Find a Daddy For Mommy/C16 He Kissed Her!
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Find a Daddy For Mommy/C16 He Kissed Her!
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C16 He Kissed Her!

Despite being inebriated, Jiang Tunan was acutely aware of his actions. Kidnapping Xu Huanxi was a crime, and he couldn't afford to be caught in the act!

As Chu Rusi was on the verge of stepping into an area where light and darkness merged, Jiang Tunan seized the moment. Without further hesitation, he hurled the person out and bolted away.

Chu Rusi sensed an object hurtling towards him and instinctively moved forward, catching the woman and securely holding her in his arms. He glared at the retreating figure of Jiang Tunan, his escape as pitiful as it was hasty. His anger was palpable; he would not let this go lightly.


Seeking refuge in a lit pavilion, Chu Rusi removed his clothing to cover Xu Huanxi's shapely form, his fists tightening in anger. If he had been even a moment later, she would have faced disgrace.

The thought festered in his mind, threatening to consume the last vestiges of his sanity.

The woman in his arms was restless, struggling as if trying to emerge from her uneasy slumber.

Bending down, he instinctively pulled her closer, his gaze falling upon her lips—swollen and glistening from mistreatment.

Damn it!

He reached out to erase the traces left by another, but the soft, moist sensation stirred something within him. With a deep breath, he pressed his lips to hers, gently sucking away the remnants of her abuse.

—He was erasing the marks left by someone else.

Xu Huanxi awoke with a discomforted whimper, the tingling sensation at her lips jolting her into full alertness. Her hand flew up in a defensive slap against Chu Rusi—what was he attempting to do?

Chu Rusi paused, a momentary shock registering before he rubbed his cheek, feeling the sting.

Xu Huanxi's gaze bore into him, her fists tight with tension. "Mr. Chu, do you care to explain?" She had made it crystal clear to Chu Rusi that no matter the circumstances, he was not to touch her!

Chu Rusi's fingertips grazed his own lips, a hint of a smile playing at the edges. "No," he said simply.

He had a debt to repay to her.

And not even a slap would provoke him to retaliate, even if it left him broken.

Moreover, it was he who had schemed first, stealing a kiss without her knowledge.

Xu Huanxi pointed accusingly at Chu Rusi's nose, but words failed her. Eventually, she gritted her teeth and consoled herself, "Oh, it's just his professional habit!"

Chu Rusi grasped her hand, a dangerous sparkle in his gaze, "Was that Jiang Tunan?"

Her hand quivered, reluctant to revisit the earlier incident. "How did you know?"

His face grew shadowed. He wasn't blind; he had seen it. He was familiar with Jiang Tunan's profile and recognizing him wasn't difficult.

But was it really something he could admit to so casually?

His lips barely moved as he offered an alternative, "I guessed."

Xu Huanxi didn't question the plausibility of his response. She looked away, silent for a long while as if holding back tears, then spoke with a suppressed sob, "It was him. Heh, why him?"

She had genuinely loved that jerk. Even when he had someone else, she had let him go without a scene.

Yet, Jiang Tunan refused to release her. Why the cruelty? Couldn't he leave her with even a shred of pleasant memory? Why strip her of her last ounce of trust in romantic relationships?

Her shoulders trembled slightly, and as the wind swept by, she seemed as fragile as a rose on the verge of falling apart.

Chu Rusi wrapped his arms around her, patting her back gently, his voice a soothing whisper, his eyes fiercely protective, "Want me to give him a lesson he won't forget?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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