi Chu obediently entered the backseat. Bai Zhongyi reported the entire situation to Huang Jue on the way there.

Huang Jue listened in silence the whole time. After taking a sip of coffee, he asked, "Have you finished counting the bodies that were lost?"

From Huang Jue's tone of voice, Mu Guang could tell how depressed he was.

"Teacher Ma has finished counting, there are still eight in Police station."

"Fortunately, I lost two, not eight. What about the scene? Done? Was the fire out? Are there any injuries to the citizens? "

"The fire was almost out when I arrived. No citizens were injured. On the media side, Big Brother Xiaolin is already preparing for it. "

"Where are our people? Are you all right? "

"The guard's left eye, arm, and leg were all injured to varying degrees by the firecrackers and sent to the hospital. "Everyone else is fine."

"Other than the corpses, was there anything else that was stolen from the Police station?"

"Big brother Little Chen already checked, and said that it was probably because time was short, all that was lost was a corpse. But the security monitors were broken. "

"Alright, I understand." Huang Jue answered first.

After a while, Huang Jue spoke again, "Then don't go back to the Police station for now, let's go to the hospital where the guards are."

Bai Zhongyi suddenly stepped on the brake and Mu Yi Chu was caught off guard as he hit the back of the front seat, his straight nose feeling as if something was moving inside. Mu Yi Chu shook his head, rubbing his nose and moaning softly.

When Bai Zhongyi heard Mu Yichu's groans, she immediately turned her head nervously. Looking at Mu Yi Chu's embarrassed face, she said apologetically, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Big Brother Chu, are you alright? "

"It's nothing, I think I just had a nosebleed. Give me a piece of paper." Mu Yi Chu said vaguely as he looked up.

Huang Jue pulled out a few pieces of paper and handed them to Mu Yichu, who laughed. "Mu Yichu, you're so cute." "You see, the solemn atmosphere in the car has been ruined by you, leaving nothing behind."

"Isn't it because you suddenly said that you're not going back to the Police station and want to go to the hospital?!" Mu Yi Chu rubbed a piece of paper into his nose as he complained.

"Yeah, I said I was going to find the guard, but I didn't tell you to hit your nose." Huang Jue said with a smile.

Bai Zhongyi acted cute and apologized a few more times, then changed directions and started the car again. Huang Jue calmed his expression and took out his phone from his pocket to call Xiaolin.

Just as the call connected, Huang Jue heard the nervous voice of the Xiaolin, "Yellow Team! Are you okay? "

"An old man with rough skin and thick flesh, how could anything happen to him?" The corner of Huang Jue's mouth twitched as he pretended to be oblivious, but he actually felt a warm feeling in his heart. After all, being remembered and cared about was something worth being happy about.

"Go ask Ma Ken for a picture of the victim who has yet to be identified. Then, come over tomorrow and check with the two residents to see if there are any results. Then, I sent a photo of the report that Little Chen had organized today, Qin Ranpei's information, and also the report of this case to my phone. I want to return to Police station later. "

"Alright. I'll do it right away. "

As soon as he hung up, the car bell rang again, and Mu could tell it was one of the songs from The Assassin Is Not Cold. He was impressed with the film, not because he was so moved, but because he came to the conclusion that the eternal method of love was to die when it was most loved.

It was Bai Zhongyi. Without any concealment, she immediately connected to Bluetooth in the car. "Hello."

"Cinderella, are you still at work? I just saw the news of the car exploding in front of the Police station on TV. Where are you now? Is everything all right? Is Ann safe? "

It was An Ningyuan's voice, and the anxious tone of her voice couldn't be suppressed.

"Aunt, I'm fine. I'm with Big Brother Chu and Big Brother Huang now. "

paused for a moment, then spoke out. Aunt, there's something I originally wanted to discuss with you at night, but I don't know when I can return tonight. So I'll tell you now. "

"What happened?" A muffled sound came from An Ningyuan's side.

"Aunt, are you alright?"

"It's nothing, I just lost my bag." "What is it? Tell me first."

"Aunt, can you take care of a child in America for me?"

An Ningyuan remained silent for a while, then asked: "What about you?"

Bai Zhongyi bit her lips, "Aunt, you know that I can't go back to the United States right now. I want to settle this matter, find Qin Ranpei and then return. "

An Ningyuan's messy breathing came through the phone.

"Aunt, this child is very important. He is my child." Bai Zhongyi enunciated each word clearly.

"You lied to me! You just want me to go back to America alone. How could you have children? " An Ningyuan said somewhat hysterically.

Huang Jue couldn't help but be surprised. He thought Cinderella would give up her internship and head back to the United States. He never thought that she would actually ask An Ningyuan for help. He was again surprised at the girl's unconventional way of playing cards.

It was already very impressive for a person to not lie. But Cinderella is not only not lying, but also a little too open. This was truly a rather uncomfortable feeling of subtlety.

Huang Jue didn't have time to think about the subtle dissonance before he felt a buzz in his pocket. He took out his phone and looked down. It was a message from the Xiaolin.

Huang Jue's attention immediately focused on his phone.

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