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My alarm went off at 4 am and I was already awake by then, my inner clock was now already used to waking up at that time. I just lingered under my blanket waiting for it to go off like I always do. I got out of my bed and took a shower. I pulled out my lilac yoga set before I went into the kitchen to get my caffeine fix. I switched on the coffee maker and leaned on the kitchen counter. I turned my attention to my phone, going through my Instagram page whilst waiting for it to be done. Just like what Nathan had said a few months ago, I had figured out exactly what I loved and that was yoga. I also hate to admit that he was right when he said once you found your purpose, a few hours of sleep would be nothing. I had claimed myself to not be a morning person for years, but now it was a whole different story. I woke up every day earlier than ninety percent of the people in Moonshine and I did not have any complaints about it.

Two minutes tops, the coffee maker chimed. Dropping my phone on the kitchen counter, I grabbed my huge coffee mug and filled it to the brim. I added sugar and cream to it before I leaned again on the kitchen counter and started sipping on it. To go through the day without going into zombie mode, I needed all the caffeine I could get in my body.

At five o'clock, I was out at the beach, conducting a yoga class. Another advantage of owning a house at the beach is that there were quite a number of rich people around who were willing to pay for an overpriced yoga class every other day. That was quick and easy money I enjoyed earning. Being paid to do what you want, well who does not wish for that?

I loved yoga and have been doing it since I could remember. I took a lot of yoga classes during my teen years. When I was still married to Daniel and I was getting bored of staying home most of the time doing nothing I even took classes to be a yoga trainer. So here I was, finally putting the certificate I got then to good use.

After my first session of the day, I got into my Lexus and drove downtown. I rented a little space there and that was where I conducted classes during the day. And then close the day at the beach again, doing sunset yoga.

My second class started and I did not see Akina around which was strange. Akina never missed a class. She happens to be my favorite student in all of my classes. She was a brunette, with the most glittering honey-colored eyes that made her look drop-dead gorgeous. She was seventeen years old and was in her senior year at some rich school in town which she hates. To her, going to school was only a waste of time. She shares with me the love of yoga and already knew what she wants to do with her life, which is yoga instructing just like me. She told me that she lived with her brother and he did not want to hear anything to do with her dropping out of school. I had asked her if she could not use her pretty honey eyes to get her mom to give in and let her do what she wanted. Moms got soft spots and apparently, she did not have one. Both of her parents died and the only person she had left was her overbearing brother.

Thirty minutes into the class, she ducked into the class. She was in her pink yoga suit and her yoga mate was in her hand. Her usual spot at the front is already taken so she spread her mat at the back of the class and joined the rest of the class in the tree pose.

Fifteen minutes after Akina walked in, Nathan walked in and sat at the bench that I had at the back of the classroom. It must have been his morning break and he had decided to visit me. The hospital he worked in was right across the road and he visited me quite often during his breaks.

He had a milkshake in his hand and was sucking on the straw dragging the pink liquid into his mouth. His eyes were roaming around, fixed on my students' asses as they hold themselves in child pose. I am sure in his head, this is some type of ass contest and he is sitting there being the judge. I looked at him and he must have felt my eyes on him and he looked up. Once his eyes met mine he feigned innocence and I shook my head and walked to one of the girls who was holding herself in the wrong position and adjusted her.

After the child pose the class was over and most of the girls said their goodbyes and walked out. A few walked up front and talked to me about the class. Some flirted with Nathan at the back of the class, while Akina lingered around, waiting for the chance to monopolize me once everyone has disappeared.

'You came in late,' I pointed out when it was just the two of us left in the room, plus the ass contest judge that is still sitting at the high table.

'I might have overslept, I had a rough night last night,' she answered.

'Oh ye? Jamal?' I said and raised my eyebrow at her.

Jamal was the guy from her school she had a crush on and according to her, the only exciting thing about going to school. Some months back he asked her out and the two got a tendency of sneaking around at night.

'No, a math homework and a science test to prepare for,' she answered and sighed.

'Why am I still doing those things? I would rather spend my day and night here,'

'Well, I am not exactly the right person to ask that,' I grinned at her.

"Yeah, right?" she grinned back at me.

"What I can tell you though is, you need to get to those classes unless you want another detention for being late.

She glanced at her watch and it was eight o'clock.

'I better take a hike,' she says and steps in for a hug, 'Bye Nat,' she said and left totally ignoring Nathan at the back.

"Where you judging my students' asses while sitting there?"

"Pink lady won, I ought to give her a price. You know where I can send it to?"

I smacked the back of his head and took his hand. Eight to eight-thirty was the longest break I had in between classes during the morning and I always use the time to get myself breakfast.

"Come on, you need to get me breakfast,"

"What?" he might as well have screamed the word, "Why am I always the one getting you breakfast every time I visit? I am your guest, you should feed me, not the other way around. It is like you don't know basic etiquette,"

"I serve you a bunch of asses every time you visit who else ever gives you that?"

I huge playful grin spread on his face and he looked at me and said, "Nobody else,"

"You see, the least you can do is pay me with breakfast,"


After Nathan left, my day dragged out without anything else exciting. It was winter time and the sun setted way earlier than usual so that meant my day ends way earlier too. After my last class had ended, I sat alone on the beach, watching the very last rays of sunlight disappear into the mountain. Moonshine winters are freezing but sometimes I enjoyed just meditating whilst I watch the whole sun disappearing. It brings a certain level of calmness. Besides, my body did not get cold easily. I was like I was hot-blooded, like what my mom always said.

Akina had joined the sunset class too but did not linger around like she usually does. It is a Friday and I am sure she was in a rush to start her Friday night fun. I too had my own plans but mine did not start up until nine o'clock.

The Pyramid had reopened its doors, Sally had told me and she and I were going to check it out. was our to go to the club when were in high school and had our first fake I.Ds. They had closed down during our senior year for whatever reason and now they were reopening.

"Someone bought it, not sure who but he is definitely a rich shot. He brought in a whole new management and they are going over the top to make it EPIC," Sally had told me and she sounded excited about it.

I was excited too and that is why the late bird of the group, which is me was sitting in her Lexus at 9:45 driving to the club.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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