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Chapter 69 - Artists and Scientists

Huang Jue and Bai Zhongyi turned to look at Mu Yi Chu at the same time. He said 'look' was too gentle, but in reality, it was' glare '.

Even Huang Jue, who called himself an impulsive man, did not directly ask this question. Bai Zhongyi's reaction was even more intense, she used her hand to cover her face to make a frown, she wanted to immediately crawl into the hole, but did not even dare look at Qin Yingye.

"Heh, Cinderella will tell you anything." Qin Yingye said indifferently, and took a sip of black tea.

Mu Chu didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he did. Based on his previous experience with women, the most effective way to increase the distance between them was to talk about things they liked and were interested in. Obviously, the thing that Qin Yingye was most interested in and interested in was his specimen.

Qin Yingye's expression was very subtle, it did not seem like he was angry, rather, he seemed to be a little excited. He put down the cup and said slowly, "Yes."

The three of them followed Qin Yingye and stood up, going up to the second floor before finally stopping before a door that seemed to be out of place for the entire house's renovation. He elegantly pushed open the two doors in front of him, and instantly, an unpleasant smell wafted into his nose.

The gloomy gaze and slightly thick air startled the other three people at the door, as if there was another world beyond the door when it was opened. Qin Yingye turned on the light in the room familiarly, but the room still seemed dull and not too bright, as if there were monsters lurking everywhere inside waiting to eat everything.

After hesitating for a moment, the three of them stepped lightly onto the carpet and entered the room. It was like walking into the castle of a European aristocrat in the nineteenth century. The dust in the air roared a little bit until it became a little thick. They couldn't help but breathe carefully and deliberately. The room could not be considered spacious, but the ceiling was extremely high. Judging by the height of the room, it should be around six to seven meters tall.

Of course, what shocked them the most was the two neat rows of animal specimens. To say that they are lifelike is probably not appropriate, because they are specimens made from real living bodies.

When you are surrounded by this situation, surrounded by all sorts of animals whose names you can't name, staring, wings spread, scratching your head, curling up like water, head bowed like water, the huge amphibious crawling animals walking, and so on, you have a strong illusion that you have strayed into something you shouldn't have stepped into, and even a little fear that these specimens may come alive at any moment, that they will swarm around you and eat you up.

"How many items do you have in your collection?" Mu Yi Chu followed behind Qin Yingye and asked while looking at the specimen.

Qin Yingye turned around and looked at them. His expression was more vivid than anything they had seen outside the room before. He walked along the passage of two rows of specimens with his hands folded behind him and said in a satisfied and proud tone, "There are 307 items in this room. The one I am working on, I have already bought 29 items that have not been delivered yet."

Huang Jue first saw an especially beautiful red-crowned crane that wanted to reach out and touch it, but was immediately stopped by Qin Yingye, "Don't touch it!"

"You can't afford to pay for it if it's broken!" Seeing that Huang Jue's hand had stopped in midair, Qin Yingye added.

"This is the country's key animal protection, right?" After all, he didn't know much about animals.

"Don't you know that this is what makes the collection more valuable?" Qin Yingye paused for a moment, as if he had thought of something, and said, "If you think I obtained the land through illegal means, you can go and investigate. If you don't mind wasting your time. "

"As I said, every item in this collection is a proper procedure for paying. Furthermore, I have already signed a statement that when I die, these samples will be donated to the National Museum of Nature."

Huang Jue was just asking out of curiosity, he did not expect Qin Yingye to think so much into it. He shrugged and made a silencing motion.

He never thought that Qin Yingye would actually have such a positive and generous side to him. Although he did not know whether this was due to him being a little more patriotic or because he treasured his own collection a little more, he still did not know.

Qin Yingye's interest was especially high, as he led them to admire and introduce his specimens at the same time. midway, he even made a scene where Bai Zhongyi was scared by a thick and sturdy python.

"Out of the 300 + items in the collection, which one is the most precious?" Mu Yi Chu interrupted.

Qin Yingye did not directly answer this question. Instead, he stopped in his tracks as if he was having a hard time answering this question. All of these items were the product of his painstaking efforts and his heart's love. Each item was something that he had done himself, so it would be difficult for him to say which one was the most precious.

Mu Yi Chu saw his hesitation and changed his words. "Then let me ask you another question, are there any specimens in your collection?"

Bai Zhongyi was surprised again, but then she immediately whispered next to Huang Wen's ears: "Big Brother Huang, what happened to Big Brother Chu today? Why is it so strange? "

Huang Jue smiled, thinking that Mu Yichu had told him before that the next time they came to the Qin family was when they could catch the culprit, so he naturally knew that the reason why Mu Yichu was so active here today was because he believed that Qin Yingye was the serial killer.

Of course, Huang Jue didn't think so, and it was true that he had suspected Qin Yingye before. However, after looking at so many animal specimens, Huang Jue had completely given up on this idea.

Compared to an artist, Qin Yingye was more like a scientist. From the specimens he had made, it could be seen that he was a very strict and respectful person of the original ecology and characteristics of the species. He did not like to leave his own obvious mark on the specimen. This was the complete opposite of the way the murderer did all sorts of creative work on the corpse. It could be said to be the opposite of the two extremes.

Of course, he did not plan to stop or suppress Mu Yichu's enthusiasm here. Even if Qin Yingye was not the serial killer, he might still be the one who kidnapped Qin Ranpei. As for the land and engineering question about the building that Qin Ranpei was staying in, Huang Jue had to ask it clearly today without any doubt.

Therefore, Mu Yi Chu could do as he pleased. In any case, Mu Yi Chu had always had some sort of luck. Perhaps he would even be able to gain something today?

After Qin Yingye heard Mu Yichu's question, he immediately revealed a strange and devilish smile, "Naturally, my collection will not be short of such important species of existences. At the latest next year, a specimen of a person will appear in this room."

"Then do you have a target?" Mu Yi Chu asked.

"Naturally, the price and the agreement have been agreed. But it wasn't urgent. I still had the specimens I was working on. "It's enough as long as you send that person over when he's about to die." Qin Yingye paused for a moment before continuing, "The specimen must be made before death so that it will not become stiff and appear more natural and vivid."

Mu Yi Chu was about to speak, when he suddenly heard Bai Zhongyi say, "Ya, there's another staircase!"

When Huang Jue and Mu Yichu heard this, they immediately walked over and discovered that there really was a staircase leading downwards. Mu Yi Chu's heart skipped a beat. Could this be the basement where the corpses were hidden? He and the other two people all turned to look at Qin Yingye, waiting for him to give an explanation.

"This is the way to my studio, for the convenience of the specimens being moved. At the same time, it is also for the convenience of me going directly from here to the studio." Qin Yingye replied lightly.

"Can we go take a look?" Mu Eversnow spoke without giving any explanation, but in fact, he was already moving.

Qin Yingye did not stop them. Instead, he turned on the ceiling light and followed them down the stairs.

The staircase went down for a distance before turning into a long corridor. The distance between the stairs and the ground floor didn't seem to extend as far as the ground floor.

Mu Yi Chu was always paying attention to Qin Yingye behind him, he was deeply afraid that he would suddenly run away, and the place they were headed towards, would be a terrifying basement filled with corpses.

After walking for about four to five minutes, everyone stopped in front of a door. Mu Yi Chu nervously swallowed his saliva. Qin Yingye then walked forward, took out his key and opened the door.

A blinding white light shot out from within. Mu Yi Chu and the rest immediately closed their eyes and used their hands to shield their eyes. As their eyes adjusted, they slowly opened.

Mu Yi Chu walked in and looked around curiously. He found that the reason it was so bright was because the ceiling was filled with rows of incandescent lights. On the wall next to him hung a white coat and a few other items. On the table were a computer and a number of books, books and chemical tools. In front of him was a glass door.

Mu Yi Chu walked up and looked through the glass door. The stage inside the glass door seemed to be the specimen that Qin Yingye had told him he was using. Mu Zi Chu noticed that there was another window in the room. He walked a few steps and looked through the window. He immediately realized that this was the garage he had talked to Huang Jue about last time. It didn't feel like the one used to store the car.

"Are you done reading?" Qin Yingye said coldly, his gaze mainly fixated on Mu Yichu, who was looking around.

Mu Chu took a few more glances and decided that there was no place for him to hide the body. He then asked, "You still haven't answered my question. Do you have a target for your man's specimen?"

"Otherwise?" Qin Yingye replied as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Who is it?" Mu Yi Chu asked immediately.

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